Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Barbara Billingsley, the actress who played "June Cleaver" died recently at 94. It got me to give a think on one of the telly programmes of youth that held so large an impact on me as a child.
We never got to watch much telly in the orphanage but "Leave It To Beaver" was one programme much approved by the good nuns and we watch quite a few shows. Seems a bit odd now, we children locked away in an orphanage getting to watch a programme that showed what we would never know.
Or was it? Looking back, I tend to think now that this show made me want to be a part of the American Dream. I wanted to know all of the delights that 'The Beaver' enjoyed. It also was a blueprint of what I was so desperate to believe life could be like.
Four specific themes - education, marriage, occupation and family;
Education - getting one was the ticket to the good life - most important.
Marriage - conerstone of successful middle class life. While the view on 'marriage' in show was dated to the 1950's, having a successful and rewarding relationship with a partner - in whatever form of relationship that defines that love and devotion, is still important to family life.
Occupation - One has to do something in life. Paid or volunteer - one should have a place to go and do something during the day.
Family - Loyality to family values. Being conscientious parents, serving as examples in word and deed to children. Children being responsible members of the family unit.
Deep down inside, I think I knew that the programme watched was too good to be true. I wanted to believe that there was a different sort of life than the one that played out for me behind the walls of the orphanage. I knew I was never going to be as lucky as "Beaver" but I could sure dream. In dreaming, I could make some of the themes of the show come to life for me. I tried to pretend that my parents had given me up because the had no other choice. Someday the would return - they never did - it was a good dream to believe in, that there were loving parents 'out there' missing me.
Believing in the power of a good education turned out to be spot on. As did having a purpose in life.
As unconventional as my 'family' unit was in later life, my years spent with John made a a better person and very happy. It is good to share one's life.
"Leave It To Beaver" was pure Hollywood. Or was it a programme showing how we wanted life to be in 'real time'. The lasting impression left on this old geezer is one of just how 'naive' we all were in the 1950's and wondering if being a little 'naive' now would not be better than the 'in your face' attitude of the present.
The "Cleavers" may never have been real, but it would be a lovely world if families would try a little harder to do ther job and stay together.
Mind, all of these thoughts come from an old geezer who still believes in fairies, Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny...

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