Sunday, March 13, 2011


So much of times remembered are tied to Broadway Show tunes by this old geezer.  Fancy that...

One of the tunes from a show much loved has stayed in me loaf for many a year.  That be the tune featured with this post.  If you click on the link and listen as you read, you just might get a better sense of how this old geezer relates events of life lived.

Tragic events of recent, had this old geezer much knackered.  Was clueless as to how to proceed.  The path of life seemed not so inviting and was not sure if the will to continue was strong.  Right, a right good cry at the pity pole, but being MOI, I just knew if I hanged on a little longer, things would sort selves out, or so I desperately hoped.

I threw open windows and banged open a few doors, even would have set self on fire, if an old bundle of sticks would burn.

One never knows what next may come, and this old geezer has been blessed with great good fortune.  Come to think on, while there have been dark periods in past, the periods of brilliant sunshine are most remembered and of more meaning.

I sort of think that what is meant by this post is one has to have the courage to try and re-invent self.  What might have worked in the past, may well not be what is called for in the present.  With open heart and a little pluck, the future has to be faced.

My life has been filled with adventure, so much adventure, there was a time that it was felt that my share of had run out.  Seems adventure does not stop if one is open to it.  People, places and things all contribute to the forward journey.  Mind, I will be first to tell that what works for this old geezer may not for others.

I will not always meet lovely folks, there will be a cad or two am sure and not all met will be remembered with undiluted pleasure.  I will stumble from time to time.  It is hoped that I will continue to pick self up and carry on.

Of late, my life has been so very full of adventure.  So much so that it seems I will never run out of things to comment on.

Robert's World came about when had run its course.   Both of which were started to share the daily happenings of me life with the whole world.   Going from a community activist to what I am now is not so much of a stretch.  I observe life.  Not so much the down trodden of late, but still people, people who appear to be going about the art of living.  From all walks of life and from all over the world.  In many ways a much more interesting take on life.

Lucky for this old geezer that life at the hostel presents so rich a view of life.  One never knows what or who will come up the grand staircase.  What will come in the days ahead is not a running advert for the hostel.  It is a slice of life in Hawaii as seen by this old geezer at the placed lived. 

Some time back I referred to the hostel as me bolthole.  I was wrong.  It is me home.  I rather think I have pulled into the safe harbour I have been searching for for some time.  I am surrounded by much ALOHA.  I am needed and wanted.  Truth be told, who could dare ask for more?

My dears, I do so hope that you will continue to give a look in from time to time.  That you will enjoy the adventures shared with.  And in short order get a giggle or two from the filmed bits that will be put up on me channel on YOUTUBE.

Now where is that new window to open...

1 comment:

  1. Rob this is what you brought me to doing, it is me trying to things i seen someone, by the name of (robert) do that helped so many, with problems in life.
    Check out my blog.
