Sunday, October 26, 2014


The mobile pictured is not to favour any one over the other.  Just happened to be a picture I was able to capture about mobiles.

Truth be told I loathe mobiles.  My severe hearing loss may have something to do with it.  Rather think it goes much deeper.  Let me explain.

Whilst I love keeping in touch with mates, the mobile is not my most favoured way to do it.  Face to face is still a lovely way to chat.

Every time I go out to eat, I am gobsmacked at the number of people who sit at table with a fork in one hand and a mobile in the other.  Whole families, each checking to see if they are missing out on something whilst they dine with family.  You see them in queues holding the device and barely aware of the people round.  More wicked are the ones who get to the cashier and take much time to pay, as they are trying to do two things at once.

It is not just at the restaurant, it is everywhere.

When did the mobile take over?  When did we become so important that we had to be connected 24/7?

I have a mobile.  Rather cheap one.  It has so many features that I do not know where to begin.

One of the features is a camera.  I have yet to figure out how the bloody thing works.

The mobile has become so important that the government has a programme that allows poor folks to get one and be able to communicate with other poor people.

I did mention that I have a mobile.  Got the bloody thing so that I could dial 911 if I had a problem.  So far no problems.

I find that I use the mobile to check the time.  Ring up folks known who live far away.

I do not text.  I can but have yet not figured out how to do it.  Right, I am not daft, more than like could do if set my mind to.  I refuse to.

I have a mailbox.  Never bothered to set it up and it drives folks made when they can not leave a message.  What would be the point, I barely hear on the bloody thing and the last thing I want to do is wear meself out trying to figure out what someone wanted to tell me that was not very important in the first place.

I can use the device to surf the internet.  I do not.  Rather sit at my brilliant machine and see what I am reading on a full screen.

I am gobsmacked at folks buying a new device ever time there is a new one available.  The cost a lot.  What happens to the old devices?

The mobile I have is not the most advanced.  It is over a year old and was on sale.  I will more than like use it until it dies or I drop it into the loo.

I am still very much in love with the telephone in my home.  The old fashioned kind that is attached to the wall with a wire.  I favour this as it comes with a programme that makes the sould easier to hear, and it has a light that alerts me to an incoming call.  I try to get most who know me to ring me on it.

Mind, I am still impressed when mates put their devices to ear and say; "Where is nearest Italian Restaurant" or "How many miles is it to where ever".  Impressive.  Right, I almost forgot, they are able to take brilliant photos with their devices and email them to me.   Brilliant...

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