Monday, July 5, 2010


Andy Vasquez & Rob DeFrees at Linda 4th Bash
 The Linda, Ca. chapter of the Lions Club hosted a 4th of July bash in Linda yesterday.  The all day event took place at a defunct shopping mall located in the City of Linda, a community in need of much Civic Pride and fortunate to have found brilliant local leaders to champion the cause of.

Andy Vasquez is the sitting supervisor on the Yuba County Board of Supervisors and unabashed in his support of righting many of the wrongs in the community that be Linda.

Like any brilliant leader, Supervisor Vasquez knows that brilliance is a shared experience, you are made more brilliant by the brilliance you bring out in the folks round.  The 4th of July event, "Hot Linda Nights" came to be due to many coming together to make it happen.

This old geezer will more than like miss many names to tell you of.  I do apologize.  I can be a bit selective in memory, tend to recall the folks most known to.

The lovely folks at the Lions Club have much to crow about.  Not only do they meet oft to try and make a difference, they do something about the wrongs they hear tell of.  Part of the fun to be had at 4th bash was to 'dunk' Supervisor Vasquez.  Manned by a lovely chap, Dick, who is superintendent of school district of Sutter County( I do so hope I got that right), Andy Vasquez was perched on his seat waiting for folks to take aim at and drop him into the cold water below.

This old geezer has no 'aim', there had to be a 'fix' placed...

All of the cash raised by 'dunking' Supervisor Vasquez was going to be used by Linda Lions Club to fund one of the charitable causes in the community.  Lolly is always in short supply and what better way to raise some than to give folks a right good giggle.  Think on, to get the opportunity to cast a elected official in the 'drink'.  Local, one can think of many elected officials, the myopic Marysville City Council being one.  The 'contract' public employees of Marysville being another.  The queue to 'dunk' Marysville City Manager would be endless and more than like raise a small fortune...

I digress...

Poor Andy seemed shocked when MOI walked up to target and slammed it hard with fist.  With a loud bang, and massive splash, Andy went into the tank.  Truth be told, he got very wet and sank below the rim.

My dears, it felt wicked.  So wicked, that no sooner did Andy get back onto his perch, this old geezer peeled off another donation to slam the target again.  What a rush for MOI and shock for poor Andy.

In total, this old geezer dumped Supervisor Vasquez 5 times.  Never was there a more gratifying donation made to charity than to see poor Andy gasping for air as he came up from his splash about in the tank.  I hope that many more availed themselves of this opportunity and that the Lions Club raised buckets of cash.

There may well have been more fashionable gatherings to attend local, but the bash in Linda worked for this old geezer.  Could think of no better place to be on America's Birthday.  I was dressed for it and even left me colourful hat with Andy so that he could be 'more colourful'.

Let me tell you true, my dears, I know that folks think it 'weird' of MOI to be so 'colourful'.  What with the brilliant shorts, colourful shirt and 'over-the-top' hat.  One lady met in early morn exclaimed loudly; "Aren't you celebrating today.".  Not missing a beat, this old geezer reminded the lovely lady that it be America's Birthday and one is duty bound to be loud and colourful at a birthday party.  "I never looked at it that way", the lovely lady said.  Fancy that.

To all who still have another day left of holiday, enjoy.  This old geezer will see what more he can do to prolong the 'natural high' of the 4th of July.

Rob Takes Aim at Andy for Charity

1 comment:

  1. sign me up to put marysville leadership into the water.
