Friday, July 9, 2010

Mr. Lamon speaks, I listen

"I like the evening in India, the one magic moment when the sun balances on the rim of the world, and the hush descends, and ten thousand civil servants drift homeward on a river of bicycles, brooding on the Lord Krishna and the cost of living."JamesCameron

Later, when I had returned to me cottage, the quote used above, floated cross me loaf as I pondered what was said at meeting had with Mr. David B. Lamon, Director of City Services for Marysville, pictured to the left.

Unscheduled visit was after doing a filmed bit at "Ellis Lake" and the aforementioned visit going far better than thought it would.  Truth be told, had been prepared to be shown the door in quick order and have nothing to show for me visit to Silly Hall.

It was just past 9am in the morn, the area where one might find the great man was occupied by two lovely ladies and a building inspector, none of whom were in a position to offer much assistance.  Was told that Mr. Lamon had not arrived of yet, but one could schedule an appointment for later in the day.

As luck would have it, the door opened and Mr. Lamon appeared, allowing this old geezer to chat with a most important denizen of Silly Hall.

Mr. Lamon is a rather tall chap, MOI is on the short side, making a conversation with,  requiring a lot of 'looking up'.  Prepared for a bad reception, this old geezer went right to work seeing just how 'open' this visit to Silly Hall would be.

I asked Mr. Lamon if he would mind my doing a filmed bit that would land on YOUTUBE.  Mr. Lamon did not refuse the request, just wanted to know what sort of questions would be asked of.  I mentioned the article about the dead ducks found at Ellis Lake and wanting to share his views on controlling the 'botulism' to be causing so many ducks to die.  Mr. Lamon was quick to point out that his opinion on that was limited and an interview with another more qualified might be in order.

Using a different line, I asked another question and again Mr. Lamon rightly pointed out that it would be unfair for him to pass judgment on a topic that was not within his sphere of influence.

My dears, it be right off-putting to have an old geezer point a camera in face and dare one to be clever to clever.  Seeing no real reason to 'sandbag' Mr. Lamon, I abandoned my request to do a filmed bit.  From the first word of conversation, Mr. Lamon went out of his way to be open with MOI.  Perhaps this was not the appropriate time to do a filmed bit and asking questions and getting information was.

The reasons for the shameful state of "Ellis Lake" are multiple.  Mr. Lamon is expert in his knowledge.  There be no doubt that what is happening at "Ellis Lake", Mr. Lamon be 'au fait' with.

The lake is shallow, over population of wild life, water replacement factors have changed over the years, coin in the public purse in short supply and "friends" of "Ellis Lake" have yet to offer a sound plan to address the needs.  These be some of the thoughts shared by Mr. Lamon yesterday.

"Who is to say that "Ellis Lake" condition is most important issue facing the City of Marysville?"

Not once during my long conversation with Mr. Lamon did I get the feeling that he was trying to evade questions, on the contrary, the man had well thought out answers to all questions asked of.  Not the 'answer that answers nothing' type but the replies of a department head who had done his homework and knew his subject well and was well prepared to share his knowledge with interested members of the public.

Mr. Lamon has limited funds available to deal with many problems.  Knowing that "Ellis Lake" has issues does not allow him to take "eggs from one basket and place in the other".  To some in Marysville, what is happening at "Ellis Lake" is not the most important problem to address.  Street Lamps being turned off are their concern, or more police patrol.  In Marysville, there be many groups who have own agendas as to what must to done at all cost, regardless of cost to the public purse.

Mr. Lamon would like to have more use of free labour from the county jail.  That labour is limited and one does not always have ability to tap into without adding to cost for supervision or scheduling.  Mr. Lamon would like to find funding, untapped grant or community based effort.  You get the feeling that Mr. Lamon is open to any 'white knight' walking into office with a gift of monies for the City of Marysville.

This old geezer is of the opinion that "Ellis Lake" be the crown jewel of Marysville.  Mind, having not lived here local since dirt was planted, what do I know.  I know that in reading articles about Marysville, "Ellis Lake" is right at the top of list of things that make Marysville 'special'.  In me travels, have visited many places that hold dear a special place that defines their town.  Paris has  Eiffel Tower, Honolulu has Waikiki Beach, New York has Central Park, you get the drift...

Mr. Lamon will grant you that "Ellis Lake" is a big part of what makes Marysville special.  He, like others local, is just not sold on the economic and social importance of.  That be the paradox of "Ellis Lake".

This old geezer will tell you true.  I assumed (we all know how wrong it be to assume), that Mr. Lamon would be obtuse and show me the door.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Mr. Lamon treated this old geezer with respect and courtesy.  He was open and honest, shared knowledge and genuinely appeared interested in dealing with a member of the 'interested' public.  I was so taken aback by his manner, that I felt compelled to admit my hubris and shake his hand in parting.

Not all encounters with denizens of Silly Hall end so well.  I have in the past been told to 'bugger off", in so many words.

Yesterday proved that one can be proved wrong and wonders never cease to happen in visits to Silly Hall...

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