Monday, January 4, 2010

"CATS" - LINDA BROADWAY ROADSHOW   Right, the old geezer has dropped an oar in the pond and is sinking here. Not quite, MOI thought it would give one and all a good piece of music to have running around load as you read.

Seems that local shelters are being over run with unwanted cats. The horrid economy and an unusually fertile breeding season are to blame in large measure. MOI is not a huge fan of cats. When MOI lived in Walnut Creek, had a garage and there were always dumped cats getting into and giving birth to even more cats. Always calling the folks at Animal Control to remove. MOI learned a thing or two about cats.

Did you know that if a female cat has a litter, a rogue male cat will come in and kill it to force the female back into heat? And if left unchecked the population of cats keeps getting larger.

MOI supports the ASPCA, gets updates about problems and is constantly made aware of the tragic plight of cats in this country. No amount of cash is going to solve the growing problem with cats, unless folks do the right thing. Right odd that the good advice of Betty White and Bob Parker goes unheeded.

The cats, at LindaVilla Complex, in Linda,  are like a long running roadshow of the Broadway Musical 'CATS'. They come in all shapes and sizes. MOI has seen large numbers of cats scavenging for food in the wee hours of the morning. Any clue how strange it is to see 6 cats lined up in the garage area waiting to see if any one will place some food or milk out. Or the surprise at having 3 or 4 jump out of the rubbish bin as you place bag in? Oft is the time that MOI sees stray and unwanted cats wandering about at all hours of day and night.

Park Avenue, regardless of grand name, is a poor road as is the neighborhood in general. Add in the fact that most landlords do not allow any pets, and one has to wonder where all of the cats come from. Part of the cat population are the cast offs that have been dumped on road, by strangers and tenants who did not want anymore. Some of the cats on road are of the expensive type, and believe that they are brought here by folks out of neighborhood, dumped in the hopes that they will never find way home. How horrid is that?

The cat pictured in the above snap  is of one such 'dumped' cat. The folks there must have a special place in heart for cats, as they made sure that the cat had a clean blanket to curl up onto.

Up and down the road, one seems food left out for cats. Odd that folks who have problems with making the budget cover the whole month, feel rich enough to place opened tins of 'tuna' for the stray cats. Placement of bowls of milk  for the stray cats. Not bloody likely that these cats have received proper care and lack required shots and more than likely have fleas.

MOI has called about cats on road and it is something of a joke to get the problem solved. Animal Control has told MOI in the past that a container must be got and the stray cat placed into, then they will come. Have you ever tried to capture a cat that seems to know that it is going to be locked up. Not easy.

Every time MOI write a check to ASPCA it is easy to do. All one has to do is to remember the cacophony of screams as male cats roam the road in search of a possible tryst.

Some in the neighborhood think that feeding the growing population of cats assures that the mice will stay away. Some even think that they are doing a good thing by feeding the cute little things. Most fail to see the big picture. Many think MOI mean for trying to get the problem under control. At least some of the cats taken to local shelter have a chance, the poor cats on road and at Linda Villa have no chance at all.

More's the pity that...

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