Friday, April 20, 2012


Truth be told, it was not until the sense of taste went, that the old geezer gave the roll of smell in how one views food much thought.

Got me to thinking it did.  Found me self trying to remember the last time I actually smelled what was on the dinner plate.  It has been ages since the smell of food got me to salivate or proclaim how deliciously it was going to be going into me gob hole.  That lead me to really give the matter a think on.

I remember quite clearly loving the smells of fresh baked bread.  The different aromas of cheese, wickedly rich smell of good chocolate.  The mouth watering smell of french fries.

It would seem that me sense of smell has been way off for ages and just did not know it.  That was driven home hard, when the operation took the sense of taste as well.
 Contrary to popular belief, the map of taste, is not as clear cut as thought.  The map is all wrong.  Seems that the sense of taste is in degrees and it can vary greatly.

I remember vividly, tearing open a 'family' sized 2 pound bag of M&M's placing in a bowl and feeding them into gob hole.  Remember feeling the chocolate melt and roll over tongue  waves of pleasure through me transport sized body.  The pleasure was so intense that I did not stop until the whole 2 pounds was gone and I was in a sugar stupor.

Last night, having nothing better to do, I went to the kitchen and did some testing.

There was a half full glass of wine.  A lovely Merlot.  I put the glass under me ample nose and smelled nothing.  Mind, it did not smell earlier, but the effect was same, I felt more than tasted the wine.

Next, I opened the ice box and pulled out different items known to have different tastes.

Sweet was easy, placing sweet on all parts of tongue produced no taste.  That was followed by sour, same results as was bitter and salty.  Not one area of the tongue responded with a response that I expected.

One week on, since the surgery, and meal times are not looked forward to with undiluted pleasure.  There is the horrid metallic sensation to begin with, and then there is the right nasty sense that most enjoyed foods now come off as if one is eating saw dust.

There is no snacking of any kind.  Rather think that my intake is off by 60% or better.  Because food holds no enjoyment, I find me self masticating each and every bite, very slowly.  That means that I fill up with so much less than before and do not want to linger at the table.  I have to force me self to eat.

The above snap is of the old geezer, on holiday, in Hawaii, 2009.  As you can see, it is a close race between the statue and self, as to who is largest.  Look at that massive face, the belly, below waist pouch of hanging fat, the legs.  Arms are huge as well.  Had almost reached the high point of FAT, which was just a tad over 400 pounds.  Remember I am but 5'8" and I was wearing a 4x t-shirt and shorts that were over 50 inches.  Even after being on a diet for two years, the loss of 170 pounds, the old geezer was still fat.

I was massive in size because I took delight in food.  There was comfort in every bit of fat that went into me gob hole.  Truth be told, fat tastes bloody good.  You crave it, lust after it , die for it.  At least that is what I did.

To my credit, I got religion and went on a diet, lost loads of fat.  BUT, I still craved the pleasure of food.  In times of stress or depression, a carton of chocolate ice cream was not safe in the same room as I.  Crisps were another comfort food and endless bags were consumed. Then I  would fast and get under control and wait for the next binge.

The minute I discovered that food had no appeal, the craving went away.  I mean completely.  Not having any taste, it was too much of a chore to be bothered with something that had no enjoyment. It is as if a switch has been thrown.  Know now why sick people drop massive amounts of weight.

The mystery of weight control had finally been revealed.  Take away the main attraction of food, its taste, and pleasure derived from, and it becomes a simple act of eating to stay alive.  How simple.

While it is not something I would wish on anyone, the loss of taste has not been a total loss.  They say that it brings with it a dramatic change in how one views food.  You think?  One week on, and the scales tell that 7 pounds are gone.  Why eat if groceries do not call to? 

The experts tell one that some of the delight might return, months down the road.  Mind, taste is gone, will never return to what it was before the operation.  I rather think I am in the group that will have a complete dietary change.  I must tell true, I am not hungry, when I feel the need to eat, I do.  Just require so much less to fill up and walk away from table.  That is not entirely a bad thing.

I return to see the doctor in one month and rather think he will see a whole different person.  I may never weigh 144 pounds again in me life, but think it will be so much lower than am at present.  I will have to let you know in one month when I do another weight check.

This old geezer can travel the chat show circuit and tell one and all the real secret to dramatic weight loss.  Might make a fortune...

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