Friday, October 3, 2014


Robert AKA 'Iron man Mike'
The problem with doing a post about a handsome chap, that would be the one about Channing Tatum, is that there is always someone who remembers thing about MOI that are best forgot.  Like this snap from the past.  The year was 2006.  That must have been the Year of the COW...

The thing that makes one shudder so violently at viewing this snap is the enormous amount of flesh on display.  With the hair, I rather look like an over-ripe peach...

I was chatting with someone the other night and I commented on how huge I had once been, that the FAT seemed to be everywhere.  I was not fat just in the belly, it was all over me body.  Notice how huge face and head are.  I even had FAT glasses.  Looks like I am wearing television screens on me face.

1 comment:

  1. oversize what, even the cats ran and hide under the bed, I don't know why/ looks like a photo of me " young and pretty"
