Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The 'special' meeting of the City Council last night to hear the appeal from Norcal went off without a hitch last night.  The rules in play for the meeting favoured the denizens of Silly Hall and laid waste the plans of Norcal and its supporters to be heard.  Mind, Norcal was allowed to present its case, but not in the fashion it had hoped.  That would have been for the supporters of the local medical cannabis dispensary to address the members of the city council.

The chap from Norcal seemed a bit out of his depth or ill-prepared to face the seasoned panel of law makers.  The denizens of Silly Hall are very well prepared with all of the tools of the law at their beck and call.  Toss in the 'awe' factor of most citizens at being up close and in person with so many exalted personages and you get the feeling that the poor chap from Norcal never knew what hit him.

In short order, the appeal of Norcal was voted down.  All done perfectly legal by the denizens of Silly Hall.

The hopes of Norcal to have its voice heard were dashed, or were they.

This old geezer was at Silly Hall last night.  I had come to make sure that the great wrong being done by local government would not go unnoticed or undocumented on.  This old geezer is not in awe of personages at Silly Hall and a bit clever at knowing how to use the same rules as the denizens of Silly Hall.

When the special meeting of the city council was over, I took the opportunity to address departing supporters of Norcal.  I reminded them that while denied the opportunity to speak at the hearing, they had every right to speak at the regular scheduled meeting to follow at 7pm.

I spoke loudly enough to make sure that all of the denizens of Silly Hall could hear that I was encouraging members of the public to stay and be heard.  Strongly urging folks to pack the meeting and get up and speak sent shock waves through the council chamber.  Am quite sure that I heard some denizens of Silly Hall utter negative comments about my attempt to rally the crowd.

When the regular meeting of city council began at 7pm, it was to a standing room only crowd.

Starting with meself, for the next hour, members of city council, staff and Chief of Police were forced to listen to the voice of the people.  In larger numbers than oft happens at meetings.

I came out in support of Norcal due to my strong feeling that the Chief of Police and staff had stacked the deck against.  Every effort was made on the part of the Chief of Police and staff to change the rules and make sure that Norcal could never be allowed to open doors legal in Marysville.  The way I see it that is so very wrong.  That is my personal opinion and last looked am entitled to say it.  If the Chief of Police or staff feel that they have an issue with it, they can do what they feel legally enabled to do.  I am not in awe of the Chief of Police or any member of staff.

Last night, a rather large number of residents spoke at council meeting.  They may not have been as colourful as this old geezer, what mattered most, is that they took the time to be part of the process.  That is pretty big news local.  Most meetings of city council are poorly attended.

The meeting of city council was attended by a reporter from the Appeal Democrat.  Always thought it a bit odd that the reporter goes out of way to ignore this old geezer and last night was no exception.  I told the reporter that I would be waiting with bated breath for her reportage to appear online.

Like everyone else, I read the report and am a bit puzzled by it.  It is a true telling of sorts if you connect the dots in the manner that the reporter told they story, but not true if you happened to have been there and seen just how the drama played out.  Very strange...

If you were not at Silly Hall last night, you missed out on a real treat.  "We, the people" taking part in local government.  How grand the sights and sounds of were.  Perhaps, next time??

1 comment:

  1. Met you last night at the meeting. Loved what you said, but it fell on deaf ears. I sat back and watched the two male councilmen on the end(don't know the names),they seem to be very uninterested in what the people have to say. These guys only care about being "duped" into issuing a permit for Norcal. In my opinion, I think the permit should be issued, the lawsuit dropped and the city council/Police, should get involved in Norcal, checking to see that California law is followed. Looks like that could benifit all parties. The people could get their medication and the city could get well needed funds from taxes. Regulation is the answer. If that doesn't happen, Its time to launch campaings to GET THEM OUT.
    Space Trucker
