Thursday, May 19, 2011


Queen Victoria medal collection
 Stands to reason that a 'collector' and Ron does collect, would have something this old geezer would adore.

This collection of commemorative coins dating back to the reign of Queen Victoria would look rather smart on me wall in Hilo.  Mind, hardly think Ron is going to part with.
Colourful screen and ancient sword
 If you are going to cover a wall, what better way than to put up a brilliant screen.  Truth be told, it does catch the eye.  Takes up one whole wall in living room area.  Gives a perfect place to 'hang' things from, like the sword from the film "300", such a deal it was.
Tutti-Fruitie shoes from Glagla
 My dears, this old geezer has been known to be right colourful but never so colourful that he would set out on pavement with such footwear.  "But they are from France." Ron proclaims.  This old geezer does not care if they are from the dark side of the moon, would not be caught dead in.  Top it all off with the title of the bleeden shoes, 'Tuttie-Fruitie', like MOI needed any help drawing attention to what most pick up on unaided by colourful footwear.
Helmet from '300' movie
 Who needs a helmet?  Weight is heavy upon head and is bloody hot.  Mind, it comes from one of them 'gladiator' type films.
Ancient Pot to Pee in?
How here is a piece the old geezer can relate to.  One must have a 'pot' for 'lolly'.  Mind, one would have to find a dark corner to hide it, as folks would tend to 'help' selves to.  Bit too heavy for carry on or it might have journeyed back to Hilo with the old geezer.
Sign of Times
Just down from 'Casa Ronaldo' is complex that has been turned into 'tourist accommadations'.  The 'to let' advert does not lie.  You get but a small room, one would hardly call it a 'bedsit', it is that small.  One shares the loo and shower.  The chappie that has the small 'hotel' makes no apology for what is lacking, knowing full on that many will love being close to beach and all.

The chappie is well known to the old geezer, met when he was quite young.  Life has been kind to and he has aged well.
If This Tree Could Talk
This massive Banyan tree sits on the corner of Kuhio, just down from 'Casa Ronaldo'.  Provided much shade to a host of Waikiki characters in its day, I have no doubt.

What better way to end, than with a colourful snap of me gracious host.  Sitting in the laundry area of his flat.  No better way to get rid of the soiled linen...

This old geezer could have gone on and on about the treasure filled flat, why would be the point?  How much can one say about Afghan carpets, bronze busts of Aristotle and Socrates, baroque chairs and gilded mirrors?  Let us just say that Ron adores surrounding self with finer things and not nary a piece of Hawaiiana to be found.

All in all, a most enjoyable visit...

1 comment:

  1. WOW ROBERT,WHERE IS THIS'HOTEL/FLATE'WHEN I GET TO WAIKIKI I'D LIKE TO STAY THERE MY SELF[IS IT A HOME,APT,OR A MUSEUM]???[[ you forgot to mention the raving actions and bull-crap of a 70ty year old horder and costumer of all waikiki.................BUT REALLY I'D LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR RELIVING THE PAST THAT WE'VE SHARED AND SURVIDE.......LIFE GOES ON AND SO MUST WE.................RON
