Wednesday, August 27, 2014

J'ai une personnalité aux couleurs vives

Dear reader, if you have followed me adventures any length of time, you be 'au fait' with the multi-faceted personality that be this old geezer.  It is what it is and have long since given up trying to please all  or to be universally loved.  Both being impossible to achieve.

The dichotomy of MOI is that for as flamboyant moments are, there be very many more private.

Having lived in me skin these 66 years, I am well aware of what some believe the old geezer to be.  I am not clueless and have dealt with all of life.  Lucky for MOI, there was no one to live for but self and the path chosen was done with ease, some regret and pain, but ease.

Recently, a chap had a burning desire to have his beliefs about the character of this old geezer affirmed.  Fancy that...

Learning of the request, this old geezer had a chat with the chap and told quite directly that if asked, he would get his answer.  He asked and I answered.  Being of the mind that it all was rather silly, one can only wonder of what value his new found information will have.

This old geezer is curious of others.   That curiosity does not extend into areas that are none of business.  I do not spend loads of time wondering about the intimate side of folks met.  Bit rude if you ask me.  Mind, if one wants to tell of wickedness, I do so love a good tale...

However 'public' my life seems, it is controlled.  I share only that which I wish to share.  Mind, as with all things, some are more blessed than others.  Were folks to want to know more of, there is quite a lot of information on the INTERNET.  What secrets there be, are few, more of a deeply personal nature, rather than of wicked.  Sorry to disappoint some, there is no great sin to reveal.

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