Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My dears, even the mundane act of doing the wash can be an adventure in Marysville, and I aim to prove it.

The small cottage I live in does not have facilities for washing clothes.

Being Marysville, and not having a vehicle or a washeteria close, this means that setting aside a time to go to the washeteria, is one of the small adventures I have to look forward to.

I found a lovely one, "Launderland", located just shy of a mile from my cottage.  It is clean and located near a market and store, so as to allow one to do a bit of shopping along with doing the dirty clothes gathered over the past week.

My dears, MOI was "GREEN" long before it was fashionable.  I do not drive, never have, never will.  Have never allowed the lack of a vehicle dictate where to live, there is always round a few short-comings.

Loading up me "OAP" cart, I set out with me flatmate in tow to see what wonders will be encountered this day.  Truth be told, there are always things that pop up that make the trip worth while.

Setting out just past 6am, one wants to be first in, the morn is cool and road almost devoid of traffic.  The route chosen to go has good repair and makes pushing the cart easy.  Like a good neighbour, the "Launderland" is open before time and one just pushes right in.

MOI is quite fond of the massive machines that can handle multiple loads.  This washeteria has one that will take 4 loads at a time.  The price is but $4.75 and it does a brilliant job cleaning the soiled items brought.  The shop also has a machine in working order that makes change so coin is always available for the job.

I am not the type to stand and stare at clothes tumble about in the machine.  It is not telly and oft wondered at folks who do just that.  Are they expecting the clothes to disappear?

I love to 'people watch' and a trip to the washeteria affords many glimpses into the lives of others doing wash.

There was a young chap who pulled up in a truck loaded with 3 massive dogs.  St. Bernard's they be.  Massive, and not too keen to be in car park while the chap placed dirty clothes in machines.  I asked if it were dear to feed the dogs and he went on to tell that it was over $100.00 per month to feed.  Mind, he seemed a bit vexed to be asked questions by a stranger and told so.  When I explained that it was just my way of being neighbourly, he got less vexed and fessed up to being on guard with folks at washeteria, not always knowing who one might meet there.  Seems some 'uncovered' do come round looking to get cash for washing or worse, to steal others clothes.  Fancy that.

The young chap did not seem too worried as he drove off to get coffee and left his clothes unattended.

Leaving Paul to stand guard, I wandered off to the market.  Breakfast had not been had and was hungry.

I found that 'fresh' rolls had just been put out and greedily purchased 4 to take back for our morning treat.  Standing in the car park, munching the lovely 'fresh' rolls, enjoying the early morn air, mmmmmmmmmm, what a treat.

While stuffing cake hole, another punter arrived at washeteria.  A lovely lady of a certain age.  She was very business like.  She had her basket, her soap and had even brought own coin from home.  Along with the washing materials, she also carried into the shop cleaning supplies.

Before she placed any item in the washer, she made sure to do a complete cleaning of it.  I mean a total wipe down.  This love of 'clean' extended to machines on both sides of ones she was using.  Germs spread?

Round the same time as dryer was being used by MOI, the lovely lady picked out several machine she would use.  With towels and spray bottle filled with cleaner, she went about getting them ready for her items.

I always assumed that the extreme 'high heat' from dryers would kill any germs, but what do I know.

In rather short order, washing was done and it was time to pack up the cart and return home.

Is there a point to this post?  Odd you should ask, there is.

Rather than buy into how negative living in Downtown Marysville be, I see the bright side.

I have another excuse to get out and walk off some of the tonnage gained by over-eating in the past.  The trip to and back from the washeteria is good exercise.  Does wonders for me legs and shrinking waistline.  I get to enjoy the early morn air and look about at things on path.  Meet new folks.  Learn a bit more of local history.  Love looking at mansion on path that belongs to local tycoon whose fortune goes back to lumber days.

Point being, this old geezer has heard oft how horrid living Downtown be.  Rubbish.  There are loads of shops ready to serve your needs.  Plus eateries.  What if one has to walk a bit to get to?  I do not understand what folks are looking for when they turn down lovely flats in Downtown.  Surely not all drive.  Parking seems to be plentiful.  It is very quiet.

Truth be told, I look forward to visits to washeteria.  Some visits are action packed.  Thursday is $1.00 wash day and brings out large numbers of folks.  Packed the place be.  If life be an adventure, this be one that be of on-going interest.

Now if I could just find the mate to one of the socks...

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