Sunday, February 23, 2014


The 59-year-old man, a chef, was reportedly taken to a Sichuan hospital complaining of abdominal pain, dehydration and a great deal of anal bleeding. He was soon diagnosed as being in a severe state of shock.

Doctors were mystified as to the cause, and obtained permission from his family to undertake an exploratory laparotomy. Cutting open his innards, they discovered a 50cm long Asian swamp eel lodged in his rectum.
Though dead, the eel had apparently already wrought havoc on his innards, biting its way through his intestines prior to dying. Internal bleeding and infection rapidly set in.
He was reported to have eaten a lot of eel the previous day, but otherwise doctors had no idea how the creature had got there. His condition quickly worsened.
He lingered for 10 days in intensive care but eventually succumbed to the injuries and sepsis.
The likely cause was eventually established – he had apparently been drinking with friends, and had passed out. His friends had decided it would be amusing to insert a live eel into his anus whilst he was comatose.
Police have reportedly begun an investigation

Bizarre but true, found while reading the odd story online.

My dears, after reading the aforementioned story, this old geezer thought of 'friends' to road and complex lived in that have a laugh at our expense.

For too long 'friends' have shoved things up our bums and thought nothing of it.  That be the drug use, anti-social behaviour and complete lack of 'civic pride'.

Just the other day, a vehicle loaded with 'wild women' came calling, looking for another who had departed under a cloud.  They were easy to spot as the roared into the carpark, took two spaces to park and proceeded to run amuck.  Letting out a dog to poo, tossing rubbish about the garden and even pulling out flowers placed by a tenant to add beauty to the place.

When confronted, this old geezer was told to look about; "Do you think this is the Hilton?", "This is the slums ASSHOLE, who bleeden cares?"  Fancy that.

I should think that the tenant who spent good money to add beauty cares as do the lovely parents who would not like wee ones run over.

Mind, there be evil 'visitors' who think it a giggle to place an eel up our bums and see if it will kill us.  They do it with no fear of what may follow.  They have nothing to lose and could care less how many lives they ruin as they go down.  One wonders just how long one has to wait for the clock to run out on some who refuse to depart.

If all of the above sounds a bit 'fishy' to you, there be times when the truth comes off as not so true.  Folks tend to think that too much is said about so little.  Give a think on that and remember how the chap must feel who had his arse eaten out by an eel...

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