Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"There is a Crayola missing from my box"

Inger, a very lovely lady known to this old geezer came by the Linda Villa for a visit.  As always, Inger never comes empty handed and she had many treats yesterday.

Like meself, Inger is passionate about books and trying to get young folks hooked on the habit of cracking one every now and then.  She had two massive boxes of book, gathered with young folks in mind.  There were wee tots books, Nancy Drew for the wee lasses and adventure books for the wee lads.  A bit of a mix to satisfy many tastes.  How grand was that?

The bounty brought to the complex would have been great had it ended with just the books.  There was more to give out.  There was a box of school supplies as well.  Composition books, paper, binders, rulers, pencils, pens, sharpners, glue, rubbers, markers and crayolas.  Many boxes of crayolas.  As the children came to the office, the booty was handed out to one and all, trying to make sure that all of the many children who reside at the Linda got something.  Inger and meself were feeling right pleased until...

One small girl came back to the office with a box of crayolas received and complained.  "The box says there are to be 24 and there is 1 missing.  Can I have a better box of crayolas?"  Another child came back and told that the composition box had been taken, as a joke, by older, and needed another for one taken.  There was a request to take back paper and get composition book in place of.

What was done to make children feel fully supplied for school, a small act of kindness, turned into something else.   That children kept coming back with requests for more and wanting to make sure that what was got was best, left Inger and this old geezer a bit sad.  Either the children learn too eary in life to take too much for granted or the adults direct them to make sure they try to.  More's the pity that.

Many in the past have asked why bother to keep reaching out to folks if the attitude is less than to be expected.  What reward is gained by giving to folks who do not appreciate?  Firstly, neither Inger or meself or any of the other folks who try to help are looking for reward.  Reaching out to a neighbour is reward enough.  Secondly, many believe that if one tells folks that they can be brilliant oft enough, they just might rise up and begin to be brilliant.  "Brick by Brick" as the saying goes.

Truth be told, this old geezer is bursting out all over with pride at the proof that so many grand folks live in the community round.  Taking the time to listen to the stories round and sharing with folks has got many to get in touch and reach out as well.  Linda and Yuba County is home to many grand and lovely folks, and I am determined to meet each and every one of them.

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