Monday, September 29, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Of all of the jokes sent, this photo takes the prize. I feel as if I should be wearing that suit and shouting UNCLEAN. Mind a little ringing of a bell would be nice as well.
Laughed at this as the rash is growing....
Laughed at this as the rash is growing....
Thursday, September 25, 2014
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Robert with shingles |
Mail has come in from folks who have had Shingles or know someone who had. All remember the pain and the sores. Vividly.
Since folks want me to tell all, will try to let you know what I am experiencing.
I got lucky. I knew something horrid was going on and took myself to hospital. The doctor knew in a tick what I had, but he wanted to rule out anything else. I had tests.
All of the tests confirmed that I had Shingles. Lucky for me, I got to hospital within 72 hours of the outbreak and it seems medicines used to treat work best if that time frame is met.
First order of business was to give me a strong shot of pain medicine. You will never know how bad it can be until you have Shingles. Am told it can be worse and last a long period at worst.
The first medicine prescribed was FAMVIR, an antiviral medicine. 3 500mg tablets a day.
This is day two on this med and I can already feel some of the side effects. Headache, nausea and loose bowels seem to be happening. I also seem to have to pee a great deal.
The second medicine is PREDNISONE, a corticosteriod medicine. 2 20mg tablet a day.
Day two on this med and bad heartburn, nausea and loss of appetite.
There is some doubt as to the effectiveness of taking this with the antiviral medicine.
The third medicine is OXYCODONE, a pain medication. 1 5mg tablet every four hours for pain.
Works well for the bad pain but do not like feeling in a fog. Can also cause one to get constipated.
The three medicines work a number on you. Lucky for me I can spend time in bed and ride out the worst. Granted, the pain is not nice but dealing with all of the side effects takes a toll as well. You just feet like crap.
I have enough medicine for 7 days, that seems to be the normal period. I have yet to have the rash break open and crust over. The rash does not seem to be getting massive. I think the pain and not wanting things to rub my skin is worst part so far. If this treatment is working, I should see much improvement in a few day. Improvement being that it does not get more severe and does not leave me with painful nerve damage.
I will never forget the hot,burning pain. NEVER.
I have read that it is possible that I will have but this one episode. I still do not know if getting the shingle shot is for me, but that can not happen until some time has past from this attack.
My friend in Hawaii ignored his shingle until it became quite severe. His rash was massive and he suffered a great deal. And the rash left scares.
It is not fun but I think I am keeping myself from dwelling on it too much. Hard to ignore the burning and the itching. And the worst is yet to come with the bumps breaking open. YUCK.
I am trying not to take too much pain medicine during the day. I really do not like how that makes me feel.
Am gobsmacked at some of the posts on Facebook. This photo appeared as a share on my friend's page recently. It was too good to pass up and I had to post a comment. "Gay for Pay" I called James, after another of his mates told he did not know James was 'gay'. Right, James is the sort of chap who is 'gay' to see a female, He adores his lovely wife but has never been known to look the other way when an attractive female is in the room. You might say he 'adores' all women.
Unlike James, this old geezer is not fond of older men........
Mind, I never met a Ben Franklin I did not like.
I have never been 'politically correct' and wonder if some might think it was in bad taste to have a little 'gay humour' on Facebook.
Unlike James, this old geezer is not fond of older men........
Mind, I never met a Ben Franklin I did not like.
I have never been 'politically correct' and wonder if some might think it was in bad taste to have a little 'gay humour' on Facebook.
My friends, Laura and Ron never met a pussy they did not love. Makes one think that they are 'high' on the catnip as well....
Laura has 15 and Ron 7. Talk about a 'hairball'.
Laura has 15 and Ron 7. Talk about a 'hairball'.
Some time back, a good friend in Honolulu got the 'Shingles'. Real bad it was and it caused him to take to his bed for days. I went to hospital yesterday and it was confirmed that I have 'shingles'. YUCK...
I got lucky, the rash on me chest is not massive and seems to be confined to chest and back. It hurts like hell. I am taking medicine. It seems to be working, the pain is bearable. I will never laugh at the advert about 'shingles' again, it really does feel like 'hot coals'.
I got lucky, the rash on me chest is not massive and seems to be confined to chest and back. It hurts like hell. I am taking medicine. It seems to be working, the pain is bearable. I will never laugh at the advert about 'shingles' again, it really does feel like 'hot coals'.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
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Robert is getting old, really OLD |
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I want to be that nasty old bugger who lives forever. What do I care if I can not walk, hear or control bladder......
Monday, September 22, 2014
There is no doubt that Ron's collection of pussies is evil. They know no limits to the nasty thing they do. Pee on the computer, poo in the shower, and knock down and scratch anything they desire.
Mind, Ron tells one and all that he just adores them.....
Guess the toilet paper was last straw.......
Ron loves colour. He went wild with the colour on the poor pussy, Poor 'Herman' now hides from all of the other pussies.....
Mind, Ron tells one and all that he just adores them.....
Guess the toilet paper was last straw.......
Ron loves colour. He went wild with the colour on the poor pussy, Poor 'Herman' now hides from all of the other pussies.....
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Made to feel like 'Mata Hara' I was...
Without a doubt, Ron AKA 'The Diva" is one of the most colourful personages ever met. From the brilliant outfits, down to the shoes, there is nothing 'tame' about his appearance on the stage of life. Being ever so colourful, he tends to draw a host of rather interesting folks his way. Makes for most interesting people watching and very colourful slices of life.
Ron, like MOI has problems with hearing. Tends to talk loudly on the mobile and is very easy to listen in on as he chats loudly with folks.
Being that so many stories are caught this way, it is no wonder that MOI would use them in chats with Ron. Truth be told, with a few favoured others as well...
Knowing full well that one must be careful in what one tells, had thought that it was of no great import.
May well be that the old geezer is going to have to stop putting that glass to the wall to hear it all. Turn down the device. Do not want 'The Diva' to feel put upon.
To hear Ron tell it, MOI never met a secret he could hold on to. I never...
Torture MOI on the rack, rip finger nails out one by one, MOI would never reveal to the whole world that 'The Diva' has a frog tattooed on his bum....Never...
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014

I am not keen on the telly, all of the adverts tend to annoy me, but I do watch a programme on occasion.
Recently, I watched for the umpteen time a film I am quite fond of, "Ladies in Lavender". It was on one of the channels that is advert free, and as my best mate would say, it is a "British film", hence, I adore. Not quite that bad but do tend to love British films.
I digress.
The film is about two old English ladies who find a young lad washed up onto the shore near their home. He can not speak English, and has a broken leg to boot. One of the ladies takes a keen like to the lad, has something to do with her searching for lost love. The lad mends and goes off to London to be discovered as a violinist, leaving the two old ladies heart broken. It is about music and love, love sought and love of life given. Were it just for the music it would be worth a watch, but it also has performances by Judi Dench and Maggie Smith that are well worth the time.
The film strikes a deep cord inside of me. Perhaps it has to do with the sharing of two ladies with a lost soul. I am an old bugger, there might be some who would think 67 is not that old. It is.
Youth has flown and one clings to the past tighter than when one was young. You remember things in a different way, perhaps appreciate life more fully, less apt to be quick to judge or hasten one's path through it. Each time I have sat through this film it has brought back memories, good memories tinged with a measure of sadness. It may seem a bit of a stretch but in many ways that is life as lived at present, older showing hope to the younger. We each in our own way gain from the association, each is rejuvenated and renewed. That is the way of it.
Mind, I do not see myself as an old lady or for that matter the young lad, it is just that one can place one's self in their position and relate. No clue why I am banging on about this, may well add fuel to the feeling I am a right nutter. Since I have taken to writing my thoughts in so public a fashion, thought I would just share.
Have a brilliant day...
Thursday, September 18, 2014
What was I thinking? What a character.....
The year was 2008 and I had taken on the persona of Inspector "Busy Body" in the neighbourhood lived. Ever on the lookout for crime and graffiti I was. Oddly enough, it worked, neighbours thought I was a joke but the joke was on them. Crime dropped like a rock.
I have a 'history' for being 'weird.....
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
A footpath that has earned a reputation as the most dangerous and scariest walkway in the world
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Robert DeFrees steps out in style |
Last night was a special night. A very dear friend suggested that I dress up to attend the Reno Philharmonic. The tickets for this event were provided by another friend and it had been ever so long since an evening of music was enjoyed. It had been a long time since I dressed up and thought it would be nice to show the 'locals' how one does these things...
With care the suit was picked, the shirt freshly pressed, shoed shined to a mirror finish and even a little rub down of the cane. The only thing left to decide was the tie.
One has to give a great deal of thought to the tie. It is that fashion statement that sets the whole outfit off. I have a thing about ties. They have to say something about 'MOI'...
The tie picked was an ITALIAN, hand painted, SUNFLOWER. Blue background to set off the Sunflower. Looking into the mirror when finished placing round me neck, I rather thought it was dashing. Whimsical but dashing. But then I would think that.
My dearest friend, Alan, had never seen me in such a state. He was impressed. Even commented on the tie.
We caught an early supper and arrived early enough at the Concert Hall to watch the other attendees arrive. There were a few gentlemen who dressed for the night out but in the main, men and women in Reno simply do not dress up for these special moments. Feel as if they are missing out on part of the fun.
Alan had dressed up as well and will have to change the mental image of him held. Dapper he was, in a sort of Lutheran Minister sort of way. Very somber, but in a dashing sort of way. I will have to get him a better tie...
As I was standing in the lobby, waiting to find seat, quite a few folks commented on my dress. Actually, it was the 'tie' that got folks chatting. What can one say, it proved yet again my superior fashion sense. Was there ever any doubt?????
The evening was a hit, on many levels. If there was a downside, it was the lack of planning on the part of staff. The hearing device offered was not working. Would have if the batteries had been examined and changed before being offered. Given that one was in the balcony and not likely to journey down to replace, the music was not as well received as it could have been. Hearing devices only work so well and was so looking forward to having the proper device available. Rather think that in a 'hearing world' it is not a big deal. More's the pity that...
The snap says it all. It was a grand evening. I have a brilliant evening. One will have to repeat the experience. Soon...
"Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”
Cicero, a famous Roman, had his own beliefs on friendship. Cicero believed that in order to have a true friendship with someone one must have complete honesty, truth and trust. Also, friends do things for each other without expectation of repayment. If a friend is about to do something wrong, one should not compromise one's morals. One should explain what is wrong about the action, and help one's friend understand what is right, because Cicero believed that ignorance is the cause of evil. Finally, friendships come to an end because one person in the friendship becomes evil.
Daily events of life oft times cause us to forget the really important things. Like remembering to let folks close to, know just how important they are. Truly.
Life is a gift from God, what we do with that 'gift is what matters.
Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased , or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.
My dears, always remember that whatever lands on the pages of this blog are but the thoughts of this old geezer. It is not the 'burning bush' and like most opinions, clearly open to folks tossing off as the rants of a mad diarist. Am compelled to mention this as from time to time the mail received from one of me post makes for interesting reading. After the thought is tossed out there, many land on it and give me a piss for having put it down in print.
Having had a 'near death' experience, this old geezer is well aware of just how fragile the hold on life is. In a tick it can be gone. With loss of life comes the after, being worm food.
Truth be told, the life lived has not been with out challenges. Come to think on, which life has not been without challenges? Part of the journey requires one to pick up a little dirt along the path, even some cuts from a few falls. The real thrill is picking one's self up and walking on.
Right, did it go unnoticed that this old geezer has received his share of knocks as well? Mind, it man seem a little cheesy to tell the whole world of trials, but then that is what I do. Share.
Memories of early years are mixed, they seem to come out or order. I remember the first orphanage, the scene of my first serious abuse. It was there that a priest had his way with me. I could not have been more that 4, and remember very vividly him telling me that were I to tell anyone of the abuse, no one would believe it. It was a mixture of cruel rape and physical hitting to make sure that I knew who had the upper hand. I have often wondered how much the nuns might have known of what was going on. You must remember that nuns had the ability to read minds, or so it seemed, there was nothing they did not know.
I know that I was no the only one subjected to this and after a bit I ran away, forcing my being placed in another Catholic institution, this one run by Christian Brothers. I wish I could report that the abuse stopped but it did not, it continued, with older boys adding their abuse as well.
By the time I showed up at the last Catholic orphanage, I had been well used and all of my sexual tapes were ruined. I had no clue who I was or what 'normal' sex was. It was to remain that way for the rest of me life.
It was round the age of 10 that I knew that I was bloody well know you are different when a picture of a gladiator in a Latin book gets you feeling all gooey. Remember writing letters telling all that I was homosexual. These were not well received and were chalked up to a child being very confused. It should have sounded the alarms but it did not. More's the pity that...
It is my opinion that I would have been bent regardless of how I had been brought up. Truly do believe that. I also believe that had I not been subjected to all of the abuse, my sexual tapes might have been better and I would have had a chance at having a normal sex life, of feeling differently about relationships and trust issues. The whole of my life has been horrid in that area, and there is nothing that could ever be done to correct the damage done.
I was made to believe that I was nothing...should have prayed to God daily that the Catholic Church had taken me in and provided me with life. I am thankful for the education received, am thankful for my personality being developed to know that I had to strive hard to be some one in this world. I am also very lucky that I learned that the devil was out there, in different sizes and shapes, and I knew how to spot. No one was going to do anything for a pretty little boy unless there was evil attached to it.
My beginning in life was horrid. I overcame much. I look round at the folks round me and wonder if they are luckier than I was. They had a home, attended school and are not locked up behind walls. But were they loved? Is it possible for folks who abuse drugs, sell drugs, abuse alcohol, or have become life long benefits cheats to be 'all that they can be'?
It is nothing to brag about, being raised in a series of orphanage, but there were some wondrous things that came out of it. I was taught the value of a good education and there were some events that stand out as being special. As a child I was sent away to summer camp in the summer. Got to ride horses, play in forest, and swim in lakes. I always got fed and there were clean clothes. Right odd that along with the abuse suffered, there were religious folks teaching values about the good, the bad and the ugly. I was thrown out into the world too early, 16 is not a good age to be set out in the world, I was completely unprepared. That will have to be a story for another day...
The biggest lie bought into most of life was that this old geezer had no value, was unwanted and unloved.
Have said before that I am the sum total of the experiences I have had the whole of me life. Many call me a prude, due to not liking bad language and not feeling comfortable with letting some things all hang out. I want to tell you a strange tale that might give you some idea of how my tapes were ruined, or coloured, by the good nuns in the institutions.
At the first orphanage, we had bath days, all of the boys put on bathing trunks and entered a large room that had rows of shower heads hanging from the roof of the room. At the very front of the room would be a nun, a woman, sitting in what can only be called a 'life guard chair', high enough so that she could see all of the boys in the shower room. She sat and watched as we bathed, making sure that we placed our hand into the bathing trunks to was the most dirty part. How sick is that? What did that do to me head?
At another place, the nuns sewed up the pockets to our trousers, to prevent boys from doing evil things with self. The good nuns would also queue up all of the boys on linen exchange days and one had to hold open underpants to show that there were no poo stains in them. Mind bed linen was also checked and if one was found to have pee on sheets, one was made to wear the sheet for days with a sign telling one and all what they had done.
I am not a perfect person, far from it, I just try to chase away all of the bad memories and replace them with good ones. Hence, the 'rose coloured glasses'. I wonder if that makes me a bad person?
My dears, you got far more of a 'Charles Dickens' type tale than planned and do hope that it was not so down that you will not return for other offerings. I can tell true that most of me stories are not nearly as dark.
Which brings this post full circle, back to FRIENDSHIP...
Truth be told, there are some pretty special people that deserve credit for giving me my 'will to live' back. The old geezer has been much blessed.
Regular 'knees up' this post has been. To be true, it is a wee bit moody. I wanted desperately to put to rest the 'lie' bought into for so very long AND to acknowledge my undiluted pleasure in gifts of friendship received and what follows.
I have not always been the perfect 'friend'. I have pushed away so many who would have been very good for me to have round in life. However 'outgoing' I am, it is not entirely a true picture of me. There is much kept private. Friendship requires trusts. I am not the most trusting person.
There are not a massive number of friends in life. What friends there are seem to like me and accept me regardless of flaws.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Right, it is half 3 in the morning and many of me readers are still tucked up in their beds.
I awoke this AM, switched on the lamp and jumped out of bed, right pleased that another day was here. Truly...
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
My dears, life is NOT a morality play. One is guided by virtues taught as a child and hard they be to follow at times. There be times along the path of life that one falls prey to less than perfect ways and there are mis-steps on the path. One picks up a bit of dirt, that may well be the way of it, to get to the end of life not perfect, but still in the game.
Of late this old geezer has been brassed off by much seen and experienced. Sort of like the dam has burst and all of the 'poo' is landing round. How horrid.
To be true, while much put out by the behaviour of some folks, one must accept that their behaviour is their 'right'. How can you stop one from putting finger up nose and pulling out a nasty. Can not, but you must not look the other way either. Might be to some good to call to attention that such manners do not speak well of the person doing.
It is not easy to take the fact that some take advantage of the 'system' and play out the drama at great cost to good folks.
Following the 'rules' is not just what this old geezer does, MOI is passionately about the rules being applied to ALL. Unfortunately, the evil creatures read the same handbook as MOI and they see it different. They know how the game is played and they use every advantage possible to circumvent the true meaning of the rules of fair play.
Gobsmacked I be that folks feel that life owes them much. So much that they take and take at every turn. When things go wrong, the blame for misfortune is placed on the head of society. Poor buggers will claim that they never had a chance. Rubbish.
To receive benefits and misuse monies is so very wrong. Not pay rent and abuse food allowance and sooner than later the game is up. Or one would think. Sadly the clever benefits cheats know how to stack the cards in favour of. There is always another agency to pick the pocket of and the free ride continues.
In time, eviction happens and the "poor buggers" find another victim to harm. Mind, you would think that the evil creatures would leave with grace and not return. No such luck, boot out one and like a cockroach, they are near impossible to rid self of if other continue to allow them entree. Horrid.
My dears, not sure if what you have read makes any sense to you. Would hope that you do realize that I am still very much of the mind that life will be better. When you have a dream, it it so very hard to let it go...
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Burger King Japan’s burger offerings really have turned to the dark side, with the fast food chain now offering a black-bunned burger that comes with black cheese.
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Who eats 'black' cheese?????? More to the point, who wants a black hamburger bun?????
Guess 'back' is the new yellow in Japan.
Local man Jim Trevarthen was once a surf instructor on Hawaii's renowned Waikiki Beach but now he is one of the many homeless people who are being moved away from Hawaii's renowned tourist areas.
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Was gobsmacked to see the photo of this man in article in Daily Mail. This homeless man is well known to the old geezer.
One might almost blame Jim for being the reason the new laws were passed. Allow me to enlighten the reader.
Daily I would go for a long walk on the beach in Waikiki. There was a space containing some benches near the road and upon one would sit Jim. Long before you came right up on, you could smell the foul odor that came from the bench that Jim sat upon. It was a mixture of filth and urin and booze. Right nasty it was.
Being the sort of person who chats with folks, it came to pass that I would strike up a conversation with Jim. Jim can be personable when he wants something, and Jim saw me as a new victim to get cash from to supply his need for Alcohol. That did not happen, although I did buy him a sandwich.
Days became weeks that became months and Jim never left his place on the bench. He had got so good at working the system that social workers would come and deliver his medications, along with toilet articles and fresh clothes from time to time.
It got so bad that I could no longer contain meself. I walked up one day and asked why he did not seek help, stop drinking or at least give his body a much needed cleaning. He became angry and told me that I was dressing him and he did not want to hear 'negative' comments on his behaviour.
Jim is well known to police. Hell, he is well know to all social agencies in Honolulu.
Jim begs for spare change. Jim is very clever at getting large amounts from tourists, with the promise that will use the cash to better self. Right, when Jim gets a good score, he gets folks to go to store and buy him the alcohol. Drinks himself silly. Mind, he uses the grass to pee and has been know to do the 'poo' there as well. The smells do not seem to bother him.
There have been several times that Jim's condition became so severe that he had to be taken to hospital. They would dry him out and at least twice placed him in a 'home' that was off the street, was clean and safe. That never lasted too long. Too far from the tourists to beg from.
One would be shocked at the enormous pile of cash that has been spent on 'helping' Jim. Nothing works as Jim likes the lifestyle.
Waikiki is a dream vacation for many and having to deal with harden homeless alcoholics like Jim ruin the 'trip of a lifetime'. No local or tourist should have to deal with the likes of Jim. It is about time that measures were taken to drive Jim and his sort off the street and into programmes suited for turning lives round.
What bothers me most is there are folks who buy into the tales of woe that Jim and other homeless folks tell. A little checking with local police or social agencies would lay waste the lie.
Truth be told, the article should have given Jim credit for getting the new laws passed. He is the perfect 'poster child' for the the law.
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Was gobsmacked to see the photo of this man in article in Daily Mail. This homeless man is well known to the old geezer.
One might almost blame Jim for being the reason the new laws were passed. Allow me to enlighten the reader.
Daily I would go for a long walk on the beach in Waikiki. There was a space containing some benches near the road and upon one would sit Jim. Long before you came right up on, you could smell the foul odor that came from the bench that Jim sat upon. It was a mixture of filth and urin and booze. Right nasty it was.
Being the sort of person who chats with folks, it came to pass that I would strike up a conversation with Jim. Jim can be personable when he wants something, and Jim saw me as a new victim to get cash from to supply his need for Alcohol. That did not happen, although I did buy him a sandwich.
Days became weeks that became months and Jim never left his place on the bench. He had got so good at working the system that social workers would come and deliver his medications, along with toilet articles and fresh clothes from time to time.
It got so bad that I could no longer contain meself. I walked up one day and asked why he did not seek help, stop drinking or at least give his body a much needed cleaning. He became angry and told me that I was dressing him and he did not want to hear 'negative' comments on his behaviour.
Jim is well known to police. Hell, he is well know to all social agencies in Honolulu.
Jim begs for spare change. Jim is very clever at getting large amounts from tourists, with the promise that will use the cash to better self. Right, when Jim gets a good score, he gets folks to go to store and buy him the alcohol. Drinks himself silly. Mind, he uses the grass to pee and has been know to do the 'poo' there as well. The smells do not seem to bother him.
There have been several times that Jim's condition became so severe that he had to be taken to hospital. They would dry him out and at least twice placed him in a 'home' that was off the street, was clean and safe. That never lasted too long. Too far from the tourists to beg from.
One would be shocked at the enormous pile of cash that has been spent on 'helping' Jim. Nothing works as Jim likes the lifestyle.
Waikiki is a dream vacation for many and having to deal with harden homeless alcoholics like Jim ruin the 'trip of a lifetime'. No local or tourist should have to deal with the likes of Jim. It is about time that measures were taken to drive Jim and his sort off the street and into programmes suited for turning lives round.
What bothers me most is there are folks who buy into the tales of woe that Jim and other homeless folks tell. A little checking with local police or social agencies would lay waste the lie.
Truth be told, the article should have given Jim credit for getting the new laws passed. He is the perfect 'poster child' for the the law.
Right, so there never was a Camelot. It just suits the old geezer to wish it so. And to remember.
Just enjoy, and think back on all of the tales you remember...
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Good friend, Alan, went missing during the Burning Man Event held recently outside Reno.
Wondered why he smelled of burning wood. Now, a snap of Alan, dancing round the flames has been seen on the INTERNET. Who knew Alan could be so colourful......
Who would want to be like Justin Bieber? Loud and obnoxious. Justin will never achieve the fame of another underpants model. Mark Whalberg is both a fine actor and fine human being. Beautiful both inside and out.
Justin Bieber should keep his pants on, got nothing to brag about...
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Right, there is something on my nose. No, I was not in a fight and get my nose hurt.
I suffer from allergies, badly. Always on the look out for something to help with the problem of not being able to breathe. Was told about these and thought I would give it a go. They actually work.
The problem is that the bloody thing draws attention to my rather large nose...
Monday, September 8, 2014
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Plate Lunch to die for |
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Potato and Taco Salads |
The plate lunch is a quintessential Hawaiian meal, roughly analogous to a Southern US meat-and-threes. However, the pan-Asian influence on Hawaiian cuisine and root in the Japanese bento makes the plate lunch unique to Hawaii.
Standard plate lunches consist of two scoops of white rice, macaroni salad, and an entree. A plate lunch with more than one entree is often called a mixed plate.
Although the exact origin of the Hawaiian plate lunch is disputed, according to Professor Jon Okamura of the University of Hawaii the plate lunch likely grew out of the Japanese bento, as they "were take away kinds of eating and certainly the plate lunch continues that tradition". Its appearance in Hawaii in recognizable form goes back to the 1880s when plantation workers were in high demand by the fruit and sugar companies. Laborers were brought from around the world, including from China, Japan, Portugal, and the Philippines, who would eat "leftover rice and a lot of things like canned meat or teriyaki or cold meat or maybe scrambled eggs or pickles, and almost no salad or vegetable," according to The Honolulu Advertiser's former food editor, Ms. Kaui Philpotts. Mayonnaise, macaroni, and gravy for the meat were added later.
As the days of the plantations came to an end, plate lunches began to be served on-site by lunch wagons to construction workers and day laborers. Later, local holes in the wall and other stand-alone plate lunch restaurants began popping up, then plate lunch franchises. Eventually these made their way to the U.S. mainland, beginning with the L&L Drive-Inn chain in California in 1999. At that time L&L founder Eddie Flores re branded it "L&L Hawaiian Barbecue", explaining that "When we went to the mainland, the name 'Hawaiian' is a draw, because everyone just fantasized, everyone wants to come to Hawaii".
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Robert with his plate lunch |
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Paul is gobsmacked at large plate |
Paul does not get out much but this day made up for many lonely days. He was beside himself taking in all of the activity. One can safely say that Paul had a grand time.
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Anna and Robert - Friend and Organizer |
Anna loves to add little touches to her daily costume, like hand made flowers in her hair. AND, very colourful glasses.
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Val- One of the cooks and my friend |
Sadly, Penny was at church and not available to hang with. Anna's sister Sal was there. Sal was in charge of the cash box and making sure that orders kept flowing. Sal is a very lovely lady, a bit camera shy, hence the lack of a snap to share.
Pacific Islanders are big on OHANA, and the members of the family were all there keeping the conversation flowing and the fires burning. There were sons slaving on the BBQ pit, smaller children helping out with the plate lunches and enjoying the hustle and bustle of the day. I was nice to see so many members of one family all pulling together.
During my stay at the BBQ, there was a call from relatives living in UK. See, even at a plate lunch gathering, the UK pops in. Asked the lovely lady ringing where in the UK she was. "In the south", she says. That is a pretty big place so I pressed for a specific location. "Dorset" she says. Lovely, I know it well.
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Musubi anyone???? |
Stacked up next to the cash box were Musubi. A massive box. With each arrival, the pile went down and down. I was gobsmacked when Paul asked if he could purchase one. Funny, never gave Paul credit for being daring. Truth be told, Spam,rice and seaweed is not something most folks are 'au fait' with. Personally, I adore SPAM and remember fondly each and every Musubi ever ate. Paul loved the Musubi.
The crush of folks craving a good plate lunch was so great that all of the lunches were long sold out before the even came to an end. Needless to say, the box containing the Musubi was as empty as box of donuts at a policeman's convention...
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, peace, compassion and mercy. Since the middle of the 19th century, it also has come to be used as an English greeting to say goodbye and hello. "Aloha" is also included in the state nickname of Hawaii, the "Aloha State".
In Hawaiʻi someone can be said to have or show aloha in the way they treat others; whether family, friend, neighbor or stranger.
When I meet folks who tell that they never meet interesting people, and it is oft, I remind them that it all starts with the word, HELLO. Yesterday I shared my Pacific Islander friends with another friend and kept the circle growing. Is that not what life is all about?
The crush of folks craving a good plate lunch was so great that all of the lunches were long sold out before the even came to an end. Needless to say, the box containing the Musubi was as empty as box of donuts at a policeman's convention...
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, peace, compassion and mercy. Since the middle of the 19th century, it also has come to be used as an English greeting to say goodbye and hello. "Aloha" is also included in the state nickname of Hawaii, the "Aloha State".
In Hawaiʻi someone can be said to have or show aloha in the way they treat others; whether family, friend, neighbor or stranger.
When I meet folks who tell that they never meet interesting people, and it is oft, I remind them that it all starts with the word, HELLO. Yesterday I shared my Pacific Islander friends with another friend and kept the circle growing. Is that not what life is all about?
good times,
plate lunches,
Sunday, September 7, 2014
I have spent a lifetime searching for things I felt I had 'lost'. There was an emptiness to my being and felt that if I found 'lost family' or discovered where I came from I would be made whole.
Truth be told, there was no real effort on my part, I knew bits and pieces but did not really have the hearty to dig further. Part of the lack of enthusiasm was my not really feeling any deep connection to the 'family' lost. I was a throwaway, of little value to my birth mother. I had moments of memories of siblings but not enough to wrap my brain round. Almost nothing was known of my father and had no knowledge of extended family. I set about building my own family.
I know more about my beginnings now than I ever did. Some of it is a bit of a shock and some parts leave me with a strong sense of sadness.
With a good deal of luck and pluck, I have managed to survive. Life has thrown much at me, some of it grand and some of it not so nice. I have got to my later years with many memories and a firm belief that it is never over until it is over. Have this strange belief that the best is yet to come,
In the end, you may well say that I never 'lost' anything. I have found me, The me that I did not appreciate.
Friday, September 5, 2014
It is going to be a grand weekend.
My lovely friends are going to have a huge "Plate Lunch' sale this weekend, There will be loads of flowers, musubi, baked goods and lots of things that have a real touch of Hawaii. I can not wait.
Paul and I have our tickets and will spend the day drinking in the "Aloha' that Anna, Val,Sal, Penny and so many islanders will be putting on at their apartment building.
Funds raised by this Hawaiian BBQ Plate Lunch Sale will go toward the Satoga/Lilio Family Reunion. Sunday, September 7th, 11AM - 2PM. Call 775-376-1299 if you want a little Hawaii in your weekend. Come by and feel the ALOHA.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The year was 2009. The old geezer was hosting a neighbourhood event. I am not sure what I was thinking when I dressed for this event. The Hawaiian shirt is very LOUD, like a horrid couch cover. Forget about the shorts, was lucky to find in my size. That hat. Talk about drawing attention to one's self......
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
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