Sunday, May 15, 2011


There is nothing like having a mate return from travels to extol the virtues of places visited.

Recently, there booked into the hostel two young chappies from Boston.  We will call them "R and B".  The 'R' in the duo had been to Hawaii before, actually had stayed on the Big Island and returned home with many tales of his time here.  That is where the 'B' comes in.

Like a young Horace Greeley, 'R' returned and regaled his mate with wondrous tales of the adventure to be had in Hawaii.  The cry was; "Go West!"...

Being young, it did not take much for the cry to be picked up and turned into a chant; 'We are off to Hawaii'.  Bags packed and bank account plundered for funds to fuel the trip, our duo set off.

All thing were not equal, one of the duo had more dash than the other and was not prepared to 'rough it' too soon, hence the booking into a hostel.  One had to check out the scene first, get bearings.

A few chats were held with the two chappies and the old geezer tried to prepare them for the harsh reality of 'farm life'.  The old geezer had heard many stories from guests who tried that route and failed for one reason or another. There all all sort of farms on the Big Island; Eco farms, organic farms, worm farms, 'pot' farms even a 'funny' farm or two.  Some of the farms are quite selective of the type they want toiling in their fields. Not all who seek entre gain it.

The returning chap had all of his facts and was sure that it would be 'perfect' and his mate would love the experience as much as he.  Off they went one day.  Two more guests moving on, me path never to cross again.

Newly returned from me trip to Oahu, the old geezer was gobsmacked to run into one of the chappies on the pavement outside the hostel.

Seems that living 'rough' was not all one had thought it would be and 'B' was going to return to Boston.  His mate had found his calling here and was going to stay, even if the ride would be a wee bit rough.  Seems 'R' was low on funds and had spent the night sleeping 'rough' but was sure to find his place at another farm headed to. 'B' wanted more in life and life in a shack without running water and electric was not going to cut it.

Two different people seeing Hawaii in different ways.  That is the way of it, and am sure that more tales of 'farm' life will find way into this dairy.

One hopes that both of the chappies get what they are looking for in life.

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