Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The old geezer is far from being a 'tree huger'.  Having said that, it still bother me to see folks trash the planet.

There are so many 'little' thing we can do to make the earth cleaner.  I always ask for 'paper' at the market.  I then use the bags for rubbish.  If I purchase an item that has a container that can be used for a different purpose, I try to use it.  Like a plastic bowl at a restaurant, cleaned it can be used as a plant dist or some other purpose.  I have large juice bottle that I use for water.

I hate to think what future generations will say when they dig up some of our rubbish.

What are they going to make of all of the disposable nappies?  The takeaway cartons?  The plastic bags?

1 comment:

  1. i don't hug trees , they make me feel alittle woody
