Monday, April 23, 2012


My dears, there are real treasures received in the old geezer's email box.  The other day one such treasure landed in me box and MOI would like to share it with all of me lovely mates on this blog.

Firstly, one has to do this proper.  The lovely gentlemen of the orchestra have been alerted and would like to offer up this filmed bit on YOUTUBE for you to listen to as you read the email received and my reply.

Hello Rob, Glad to see you are being well taken care of before and after surgery. I want to apologize for contacting you again, I know it brings up horrible feelings from the past. I know there is no fixing, well I can't even call what you all have a family. I wish you well and hope you can be happy, I will still check and follow your blog but will give your wish and leave you alone.

My reply;

Your email only proves the point that you are indeed a very lovely lady.

I harbour no desire to try and make a 'family' out of thin air. What is the old saying, 'it helps to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, if you have a silk sow'...

I rather think that you have given your husband a rare gift, one that he deserves. More's the pity that you did not arrive on the scene so much earlier in life.

I am going to get well and who know's what wondrous adventures await me down the road. That is what keeps me going, the gifts of friendship and love yet to come. Too oft, in dark days, a brilliant ray of sunshine has come out and made me realize that life is worth the living.

I very flattered that you follow me life and hope you continue. While we may never be 'family', we can still be friends.

Never fear, dear lady, I am happy.


The last bit of music offered up is a homage to Angie.  Angie is my sister-in-law, married to me long lost brother she is.  Angle has a real desire to build 'family', to her, it is very important and a part of her being.  God Bless her.  Like all of you who give a peek into me life, I rather think of here as 'friend', the very best kind.  Not only is the old geezer flattered by her interest, but treasure her as do I all of my 'family' on the blog.


  1. Robert, this post made me cry. Very touching.

  2. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your blog. I am an 'old geezer, my self and was able to relate to much of what you posted. Wish I had introduced my self sooner. I'll be folowwing your blog from now on.

  3. Hi Robert.
    Hope you are fine...old dirty geezer.
    All the best

  4. Hello from Argentina. We love you.

  5. Robert, you do not know how lucky you are. I have a large family and most are just a bunch of shits. When we get together, at the holidays, it is like a meeting of fighting pigs in the barn yard. You get to pick your family, I did not. Want to swap?
