Monday, July 5, 2010


"I know it is a natural tendency of a drowning person to reach out and grab hold of anything near them..."DixonCoulter,Admin. Svc. Dir., City of Marysville. Remember that quote as you read on.
Always knew that the 'contract' public employees were aware of the power of YOUTUBE and this filmed bit done with Mr. Coulter in the council chambers of Marysville Silly Hall prove it.
The filmed bit was done in July of 2009. For you who be not 'au fait' with local temps in Marysville, it be HOT. Please note that Mr. Coulter is wearing a vest over shirt to ward off the chill in the air due to 'super' cooled air. Visits to Silly Hall by this old geezer this year show that lowering the knob to cooler is a trick no learned by denizens at Silly Hall of yet. Mind, Mr. Coulter makes much of how much has been taken away from the local citizenry due to no coin in the purse.
Mr. Coulter is quick to blame the State of California for making his job more difficult. He just does not know what more Marysville can do. Mr. Coulter and other 'contract' public employees at Silly hall presented a budget to city council and all but laid the blame for the shortfall on the voters of Marysville and their unwillingness to pass a sales tax increase.
Mr. Coulter, along with other 'contract' employees, agreed to take a 15% cut to pay packet. Sounds brilliant until you realize that Mr. Coulter and other 'contract' denizens of Silly Hall will not work some 39 days.
Recent offering in the Appeal Democrat ponders the problem of Marysville; "Marysville off the road, in a ditch". Very interesting read and one no doubt that will be ignored by Mr. Coulter & Company. More's the pity that.
I do so love to find 'bits and bobs' on internet that add to the flavour of me blog. Mr. Coulter did the filmed bit, he tells one and all just how horrid things be in 2009. Sadly, Mr. Coulter & Company learned nothing in the last year. Times are still mean and Mr. Coulter & Company are still wagging finger at others to place blame on his and their inability to come up with a workable plan for Marysville. Mind, Mr Coulter has a 'contract' and will receive a pay packet regardless of the situation.
Never were more true words uttered than by Mr. Coulter. ".....I know it is the natural tendency of a drowning person to reach out and grab hold of any thing near them...." Having run out of blame to place, Mr. Coulter is reaching out and grabing hold of Marysville citizenry to drag all down with the sinking ship that Marysville be. Mind, I have a sinking feeling that Mr. Coulter & Company have a life boat hidden, making it easy for them to ignore the cries in the water as they await their rescue.


  1. Thank you for finding this gem on youtube. I never would have thought to look. With you digging, am sure more 'dirt' will be found. Keep up the good work.

  2. I like this post. Do more on Marysville officials

  3. Was that "sunshine" or the oncoming train? Hmmmmmm
