Wednesday, February 26, 2014


 Thanks to me good friend Laura, I was able to secure a snap of Roy to put with this story of yet another colourful character met in me walk through life.

The old geezer met Roy some 25 years ago.  We were both living and working in Waikiki and seemed to know lots of the same people.  At the time I was running a flower shoppe with a dear friend and Roy was doing make-up and design work in a small shoppe in the same shopping district.

Roy was very different.  He had long hair and dressed like an artiste on a 'diet'.  Came to learn that Roy had had a brilliant past as a most clever design person.  Being more interested in 'art' than cash, Roy was always a little short of cash but very big on ideas.

The best time ever had in fancy dress was due in large part to Roy and his talents.  I had purchased a 'devil' costume and Roy convinced MOI to allow him to do me up proper.  Roy painted me face and neck and hands bright RED, to match the costume and put this black colour, along with a goo, in me hair to make me more devil like.  It worked, I was a huge hit in fancy dress, just wish Roy had told that I would be red-faced for weeks.........

 Time marches on and these days Roy has set himself up in another clever scheme to make a little cash.  Roy has a small Jumble in the heart of Waikiki.
There is always a crush of folks at the Jumble.  Like the old geezer, folks who are 'au fait' with Roy, know that you never know what might be got at his shoppe, the inventory is constantly changing.
What Roy gets from folks leaving the islands is very strange.  Some days there will be massive amount of clothing that no longer is needed.  Folks bring winter clothing from mainland and then toss.  Some items are almost new, tossed due to a gain in weight or just not the right thing to wear.  This old geezer loves a bargain and can tell true that there have been many a 'find' found at Roy's.

There are been furniture, paintings, glasses, dishes and even a real piece of collectible.

Once a week in Waikiki these is opportunity for folks to place items on the road to get rid of.  Roy will work the roads like a mad man, searching out treasures.  I would tease Roy and ask what 'road kill' he had found during the night.  Gobsmacked I am at some of the items he brings back to the shoppe.

Many is the time I have sat with Roy at his jumble and watched to locals and tourists pick through the piles.  Can not tell how many times it was heard mentioned that the jumble brought back memories of a time long ago.  When Waikiki was less commercial.

There is something magic about the little outdoor shoppe.  When the sun set and the lamps that Roy has placed round the treasures come on, it almost is as if the shoppe becomes a smart elegant upscale salon.  Everything in the shoppe glitters under the lights and sort of sways with the gentle breeze blowing through.

One thing is quite sure, Roy is one of a kind.  Another of the more colourful folks blessed to know.

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