Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Love to Travel

My dears, it would seems that there be many who share this old geezer's love of travel. Day after day a steady stream of travellers arrive at the Hilo Bay Hostel. As noted before, one never knows what sort of traveller will arrive.

There are the backpackers, to be sure, but there be so many others as well. Forget what you think you know of who would stay at a hostel, so varied are the guests.

Over the past few months there have been doctors, lawyers, retired folks, military and the brave newcomers to the island as permanent residents. They be young and old. Male and female.

What stories one hears. Many of the guests from Europe have been everywhere. Mind, Hawaii is not 'everywhere' and it is rather nice to see folks so into having a grand holiday. Where else can you see a volcano up close and whales and kissing turtles. Not to mention the abundance of lush greenery.

From time to time a guest will comment on there not being much to Hilo. One wonders what rock they are under or why they bothered to come on holiday in the first place.

Travel is good for the soul. How oft have I seen folks arrive and begin to open up as the days pass. A hike to the water falls, a stroll round the lovely park next door, window shopping on the main road facing the ocean. A night time visit to the observatory to gaze at the stars. Viewing lava up close.

Not to forget the new friends met. If one has been some place, they share the adventure. Before long there are endless stories being told of the best places to stay, eat or grab a hot deal on something to take home.

I rather think that the guests who stay at the hostel leave as much behind as they take with from their travel to Hilo.

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