Saturday, February 8, 2014

"flamboyant" MOI??

"Rob, you are flamboyant". So said a mate to MOI in a long chat we had yesterday. MOI is gutted, will have to take to his bed, he will, to recover the arrow shot through me heart................... Cue the violins, make ready the camera for my 'Camille'.

The dastardly wicked utterance came to be as he asked MOI to critique an article he was writing. A bit like asking Nero to describe the burning of Rome. is the same in French. The dictionary defines as; 'strikingly bold or brilliant, 'to flame' or 'attract attention'. It also says a lot of other bits, but we will get to them.......patient, you must be patient.......

To be true, MOI has a rather colourful style of writing, more to catch the attention of the reader. What purpose would be serve to bang out post in a dull manner? One has to hook the limited attention span from GO or all is lost.

It is the opinion of this old geezer, and one shared by many who read, that MOI writes much as he speaks. Were you to meet in person, you wold see that the written word is as one with the spoken. MOI is colourful 24/7. Mind, a bit too colourful for some.  Rather refreshing to meet lovely folks who are in on the colourful bit and run with it.  Not all are full of selves, and see the value of a giggle or two.

Let us get back to the matter at hand. Flamboyant.............

'Conspicuously dashing and colourful' in 'the flamboyant idol of international society', mmmmmmmmmm do so love that take. Mind, it can also bring to fore; 'bombastic', 'camp', 'chichi' and 'gassy'. MOI like to think of self as 'calm', ,modest', 'restrained' and 'tasteful'.

My dears, being 'au fait' with, you do know that MOI is having a giggle here.  MOI does go out of way to catch folks right off, and that would be, in the eyes of SOME, flamboyant. MOI likes to think of it as panache................but then he would.

$64,000.00 question. Do you think that if MOI had landed on the road lived and tried to be quiet in his effort to make the road brilliant, it would  come to pass?  I think not.

While there be some who will always be of the opinion that this old geezer is just a 'headline' grabber, there be others who know that the attention is not personal, just important to getting the message across.  Bloody hell, first clue that MOI was a bit much was to find a blog with name and a bleeden YOUTUBE channel.

Truth be told, matters not if some find this old geezer LOUD.  Being a bit hard of hearing, am prone to chat on the loud side and do tend to bang on a bit of matters that concern.  That will just have to be the way of it.

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