Thursday, September 11, 2014


Local man Jim Trevarthen was once a surf instructor on Hawaii's renowned Waikiki Beach but now he is one of the many homeless people who are being moved away from Hawaii's renowned tourist areas. 

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Was gobsmacked to see the photo of this man in article in Daily Mail.  This homeless man is well known to the old geezer.

One might almost blame Jim for being the reason the new laws were passed.  Allow me to enlighten the reader.

Daily I would go for a long walk on the beach in Waikiki.  There was a space containing some benches near the road and upon one would sit Jim.  Long before you came right up on, you could smell the foul odor that came from the bench that Jim sat upon.  It was a mixture of filth and urin and booze.  Right nasty it was.

Being the sort of person who chats with folks, it came to pass that I would strike up a conversation with Jim.  Jim can be personable when he wants something, and Jim saw me as a new victim to get cash from to supply his need for Alcohol.  That did not happen, although I did buy him a sandwich.

Days became weeks that became months and Jim never left his place on the bench.  He had got so good at working the system that social workers would come and deliver his medications, along with toilet articles and fresh clothes from time to time.

It got so bad that I could no longer contain meself.  I walked up one day and asked why he did not seek help, stop drinking or at least give his body a much needed cleaning.  He became angry and told me that I was dressing him and he did not want to hear 'negative' comments on his behaviour.

Jim is well known to police.  Hell, he is well know to all social agencies in Honolulu.

Jim begs for spare change.  Jim is very clever at getting large amounts from tourists, with the promise that will use the cash to better self.  Right, when Jim gets a good score, he gets folks to go to store and buy him the alcohol.  Drinks himself silly.  Mind, he uses the grass to pee and has been know to do the 'poo' there as well.  The smells do not seem to bother him.

There have been several times that Jim's condition became so severe that he had to be taken to hospital.  They would dry him out and at least twice placed him in a 'home' that was off the street, was clean and safe.  That never lasted too long.  Too far from the tourists to beg from.

One would be shocked at the enormous pile of cash that has been spent on 'helping' Jim.  Nothing works as Jim likes the lifestyle.

Waikiki is a dream vacation for many and having to deal with harden homeless alcoholics like Jim ruin the 'trip of a lifetime'.  No local or tourist should have to deal with the likes of Jim.  It is about time that measures were taken to drive Jim and his sort off the street and into programmes suited for turning lives round.

What bothers me most is there are folks who buy into the tales of woe that Jim and other homeless folks tell.  A little checking with local police or social agencies would lay waste the lie.

Truth be told, the article should have given Jim credit for getting the new laws passed.  He is the perfect 'poster child' for the the law.

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