Sunday, May 15, 2011


There will be many who will remember the story told of this old geezer playing Easter Bunny last year.

One of the most memorable moments of me life was to see the undiluted pleasure on Larry's face as he greeted the Easter Bunny.

Larry had been confined to a bed for over a year, his condition was terminal and he was playing out his days with grace and dignity.

There are other moments remembered and each and everyone of them that had to do with Larry Greathouse were all brilliant.

Larry was in great pain, but he never complained.  He tried to buck up the spirits of his wife and all who entered his small world.

It was a privilege to know Larry Greathouse and to know that many this old geezer called a brilliant friend felt the same.  Sheriff Steve Durfor came round to meet as did Supervisor Andy Vasquez.  Both left gifts for and seemed touched by his 'grace and dignity'.  I remember Larry's pleasure at receiving the special pin from the sheriff and the Christmas Tree from Andy.

I also remember Larry smoking 'medical cannibis' with pleasure.  One of the few the old geezer thought it was so right to do.  It helped with the massive pain and loss of appetite.

Larry Greathouse was my friend and I shall miss him much.  I do not grieve for, as the old geezer passionately believes Larry suffers no more. He has gone to his spot in the tall grass, to sleep and sleep and sleep.

What follows is the post done when this old geezer went to visit Larry;

Avid readers of this blog are 'au fait' with Larry.  He be the the brilliant chap who lives in a flat with his lovely wife, Victoria.

Larry is on "Hospice" and can not get out and about as he might like to.  That does not stop him from being keenly interested in the goings on that happen at the Linda Villa.  What would have Easter been like if the Easter Bunny failed to hop over to visit?

Barbara had gone out and got special treats for the basket and it was hoped that Victoria would not 'spill the beans' and spoil the surprise visit planned.  She did not.

Easter Bunny helpers knocked on flat door and told Larry that a special visitor was coming and asked if he was well enough to receive company.

When the door to flat opened and the Easter Bunny entered, Larry exploded with laughter.  So loud was his laughter, it was heard at the office.   With a smile as big as Texas, Larry grabbed his belly and just shook with merriment.  For a moment, the Easter Bunny thought that Larry would roll off his bed.

Larry is one to not be greedy and assumed he was to take but one item from the offered basket.  HA, little did he know that it was ALL for him.  Gobsmacked he was...

"This is the best Easter of my life, and I had to wait until I was 60 to get it", told Larry to the Easter Bunny.

My dears, humble it makes the Easter Bunny to know that Larry continues to LIVE each and every day to the fullest.  Truth be told, the Easter Bunny will long remember Larry and his Laugh.  MOI should be so lucky to live so well.


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