Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The only film bit to be found on the INTERNET with regard to "Marysville Peach Festival" is the one above. Filmed last year. Bit of a shocker to see that what was of interest to festival goer was the ShamWow booth.

If you search, and this old geezer searched, you discover that "Peach Festivals" are ubiquitous this time of year. You can attend a "Peach Festival", cross this great land, and there be many to be found in California. After all, California provides 65% of peaches to be found domestic.

The peach is a species of Prunus whose origin is not entirely clear.

A medium peach (75 grams), has about 30 calories, seven grams of carbohydrates (six grams of sugar and one gram of fibre), one gram of protein, 140 miligrams of potassium, and 8% of the Dietary Reference Intake for vitamin C. Fancy that.

Allow MOI to be the stone (always thought they were called pits) in the mix about the coming of the festival this Friday & Saturday.

Locals have told this old geezer that the very best "Peach Festival" was the first. A professional had been hired to promote the event. Tour Buses from as far away as San Jose, brought festival goers. Many local businesses stayed open on "High Street" to take advantage of the increase in business brought by the many visitors to Marysville. By all accounts, it was a smashing event, so much so, that it has been around for past 11 years. Is it still a smashing event?

Due to the lack of parking, many merchants on or near event will not be open to the festival. Mind, there will loads of vendors, there always are at festivals.

A bottle of water will set you back $2.00 and many of the 'peach' items for sale will be a bit dear. Pancake breakfast at local eatery will cost $5.00 per person.

It will be HOT. Many wonder why the festival has to be held at hottest time of the year local.

Then there is the cost to the City of Marysville.

Shannon Jacobsen, events coordinator for the city. This is a full time position in the City of Marysville? How much is that pay packet? Beside the "Peach Festival", what other events in city could possible require the services of a full time cordinator? What department is she with?

Police Chief Wally Fullerton. How lovely to see that the great man has the situation 'under control'. Mind, with a brilliant pay packet of $99,408.00 AND a city provided vehicle, one must take into account that his is a cost that is with us 24/7, 365 days a year, not just the day and half of the festival.

How much overtime will the coppers cost the city?

Truth be told, the "Peach Festival" is a lovely thing. Have never thought of peaches as sexy or to be overly excited about.

About the only thing looked forward to is the 'peach licorce' to be got at "Candy Box", now that is unique.

For all who wonder about such things. The title of this post comes from the sort of fruit that peaches be. Clever.

As to the sort of stone I be - that is easy - Clingstone, meaning the stone is well attached to the flesh, and cannot easily be removed from it. Clingstone varieties of fruits in the genus Prunus are preferred as table fruit and for jams, because the flesh of clingstone fruits tends to be more tender and juicy throughout. Well, I never...

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