Friday, April 20, 2012


'You do know, Rob, that "old geezer" is redundant.'

This missive landed in me email box the other day and it got me to thinking, and you who be 'au fait' with the old geezer know how dangerous that be.

Truth be told, the comment made is not the first time that folks have taken umbrage with me use of 'old geezer', and no doubt will not be the last.  Ranks right up there with 'MOI' that seems to set folks off.  But let us have some fun with this...

There is another chap known to the old geezer who just comes apart everytime he hears 'old geezer'.  He loathes it so much that he has to make a comment every time.  Mind, being that the chap in question is self an 'old geezer', he is over 60, he just does not want to be reminded of age.  You know the sort of chap, he uses 'hair colouring for MEN, has gone under the knife to have face work done, and has had multiple BOTOX treatments.

My dears, MOI is in on the trick, and it would seem that many others are as well.  Bugger that the NY TIMES defines 'old geezer' as redundant.  There are plenty of other sources that seem to accept 'old geezer' as a valid usage.

Searching the INTERNET found the three images above, but there are many more than just the three featured.

No doubt there will be some who wonder how I replied to the email received that brought on this post...

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.


  1. Large enough to get away with the phony English Hooligan verbiage you enjoy using, Lord knows why. It reads as if a man from Alabama talking with a Bronx accent that is not his. The question is, Why bother?

  2. How interesting this comment be. Sort of proves me point. How funny.
    One can ony assume that this person is NOT a fan of MOI or the site.
    Have a lovely day, I shall...

  3. "It is still redundant..." is the reply sent via email to the old geezer.
