Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Try To Remember.....

It may well be that this old geezer is from a time and place long forgot. One has to wonder if the values taught to as a child are of value in this world we live in at present. Has civility gone from our lives. Have we all become a community of 'users'? As always, dear reader, there is a point to my rant. Dare I expand on it? I am obtuse, I shall...

Of late I have met many folks, young and old, who tend to think it is quite 'cool' to get over on folks who are trying to be nice. The attitude seems to be if I can get one thing for nothing, I will try to get another thing and it never stops until there is no more to get.

Would it be rude to go into a restaurant, order a meal, eat it, pay the bill and depart, only to return hours later and reclaim the table and expect to be fed again, with no further charge. I rather think it would be.

It is a bit hard to understand how one with the ability to pay own way can close pocketbook and expect kindness to shower down on them. Free has nothing to do with it, it is the blatant act of abuse that seems to drive some folks to act in this manner.

If I have a fault, and I do have faults, one would have to be the unwillingness on my part to see folks cared about abused.

Many years can pass and I will never forget the kindnesses shown to me by new best mates. One of the chaps has a heightened sense of 'social justice', is very keen on giving back. So much so that some who meet tend to think the chap naive. They would be so very wrong.

The chap I am thinking of is very aware of being put upon but tends to give the benefit of the doubt. That does not mean that from time to time he questions the actions of folks with regard to his business.

I am old school. I was taught it is a good thing to start a business, offer a product at a good price and strive for high customer satisfaction. Having met all of those conditions, it is a bit of a bother to see some try to claim more than was bought and paid for. Or to deal the attitude that it is entitlement for having patronized the business.

Getting back to that meal bought. Is a bit cheeky for the customer to place the plates, silverware and tablecloth into carryall and walk out the door. One has to be quite daft to think that the 'meal' came with all of the extras. Makes 'profit' sound like a dirty word.

My dears, is it rude on me part to try and protect the interests of one cared about. Would it be right to stand by and watch a wrong take place. It is shameful to remind folks who put out this behaviour that one must not do?

Perhaps this old geezer is too direct. I find it very hard to watch some take kindness as invite to get over on.

The world lived in is much changed from younger days. It may well be out of fashion to accept kindness with grace. To take what one needs and not all one can carry. To drain the purse of another all the while leaving own intact. More's the pity if that truly be the attitude one has to accept as the norm. Mind, I am an old geezer, what do I know?

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