Friday, October 10, 2014


 Justin Bieber is shown almost always with more than a little of his underpants showing.  The young lad has been shown in pink, white, black and famous labels.  It is a wonder that he bothers to wear trousers at all.  Which got the old geezer to think on ...........
 Kris Humpries has decided to reveal his looks in underpants. Racy the photo shoot was but one wonders the importance of the combat boots...

David Beckham has done adverts for underpants in the past.  Responsible for massive sales.  Wanting his fair share of the market, David has own line of underpants and has done a new series of snaps showing off his bod.  Father of 4 and now 39, David shows that he still is in good shape.  Mind, it may well be that with the loss of weight, the old geezer might have to get a few pair.  Right, no one will know but the old geezer...

Lastly, we have a snap of Marky Mark, AKA  Mark Walhberg, in his underpants.  Ages ago, in Honolulu, the old geezer and a few mates, attended a concert of the band a member of.  The draw was that he might drop trousers and show his underpants completely.  Can you imagine?  The old geezer was in 40's as were the mates who went to concert.  Most of the concert  goers were teenagers.  We old men had purchased the best seats, right up front, and stood for better view, would not allow any to push aside.   Just to see a little 'underpants'.

More than 20 years on, the practice of showing underpants lives.  So much so that ordinary chaps parade in town with underpants showing.  Not always clean underpants...

This is one fad that needs to be retired...

Which bring this old geezer to the end of this post with the above snap.  One should very careful in Flint...

1 comment:

  1. The Golden SnitchSeekerOctober 10, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    Are you sure that's Kris and not a grown up Robin of Batman comic book fame? Would explain the boots.
