Thursday, March 20, 2014



The path of life is not easy, there are rocks in the road, and from time to time mis-steps, causing one to fall down.  The trick is to pick self up, dust off and continue to walk down the path.  Life is not easy and doubt that it was ever meant to be fair.  There are some who have much and there are others that have nothing.  Some will strive to lead good lives and others will do evil.  There will be many who will stand on the side-lines of life and mock the few who try to make a difference.  My dears, that is the way of it.  Get over it and move on.

No amount of story telling on the part of this old geezer will truly convince some that past life was not 'to the manor borne', that there were trials endured and challenges not met.  It is convenient for some to think that label on tin viewed says it all and whatever this old geezer has to say is of no import.  Having heard all of the names called and the mean view that what is tried is for self-aggrandizement, MOI can tell you true that having lived in own skin for going on 66 years, naught would be gained to lie to self and pretend to be more than am.

I am not a perfect person.  I want passionately to believe that all are capable of change.  That what is, does not have to be, the future can be made more brilliant for self and others round.  I do not do drugs or go out and do crimes.  Truth be told, am gobsmacked at how many do not see the evil that drugs is and how it destroys all it touches.  I want finer things in life, love a good wine, travel, films, theatre and comfy home.  Right odd that folks feel so down on selves that a small benefits check makes them happy.  How can any one truly know how to live if the act of survival is all consuming?

All things start from one point, the actions of one person.  The trick is to get others to buy into your message and join forces in making a difference.  In that, this old geezer has been most fortunate.

Faithful readers of me blog are 'au fait' with me hatred of drugs.  Seems that the abuse of drugs is everywhere.  Even some folks friendly with, abuse drugs.  Am every so thankful that drugs have never been a problem for.

What is most rewarding to me, is to know that people do listen.  A dear friend knows that drinking self to death is not cool.  He has not stopped, but the amount of alcohol drank has slowed.  Little by little, the drink may well become less important.  In the meantime, this person is still me mate, and I will not give up on him.

Hard as it may be for some to believe, the old geezer is a most privater person.  Truly...

I share, but only that which I am prepared to.  Very few folks know all there is to know about MOI.

I have so many stories told to, oft wonder how it is that folks tell the old geezer so much.  Might well be that no one else has taken the time to listen to them before.  Every time am told something very private, it makes me realize that my own life has not been so bad.  Am gobsmacked at how hurt some known have been.

It strikes me that the cause for my concern for folks liked, stems from the lack of experienced growing up.  Without really telling out loud, made it me mission in life to never not ignore the events happening round.  There be some who feel that my opinions are 'cold' but I still feel it important to tell.

Truth be told, my life has been changed in so many ways by the actions of others.  Some for the good and some for not so good.

At the end of the day, that may well be why we are all here.  To help one another, create change and do little harm.


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