Friday, February 28, 2014



James and James

The ever lovely Chandra
The snaps of James and Chandra come from a recent trip they took to San Francisco.  Proves that these two special people have improved with age......

When I think of James and Chandra, I am reminded of just how much they changed me.  How much they taught me.

James and Chandra taught me that you never give up and you hold true to your core values.  The Rhoads never gave up on each other, family and belief that life can be wonderful.

Is not love grand?????


 It was a cold rainy day in the winter of 2009 when James Rhoads and family entered me life.  I had had a telephone conversation with James and due to the heavy rain did not expect him to show for an appointment.

Was gobsmacked when this very wet mountain of a chap knocked on office door and kept his appointment.  James told me how he needed a little help to get his family off the road.  Told me quite true how horrid thing had been of late.  Being in a position to help him out, an offer of a flat was made and I prepared to meet the rest of the Rhoads family.

What followed next was a story on me blog and how many of the lovely readers went out of way to make Christmas for this family.  It was such a moving story, the local newspaper featured the family on the front page as the Christmas story of that year.

Christmas miracle for family in Linda

Nearly a year ago, James Rhoads started a business of reselling items from storage units where renters had fallen behind on payments.
People sometimes pleaded with him for items they'd left behind; often, other than for personal items, they were out of luck.
But after the contents of his own storage unit was sold, and his family of six had to sleep at friends' houses or sometimes a 1996 Plymouth Voyager, he's gotten a new perspective.
"Everybody out there, they aren't really that bad of people," said Rhoads, 34, adding he hasn't always felt that way. "There are bad seeds out there, but the majority of them are good."
The reason the out-of-work cement mason has a better outlook these days has to do with what's happened to his family in the last two weeks — going from a Christmas with little hope to what his wife Chandra Rhoads calls the best one she's ever had.
In a modest Linda apartment, the family has furniture, bedding, food and $500 worth of Christmas gifts. All of it donated, including the unit where they live.
The Rhoads' journey started as the economy tanked in the last few years. James Rhoads went from making $4,200 a month and planning to buy a home for his wife and their four children to being out of work so long he can't even take advantage of the unemployment benefit extensions recently approved.
Short of money, the family left a rented home in Linda a few months ago where the electricity had been shut off and a ceiling had collapsed, and headed for Oregon, where they thought a new home awaited them.
When that fell through a month ago, the couple and their four children — Jamie Rhoads, 12; Alex Gomes, 9; Haley Rhoads, 5; and Jimmy Rhoads III, 3 — piled into the van and drove back to Yuba County for what they believed would be a temporary stay at a friend's home.
It was temporary. But for two weeks, as James said he searched for an apartment he could move his family into, he began to fear living in the van would be more permanent.
Because the family had only Aid to Families with Dependent Children for income, they couldn't afford the normal rental requirements for an apartment. And other apartment managers wouldn't take in a family that big for relatively small quarters.
When he approached the managers at Linda Villa Apartments in Linda earlier this month, James Rhoads said he'd decided honesty was the best policy.
"I was discouraged," he said. "So I just put my story out there."
Rob DeFrees, who works with Linda Villa's managers, said Rhoads' story struck a chord.
"I looked him in the eye and thought, 'If ever there was a situation where I should trust my gut, this is the time,'" DeFrees said. He agreed to let the family rent an apartment on a voucher for homeless families.
But after losing the storage unit's contents, the Rhoads had little which with to fill the apartment.
"As far as Christmas, we were kind of thinking we weren't going to have one," said Chandra, 31.
DeFrees wrote a story about the family on his blog, and published it Dec. 13. Doing so proved to be a snowball thrown down the side of a mountain, the result being an avalanche of generosity.
People began sending DeFrees e-mail messages: What can I do?
"I wanted to believe if people had the opportunity to help on a personal level, they would," DeFrees said. "I'm just overwhelmed at it all."
One person who responded was a woman named Bonnie, who thought at least she could bring over blankets and other bedding. Then she saw how little the family had.
She made phone calls, sent e-mails. More offers of help came in. Bonnie, who declined to allow her last name to be published, said she thinks being able to do something small for someone resonated with people.
Many of her fellow parishioners at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church helped, as did the Yuba County Sheriff's Department, Supervisor Andy Vasquez and a furniture store.
Those who contributed had two things in common: They wanted to help, and they didn't want credit.
James Rhoads beamed earlier this week as Alex and Haley zipped around the apartment complex's parking lot on donated bikes.
"I like my beds, and I like my new bike," Alex said, pedaling just behind his parents as they walked. Alex mentioned his brother's birthday was Christmas Eve.
"Then we get a lot of treats," he said, to laughter from James and Chandra.
"I used to think less of people who were bad off," Rhoads said. "Now I think, I've been there."
In exchange for a break on rent, Rhoads has been hired as a maintenance man at the complex, and other part-time jobs will start soon. He's hoping to stay long enough to earn money toward a more permanent place.
The family is also planning its own giving back, starting by taking extra sleeping bags and blankets to the homeless.
When she talks about what's happened, Chandra Rhoads stops in the middle of her sentence.
"It's going to be awesome," she said of today's celebration, her eyes welling with tears.

I look back on the story from time to time and feel blessed that the Rhoads family came into my life.  They have given me so much more than one could have hoped for.  James made me a member of the Rhoads family for life and I am much honoured.
 What is not to love about these two buggers?  Haley and Jimmie and quite the handful.  I wonder if they remember this trip we went on.
 This snap is from the story that was done on James and his family.  Still one of me favourites.  I have always felt that James and Chandra went out of way to make sure that there was much love to spread round with the children.

Rather think I remember James best by his attitude.  No matter how many knocks there were, he always kept going, knowing deep down that things would sort out.

And they did.  James and Chandra both have good jobs.  They have bought a home.  The kids all seem to be doing well.

Some years back I threw a birthday bash for James.  After, I wrote the following;

James is a massive chap.  When he bear hugs one it is very hard to get away.  During the party, James got me in such a hold and told that the party was second best ever had.  James loved it all, even the classical music playing.  It is so very easy to be nice to one liked.  James is one of the treasures found and kept close during earlier walk down path of life.  James and his lovely wife are much loved by this old geezer.


How grand is today.  Not only is it the last day of the week, but the last day of the month.

Think "ALOHA" Friday and one more month closer to another birthday.....

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


 Thanks to me good friend Laura, I was able to secure a snap of Roy to put with this story of yet another colourful character met in me walk through life.

The old geezer met Roy some 25 years ago.  We were both living and working in Waikiki and seemed to know lots of the same people.  At the time I was running a flower shoppe with a dear friend and Roy was doing make-up and design work in a small shoppe in the same shopping district.

Roy was very different.  He had long hair and dressed like an artiste on a 'diet'.  Came to learn that Roy had had a brilliant past as a most clever design person.  Being more interested in 'art' than cash, Roy was always a little short of cash but very big on ideas.

The best time ever had in fancy dress was due in large part to Roy and his talents.  I had purchased a 'devil' costume and Roy convinced MOI to allow him to do me up proper.  Roy painted me face and neck and hands bright RED, to match the costume and put this black colour, along with a goo, in me hair to make me more devil like.  It worked, I was a huge hit in fancy dress, just wish Roy had told that I would be red-faced for weeks.........

 Time marches on and these days Roy has set himself up in another clever scheme to make a little cash.  Roy has a small Jumble in the heart of Waikiki.
There is always a crush of folks at the Jumble.  Like the old geezer, folks who are 'au fait' with Roy, know that you never know what might be got at his shoppe, the inventory is constantly changing.
What Roy gets from folks leaving the islands is very strange.  Some days there will be massive amount of clothing that no longer is needed.  Folks bring winter clothing from mainland and then toss.  Some items are almost new, tossed due to a gain in weight or just not the right thing to wear.  This old geezer loves a bargain and can tell true that there have been many a 'find' found at Roy's.

There are been furniture, paintings, glasses, dishes and even a real piece of collectible.

Once a week in Waikiki these is opportunity for folks to place items on the road to get rid of.  Roy will work the roads like a mad man, searching out treasures.  I would tease Roy and ask what 'road kill' he had found during the night.  Gobsmacked I am at some of the items he brings back to the shoppe.

Many is the time I have sat with Roy at his jumble and watched to locals and tourists pick through the piles.  Can not tell how many times it was heard mentioned that the jumble brought back memories of a time long ago.  When Waikiki was less commercial.

There is something magic about the little outdoor shoppe.  When the sun set and the lamps that Roy has placed round the treasures come on, it almost is as if the shoppe becomes a smart elegant upscale salon.  Everything in the shoppe glitters under the lights and sort of sways with the gentle breeze blowing through.

One thing is quite sure, Roy is one of a kind.  Another of the more colourful folks blessed to know.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014



This post comes with 'The Daily Mail Song'...

They call the Daily Mail, The Housewives Rag in UK.  Whatever.  This old geezer adores the newspaper.  Where else is MOI going to get so much news?  Drama??  Giggles??

Not the only newspaper read, but as these things go, it gives much to think on. Mind, it also provides a different slant on life in America.  Truly.

Like the song says, 'if it is in the Daily Mail, it must be true'...


To hear some friends tell it, the old geezer has been known to clear a room with gas...

Truth be told, unless the gas is really pressing, not smelling makes it a bit hard to know.

I know, it must be a Brit thing, this love of "fart" humour, but it does give me the giggles.  Mind, it could be gas.............


Streets with rude-sounding names like Crotch Crescent, Turkey Cock Lane, Bell End and The Knob could turn out to be a haven for property hunters looking to snap up a bargain, as many will not want to live on a suggestive-sounding street.

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Monday, February 24, 2014


In Roman Catholicism, the archangel Michael is viewed as the good Angel of Death (as opposed to Samael, the evil Angel of Death), carrying the souls of the deceased to Heaven. There, he balances them in his scales (one of his symbols). He is said to give the dying souls the chance to redeem themselves before passing as well. In Mexico, a popular folk-Catholic belief regards the Angel of Death as a saint, known as Santa Muerte, but this local cultus is not acknowledged by the Church.

This old geezer went to hospital some years back to have major surgery.  Having bad bones, it was time to have hip replaced as well as part of one leg bone.  Nasty business.  I arrived at hospital day of surgery(that is how they do it, you walk in, they carry you out), was made ready and was taken to the operation theatre.

I am a Roman Catholic and had made plans to have a priest come and give Sacrament of the Sick before going under the knife.  The good father was late and the doctors were quite keen to get started.  I made them wait until I had seen me priest.  That done, I made sure that all was ready, as any operation is serious business.

I had placed a NO CODE on medical chart, in case something was to go wrong.  I did not want any heroics done to save me life.  I was ready to go.

After surgery, I was taken to a ward to watch as I was in very much pain.  The staff at hospital gave me a large dose of morphine.  Being one who does not take drugs, I re-acted badly to the large dose.  I am told that it was very clear that I was going to die.  The hospital got my mate who had my 'power of attorney' on line and told that I was too young to die, and they knew how to correct what was happening.  My mate allowed them to save my life.  I found out all of this later in hospital room when all came to tell what had happened.  I was pissed, to tell true.  I was ready to go.  Not believing in suicide, I had to continue living.

The Angel of Death did not collect me, he just smiled and reminded me that he could return at any time.  I saw him as a friend and made self promise that the time given would be put to good use.  That is when I started being more of a community activist.  I already was, just went to the max with it and made it me life's work.

You may well be asking what all of the above has to do with the here and now.  If you allow me to proceed in me wordy fashion, I will tell...

There is a lovely chap living who is coming to the end of his days.  The battle with cancer has been a long and hard fought one.  He has out-lived the time the doctors had told he had left by many months.  He has got his affairs in order.  He has done all of things possible to make his passing comfortable, not just for himself, but all round.

In all of the time I have known this lovely chap, his world has been the one viewed from the hospital bed in the living room of the flat.  He can see a bit of sky from bed, and with the front door open can hear the signs of life round him.  He has a massive telly to watch, and this past Christmas treated self to one of the fancy games to play with.  The sort that allows one to bowl and other things.  This old geezer even was got to play.  You could hear the pure joy in his voice at all of the folks having fun at his bedside.

My dears, do you have any idea how hard it is to be confined to a hospital bed month after month?  To have others do all things for you?

Were I the lovely chap, I do not think I could handle it so well.  I would pull an Oscar Wilde and quote; "Either the wallpaper goes or I do."

Sadly, some of the folks who pay a visit to the lovely man are not very nice.  They come and fill the air with tales of the woes in their lives.  I can not pay rent.  I have no cash.  I have no food.  I am being forced to move.  Woe is me.  They turn the living room of the poor chat into the Wailing Wall.  Bit hard to get round in there what with all of the folks hanging from crosses.

I told folks that it was horrid that they carry on like this.  Here is a man soon to die and he does it with grace and dignity.  How dare they burden him with the petty concerns they have.  Show a little class in visiting.

This old geezer worked as a volunteer in the beginning of the AIDS plague.  Did hospice for many.  Saw that death is not greeted by all in the same manner.  Some are angry.  Some fight and curse.  A few are afraid of what awaits them.

Then there are the folks who face death with a smile.  They would rather go on living but it is time.  They have nothing to fear and they have made sure that all is made ready for the visit from the Angel of Death.  Many is the time I sat holding hands as Death came and saw the wondrous smile on faces of  the newly departed.

I do not know what come after death.  I do know that having seen many die, it must not be a horrid place.  There are too many smiles.  Like the lovely chap down the road from me, I will greet the Angel of Death as a friend, I will not fight but go quietly to what happens next.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


The 59-year-old man, a chef, was reportedly taken to a Sichuan hospital complaining of abdominal pain, dehydration and a great deal of anal bleeding. He was soon diagnosed as being in a severe state of shock.

Doctors were mystified as to the cause, and obtained permission from his family to undertake an exploratory laparotomy. Cutting open his innards, they discovered a 50cm long Asian swamp eel lodged in his rectum.
Though dead, the eel had apparently already wrought havoc on his innards, biting its way through his intestines prior to dying. Internal bleeding and infection rapidly set in.
He was reported to have eaten a lot of eel the previous day, but otherwise doctors had no idea how the creature had got there. His condition quickly worsened.
He lingered for 10 days in intensive care but eventually succumbed to the injuries and sepsis.
The likely cause was eventually established – he had apparently been drinking with friends, and had passed out. His friends had decided it would be amusing to insert a live eel into his anus whilst he was comatose.
Police have reportedly begun an investigation

Bizarre but true, found while reading the odd story online.

My dears, after reading the aforementioned story, this old geezer thought of 'friends' to road and complex lived in that have a laugh at our expense.

For too long 'friends' have shoved things up our bums and thought nothing of it.  That be the drug use, anti-social behaviour and complete lack of 'civic pride'.

Just the other day, a vehicle loaded with 'wild women' came calling, looking for another who had departed under a cloud.  They were easy to spot as the roared into the carpark, took two spaces to park and proceeded to run amuck.  Letting out a dog to poo, tossing rubbish about the garden and even pulling out flowers placed by a tenant to add beauty to the place.

When confronted, this old geezer was told to look about; "Do you think this is the Hilton?", "This is the slums ASSHOLE, who bleeden cares?"  Fancy that.

I should think that the tenant who spent good money to add beauty cares as do the lovely parents who would not like wee ones run over.

Mind, there be evil 'visitors' who think it a giggle to place an eel up our bums and see if it will kill us.  They do it with no fear of what may follow.  They have nothing to lose and could care less how many lives they ruin as they go down.  One wonders just how long one has to wait for the clock to run out on some who refuse to depart.

If all of the above sounds a bit 'fishy' to you, there be times when the truth comes off as not so true.  Folks tend to think that too much is said about so little.  Give a think on that and remember how the chap must feel who had his arse eaten out by an eel...


Jessica Bridges added: ‘What do people expect, it’s a butchers. At least they know where their meat is coming from.’

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I rather think that many of the 'townies' against this window display would rather just deal with the nicely packaged finished product found in the local 'supermarket'.  How silly.


With me being out of sorts today, have to think positive.  I woke up, places to go and folks to meet.  Have to put on my 'happy face'....


My sinuses are killing me today.  Want to just rip them out.  Will take a few pills and try to get through my regular Sunday routine.

Friday, February 21, 2014



The name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ, meaning the "day of Frigg", a result of an old convention associating the Old English goddess Frigg with the Roman goddess Venus, with whom the day is associated in many different cultures. 

Very interesting.  Guess you could think of Friday as a 'love day'......

From where I sit, the new day is shaping up nicely.  Just think of the possibilities.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Viking apocalypse

We’ve survived the Mayan apocalypse and Y2K, but be afraid – the end of the world is coming…again.

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"fortuitous happenstance"

What a lot of serendipity there has been in me life.  Each and every time I meet another person in life I am reminded just how wonderful the whole process of life can be.

Mind there be some met in life who might think that meeting the old geezer was zemblanity.



Even though many believe that thin crust pizza evolved over time into its Chicago deep dish counter part, Scalia stands by his original belief that , 'Real pizza is Neapolitan. It is thin. It is chewy and crispy, OK?'

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Alan will be sad to learn that another Chicago great is not so great........

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The poor chap featured in the snap is a very large 750 pounds.  The doctors tell him that he will die, just like his father and sister, if he does not take off the pounds.

I gather the chap is taking part in a telly programme that features folks who weigh more than 600 pounds.  He wants to lose some weight so that he can have the surgery to staple or cut his stomach.

This old geezer never weighed so much.  429 pounds was the largest and it was horrid.  I took off a great deal of the weight with diet.  Was still rather large when I had an operation on my ears.  During the operation, the doctor cut the nerve that controls taste.  I will never be able to taste food again.

The real plus of not being able to taste is that I no longer crave sugar or fat.  I was just over 270 when I lost the ability to taste and now am at a very comfortable 170.  I have no problem with food.

As drastic as it may sound, if I were the chap with the weight problem, I would run to the doctor and tell them to cut the nerves that control taste.  Unless this poor chap really reforms, he has a long history of over eating and has comes from a family of over eaters that have died.  The odds are not in his favour.

I wish him luck.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Woman badly burned by exploding toilet when she turned on bathroom light and the spark ignited a methane build-up beneath her

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Researchers have revealed why, for some, going to the bathroom can be 'like a religious experience or an orgasm'.
A Princeton doctor has revealed the key is the passing of a large stool.
This, he claims, can stimulate nerves in the body more usually associated with orgasm.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Thousands of people have flocked to a small town in northern Israel to view a statue of the Virgin Mary that residents say 'weeps' oil.

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When Eloy Timothy Tafoya died alone there was no-one to claim his body.
He had no known relatives, friends and even his neighbours had barely spoken to him. He was a stranger.
The 60-year-old, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, had been a solitary man who never revealed much about himself to the people around him.
But yesterday his comrades and his community turned out in their hundred

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Driving around the island of Oahu, Hawaii


My dears, do you stop and ponder "Love" from time to time?
Hang on, before you roll eyes and cluck tongues, give it a think on. I did, just the other day.
I was chatting with a new person met and was asked if I would ever allow self to 'love' again. Had to think on that a bit, I did.
Over two decades ago, the love of me life died. I was gutted. It has taken many years to ease the pain of the parting. While I no longer drag a coffin round, there is not a day that passes that I do not remember what was lost.
Love was not something I gave into much in me life. Given the beginning of me life, it was natural for me to feel that 'love' was not something I knew much about or was likely to know intimately in the future. Very closed I was to the whole idea.
I came to love me dad late in life. It was a joy to find out that he had loved me and thought he had done well by me. My birth mother had other ideas and her actions caused me much pain.
Do not get me started on the 'love' shown to this old geezer as a wee lad by the catholic nuns entrusted with me care. Very doubtful they had a clue as to how to give a wee lad the love required to make his soul quiet.
I have been most fortunate. Twice in life, there was someone who 'loved' this old geezer unconditionally.
While 'open' to the idea of 'love', it is not something I go chasing down the road. If it finds me and hits me over the head, I will embrace it. Not completely daft am I. Just not going to set self up with 'great expectations' to be dashed by one who is out to get over on. Horrid it is to lie about affections. Truth be told, there be many who do.
Love does change everything. Spot on that is. I like to think that in many small ways MOI has tried to give more love than received. Why allow hate to rule. Far too much of that.
I do love. That pure kind of love we all are capable of giving. I love mates. Love the lovely ladies met local. Love the idea of living in small town America. Love country. Love God.
It is the physical love that escapes MOI. Always has. Mind, having been celibate for years, it does not bother, BUT, how grand it might be to know the shudder and roar of it. Right, the very idea of this old geezer having a shag is far too gross for many to grasp. Truth be told, it is for me as well.
Mind, feeling the earth move, and I do not mean an earthquake, would be a novel idea at me age.
Love. Do any of us truly understand how it works?

Everything Stops for Tea

Got to love a cuppa...


Barbara Billingsley, the actress who played "June Cleaver" died recently at 94. It got me to give a think on one of the telly programmes of youth that held so large an impact on me as a child.
We never got to watch much telly in the orphanage but "Leave It To Beaver" was one programme much approved by the good nuns and we watch quite a few shows. Seems a bit odd now, we children locked away in an orphanage getting to watch a programme that showed what we would never know.
Or was it? Looking back, I tend to think now that this show made me want to be a part of the American Dream. I wanted to know all of the delights that 'The Beaver' enjoyed. It also was a blueprint of what I was so desperate to believe life could be like.
Four specific themes - education, marriage, occupation and family;
Education - getting one was the ticket to the good life - most important.
Marriage - conerstone of successful middle class life. While the view on 'marriage' in show was dated to the 1950's, having a successful and rewarding relationship with a partner - in whatever form of relationship that defines that love and devotion, is still important to family life.
Occupation - One has to do something in life. Paid or volunteer - one should have a place to go and do something during the day.
Family - Loyality to family values. Being conscientious parents, serving as examples in word and deed to children. Children being responsible members of the family unit.
Deep down inside, I think I knew that the programme watched was too good to be true. I wanted to believe that there was a different sort of life than the one that played out for me behind the walls of the orphanage. I knew I was never going to be as lucky as "Beaver" but I could sure dream. In dreaming, I could make some of the themes of the show come to life for me. I tried to pretend that my parents had given me up because the had no other choice. Someday the would return - they never did - it was a good dream to believe in, that there were loving parents 'out there' missing me.
Believing in the power of a good education turned out to be spot on. As did having a purpose in life.
As unconventional as my 'family' unit was in later life, my years spent with John made a a better person and very happy. It is good to share one's life.
"Leave It To Beaver" was pure Hollywood. Or was it a programme showing how we wanted life to be in 'real time'. The lasting impression left on this old geezer is one of just how 'naive' we all were in the 1950's and wondering if being a little 'naive' now would not be better than the 'in your face' attitude of the present.
The "Cleavers" may never have been real, but it would be a lovely world if families would try a little harder to do ther job and stay together.
Mind, all of these thoughts come from an old geezer who still believes in fairies, Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


As the world's richest man, you might think Bill Gates would part with some loose change to pay someone to do his dishes. But the billionaire won't have any of that.
He likes to do them himself - to his own exacting standards every night.
The 58-year-old Microsoft founder shed light o

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Hollywood star Shirley Temple has died at the age of 85, her family have said.
The American actress and singer, born in Santa Monica on April 23, 1928, has passed away at her home in Woodside, California, of natural causes.
'She was surrounded by her family and caregivers,' the BBC has reported.
'We salute her for a life of remarkable achievements as an actor, as a diplomat, and... our beloved mother, grandmother [and] great-grandmother.'

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Monday, February 10, 2014


When you get what you want in your struggle for self

And the world makes you a king for a day,
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what THAT man has to say.

For it isn't your father or mother or wife
Who judgment upon you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may think you a straight-shootin' chum
And call you a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum

If you can't look him straight in the eye.
He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,

And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the ~an in the the glass is your friend .
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass,

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.

Each morn, this old geezer looks into the looking glass and sees quite clearly who he be.

Passing years has taken much of the brilliance of youth away but have not washed away me inner
person.  That person, inside of me skin, is no stranger to MOI.  After much reflection, I am much pleased
with who stares back at in the wee hours of morn.  He is a keeper...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

'je ne sais quoi'

My dears, you will have to bear with this old geezer and his re-use of old snaps to flavour posts.  I am still without a private machine and have not downloaded the newer snaps taken this past months.

Of late me life has taken on a certain je ne sais quoi flavour and of the mind that it suits this old geezer rather well.  It would be a bit hard to define clearly the many events and folks that have played a role in my recent travels.  Travels that seem to never end, not so much the physical but of the mind and soul.  How is that for profound?

Recently met a fellow papist from Minnesota.  One tends to think most that live there as followers of Luther.  This chap is quite worldly and upon first meeting one would not credit with having an active involvement with the church.  It is always a pleasure to meet up with one who is quite happy to acknowledge his love of God and his church.  Not the flag waving sort of faith, more a quiet and sure feel for what he believes and practices on a daily basis.  In these hard times, what with so much negative press directed at the church, it is still a wonder that many do not give up on Holy Mother Church.

In a recent email exchange, the chap wondered why this old geezer was not a priest, or at least a deacon in the church.  It got me to wonder and thought I would explain self to him and to other readers who have wondered about this old geezer and his continued love of the church.

Avid readers of me blog will no doubt be 'au fait' with the abuse suffered by this old geezer in childhood.  That abuse was at the hands of priests and religious who were evil men poising as.

They say that the abused child can foster feelings toward the abuser.  That must have been my case when I contemplated entering the priesthood.  The thoughts did not last long, and truth be told, never truly thought meself as having a 'calling'.

Recent stories in the newspapers have highlighted the troubles in Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  The Archbishop has taken action, after the Grand Jury pushed him up against the wall.  It would seem that every effort is being made by the Archbishop to deal with charges against priests with every consideration for the rights of the priests named at fault.  More's the pity that the same consideration was not shown to the countless abused children.

I will tell true, it took many years to forgive my church and God for what had been done to me as a child.  Much was lost by the abuse, the least of which was the innocence of childhood.

That was then, this is now.

I still have flashbacks every time a story comes out with the headline "Philadelphia Paedophile Priests".

Getting back to the comments from the lovely chap met recently.  One does not tell all to a new 'friend', it was enough to share thoughts on the state of the church we both loved.  There was no way he could have known that his comments would get me to look more closely at the question.

I am not a perfect person.  I try to be the best I can be and to treat all met with kindness.  If my 'je ne sais quoi' led the chap to think me more holy than am, I am flattered.  Mind, I rather think that the chap met has a good idea of who he is and what matters most.  Rather brilliant that...


This old geezer remembers well the Days of Disco. Been told I was quite the dancer.  Fancy that...

I do not long for the feel  of polyester or to stomp round in platform shoes, just would love to be able to more more.  Actually had a pair of boots in Paris that were quite daring.  Along with the tight trousers and very floral shirt, this old geezer must have been quite the sight.  Mind, I seem to recall that all of the chaps were dressed like.

How does the song go?  'Thoes were the days, my friend.  We thought they would never end.'

It can not be that MOI is the only one who recalls these things?

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased , or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.

My dears, always remember that whatever lands on the pages of this blog are but the thoughts of this old geezer.  It is not the 'burning bush' and like most opinions, clearly open to folks tossing off as the rants of a mad diarist.  Am compelled to mention this, as from time to time the mail received from one of me post makes for interesting reading.  After the thought is tossed out there, many land on it and give me the piss for having put it down in print.

Having had a 'near death' experience, this old geezer is well aware of just how fragile the hold on life is.  In a tick it can be gone.  With loss of life comes the after, being worm food.

Truth be told, the life lived has not been with out challenges.  Come to think on, which life has not been without challenges?  Part of the journey requires one to pick up a little dirt along the path, even some cuts from a few falls.  The real thrill is picking one's self up and walking on.

Right, so I have beat up on a few souls of late.  Did it go unnoticed that this old geezer has received his share of knocks as well?  Mind, it many seem a little cheesey to tell the whole world of trials, but then that is what I do.  Share.

Being brassed off at the turn of events of late means that one has to vent.  This old geezer used this forum to do that.

Friends have been made, perhaps not so good of mates as one would like, but you learn to work with what life tosses at you.  With a little effort it was possible to get more folks to begin to enjoy their community and not hide inside flats and let life pass by.  That is a thrilling part of being able to reach out and touch others.  It is all about the touching...

Many will think me a quitter.  Cut and run when the cards do not fall where one would like.  Rubbish.

I have fought long and hard to make a difference.  Truth be told, a major difference has been achieved in a rather short time.  The difference in being a quitter and a realist is one knows when there is no point in fighting a battle that is not well supplied.   Am not keen on driving self into ground due to lack of support.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and for the past 5 months MOI has heard many a good intention come off the lips of one who should be fighting the hardest to save this patch of earth.  For some odd reason there always seems to be an excuse for not following through.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Truth be told, lacking the gift of sight makes this old geezer stand in the queue and wait with the rest to see what will unfold.

"flamboyant" MOI??

"Rob, you are flamboyant". So said a mate to MOI in a long chat we had yesterday. MOI is gutted, will have to take to his bed, he will, to recover the arrow shot through me heart................... Cue the violins, make ready the camera for my 'Camille'.

The dastardly wicked utterance came to be as he asked MOI to critique an article he was writing. A bit like asking Nero to describe the burning of Rome. is the same in French. The dictionary defines as; 'strikingly bold or brilliant, 'to flame' or 'attract attention'. It also says a lot of other bits, but we will get to them.......patient, you must be patient.......

To be true, MOI has a rather colourful style of writing, more to catch the attention of the reader. What purpose would be serve to bang out post in a dull manner? One has to hook the limited attention span from GO or all is lost.

It is the opinion of this old geezer, and one shared by many who read, that MOI writes much as he speaks. Were you to meet in person, you wold see that the written word is as one with the spoken. MOI is colourful 24/7. Mind, a bit too colourful for some.  Rather refreshing to meet lovely folks who are in on the colourful bit and run with it.  Not all are full of selves, and see the value of a giggle or two.

Let us get back to the matter at hand. Flamboyant.............

'Conspicuously dashing and colourful' in 'the flamboyant idol of international society', mmmmmmmmmm do so love that take. Mind, it can also bring to fore; 'bombastic', 'camp', 'chichi' and 'gassy'. MOI like to think of self as 'calm', ,modest', 'restrained' and 'tasteful'.

My dears, being 'au fait' with, you do know that MOI is having a giggle here.  MOI does go out of way to catch folks right off, and that would be, in the eyes of SOME, flamboyant. MOI likes to think of it as panache................but then he would.

$64,000.00 question. Do you think that if MOI had landed on the road lived and tried to be quiet in his effort to make the road brilliant, it would  come to pass?  I think not.

While there be some who will always be of the opinion that this old geezer is just a 'headline' grabber, there be others who know that the attention is not personal, just important to getting the message across.  Bloody hell, first clue that MOI was a bit much was to find a blog with name and a bleeden YOUTUBE channel.

Truth be told, matters not if some find this old geezer LOUD.  Being a bit hard of hearing, am prone to chat on the loud side and do tend to bang on a bit of matters that concern.  That will just have to be the way of it.


At my Catholic boarding school in the late 1950s there was a jolly priest who heard my confession in his  room rather than in a vacant confessional box. After I had recited my laundry list of petty sins, he asked if I was ever tempted to 'commit a sexual sin by myself'.
He suggested that I take out my penis so that he could examine it to see whether I was prone to sudden erections. I left the room immediately. The next year, his proclivities discovered, he was removed by his bishop to another school.

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