Tuesday, April 24, 2012


It was passed on to the old geezer that a personage known to was worried that MOI must be sinking into deep depression, what with all of the trials and tribulations of late.

My dears, MOI knows all about depression, have dealt with it the whole of me life, along with PTSD and other issues.

Winston Churchill called his depression 'the black dog'.  Too right...

The old geezer has been so depressed in the past that he could not get out of bed, for days and days.  Let alone shower, shave or change clothes.  Depression was the one thing MOI knew how to deal with, it fed me desire to pig out, lash out at others, and blame all of me troubles on.  The old geezer felt in a sick way that depression was me friend.  Helped feed the self-loathing...

We need to cue the lovely gentlemen of the orchestra, to provide a little music to go with what follows.

The concern for my mental health comes from an aging homosexual, one who is depressed due to his inability to stop the clock and stay 'young'.  He says he wants to enjoy life but does everything to keep the world at bay.  Feeds his depression he does.  Whatever helps one get through the night...

This old geezer, rises from cot, makes bed, showers, shaves and tries to dress smartly.  Reads emails, answers and tries to keep me fans informed on this blog round the world.

The folks, who follow me thoughts, know that my deliciously wicked sense of humour has not departed, and that I could not be further from depressed stated.  All things considered, am of the opinion that MOI is deal with the current situation rather well.

Want to thank all of the folks from UK, France, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Canada, OZ, NZ, and from across America who have sent  emails to and continue to peek in.  That makes MOI want to keep up all the more.  Sadly, skype, due to deafness, is not being turned on, no matter how hard I try to crank up the volume, it is too much for MOI to deal, perhaps down the road.  I do so love seeing and hearing the lovely folks   from round the world.

1 comment:

  1. If you are depressed, can you pass some my way? Seem very happy to me.
