Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yesterday was the first day of the round up of the unwanted feline population at the Linda Villa Complex.  Starting at round 6am, the traps were placed and the hunt was on.  Almost immediately the sound of slamming cage doors could be heard in the early morn quiet of the car park.  3 were captured almost immediately and we waited for Animal Control Services to come and fetch.

A tenant, who has no cats, was furious at the actions being taken.  This tenant is where the quote used today for heading comes from.  This cheeky bugger had wild squirrels in cage of flat as pets for his young children.  Truly he did.  That is horrid.  Let me tell why.

A squirrel is one of many small or medium-sized rodents in the family Sciuridae.  Squirrels are sometimes considered pests because of their propensity to chew on various edible and inedible objects. This characteristic trait aids in maintaining sharp teeth, and because their teeth grow continuously, prevents over-growth. Squirrels are occasionally kept as household pets, provided they are selected young enough and are hand raised in a proper fashion. They can be taught to do tricks, and are said to be as intelligent as dogs in their ability to learn behaviors. Pet squirrels are usually kept without cages, but large cage and a balanced diet with good variety will keep a pet squirrel healthy and happy. The pet owner must beware of "spring fever" at which time a female pet squirrel will become very defensive of her cage, considering it her nest, and will become somewhat aggressive to defend the area.

However clever or cute as pets, we are talking about squirrels that are SAFE, not WILD.  Keep that in mind.  There is also the consideration that adults who provide the animals will make sure that harm does not come to children, theirs and visiting children.  A safe pet is one that is clean, monitored and controlled to keep harm from happening.  Something that tenants fail to do at the Linda Villa.  Mind, there is a deposit for pets, to cover damage and this is not thought of either.

The very unhappy tenant is sort of chap who loathes cats.  So much so that he throws bleach at them, or leave it about to ward off the spraying done by them in front of unit.  Even hinted at taking a pellet gun to them.  Not bright enough to do the proper thing, get cages and call Animal Control.

The manner in which tenants at Linda Villa have treated animals is cruel.  It is not humane.  More's the pity that the cry against my crusade to rid complex of a plague is thought of as cruel.

Allow me to share an email received from Sheriff Steve Durfor on the subject;

Mr. Defrees,

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. I will get with my staff at Animal Care Services and see what we can do to mitigate this problem.

Hope you had Merry Christmas and happy New Year.


This was in reply to one sent to local media on the subject of stray cats;

Dear members of the 'Fourth Estate',

To quote a favoured film; "There is a story there...".

Linda, more to the point, Linda Villa Complex, 5956 Park Avenue, is

plagued by stray and unwanted cats. They are trying to multiple

as I write.

Checking with Yuba County, both Clerk of Board of Supervisors and

Sheriff's office, has this old geezer gobsmacked at the lack of an

effective way to deal with this plague.

From a health standing and a 'broken window' approach to run-

down and crime wasted community, this is horrid.

They say that there is no cash in the purse to do. What about the cost

in health and rising crime?

I am going to try to address the Board of Supervisors this evening. TRY...

Mind, there is a story here, one that needs telling.

"If we change the world in one way, we change it in other ways."


The horrid manner in which Yuba County is dealing with the unwanted animal population is not without blame on the part of many who live in the community.  Economic conditions have seen a rise in the 'dumping' of animals.  The Animal Control Services folks do not make it easy for you to deal with the problem.  Most can not pay the deposit for cages, or food, or have the time to deal with the setting up and capture of.

To be true, this old geezer is pedantic.  Believes that local government officials work for him, not other way round.  Feels that public employees should do more to keep pay packet coming.  My first contact with Animal Control was not good.  Right mean they were, until I asked to speak to a supervisor.  Debra Luis be that person.  She came round with two cages and food to capture the unwanted animals.  Waived the fee she did.  Fancy that!

Kay Properties also got another cage to add  to the fight.  Unlike many in the community who cluck tongues about the horrid problem of the stray cats, The Linda Villa is doing more than talking.  We are walking the walk!

Plan to put some filmed bits on YOUTUBE later, stay tuned.

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