Friday, June 22, 2012
After much badgering, the old geezer got Alan to take to a buffet. The thinking was, at least on my part, the the wide selection of food would provide a change to the rather bland diet followed these past two months.
Alan is ever so clever. He knew that a buffet would be a bust and tried to talk MOI into some sort of different dining experience. The old geezer's mind was made up and nothing was going to change the plan.
The Peppermill Casino has a rather lovely buffet, and with 'comp' dollars to spend, it was not going to be an expensive meal. The old geezer was ready to dive in...
Sadly, walking round the many offerings did little to excite the palate. Chicken has become too dry to deal with, pizza boring and most meat held little appeal. Slowly, the plate had some items added. There was a little tomato salad, a few Swedish meatballs, and a bit of fish. There was also a bowl of bean soup.
With effort and no taste, the food was tried. Feeling put out by the lack of enjoyment, another trip to the counter was made. The choice of some pork was huge mistake. Was right depressing...
Alan on the other hand tucked into his meal with gusto. There is nothing wrong with his taste and he cleaned off his plate. Alan was looking forward to a visit to the desert island and he made sure that he filled his plate. There was a wicked looking chocolate desert, a mouth watering slice of cheese cake and other pastries. Alan told MOI that he was a bit off groceries, as he did not completely finish all of the deserts. Mind, the plate looked licked clean when he was finished. The old geezer had some slices of watermelon. No taste but it went down well...
Were that it be true, the snap featured would have been grand. Walking out of the buffet was not with much effort, as the old geezer did not eat much. One the other hand, Alan seemed to be in another place, with the look of total satisfaction on his face. Went so far as to tell MOI that the Peppermill did not lose any Cash on him that night. Too right...
My diet is rather plain. Lots of soups and dry sandwiches with a few micro meals. The trip to the buffet was an attempt by the old geezer to add a little zest to meal time. It did not work out that way. The trip left MOI more than a little depressed. What I would not give to be able to taste some of the foods was mad for in an earlier life.
It was a pleasure to break bread with Alan. He tries to add a little spice to me boring life. Just know now that meals will have to be less complicated in the future. Pray forgive the old geezer his depression over food taste loss.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise.
At a moment in my life when the world is new.
And the blessing I shall ask is that God will grant me,
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.
In the noontime of my life I shall look to the sunshine,
At a moment in my life when the sky is blue.
And the blessing I shall ask shall remain unchanging.
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.
In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset,
At a moment in my life when the night is due.
And the question I shall ask only I can answer.
Was I brave and strong and true?
Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The watermelon-size scrotum Mr Warren carries between his legs has landed him on the Howard Stern Show and the Comedy Central program Tosh.0 and made him a local celebrity in his hometown.
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Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Rumour has it that Paul is doing poorly. Makes me sad that does. One hopes that he will soon be on his groceries.
Ever thought of having a little 'INK' done on bod? One must be ever so careful as it can come back to haunt...
Friendship does not last forever, and not everyone wins...
As always, there was an article in Daily Mail that got MOI to think. Mind, always knew that shoes told much about a person, even did a blog on shoes last year...
SHOES HAVE CACHE - February 2011
My dears, this old geezer was out looking for bargains the other day when this post presented self.
I was in a shop looking for a smart shirt to add to collection of colourful shirts already had. Being a bit hard to spend cash, was in the mood for one that was 'on sale'. All of the colourful shirts seen were of a certain value and I did not want to part with so much cash to look smart. The lovely lady who worked in the shop was trying to get MOI to purchase something. Went so far as to tell that it was her mission to....
I told the lovely lady that I was but a 'poor, old geezer' and was in need of a mark down. This got the lovely lady to laugh rather loudly and tell that she just knew that was not the case. When I pressed the lovely lady to tell how she came to such an opinion, she told that it had everything to do with the shoes I was wearing.
To tell true, the shoes upon feet were not hand made, and did not come from a famous fashion house. Mind, there were a bit dear but not so dear that this old geezer had to fight self to open pocketbook to purchase.
You, the avid reader of me blog, know that I have bad bones. That I limp, is understatement. Given that I walk oddly, it is most important that my feet are well looked after. It simply would not do to not be able to walk due to poor foot care. So far as is known, the problem with me bones has not gone to me feet, and I would rather it did not. It follows that wearing good shoes would make the feet co-operate during my wanderings down the road. That the shoes are well made is a given but I never thought them to be of singular beauty...
Have oft heard lady friends bang on about their shoes. No clue why it was most important to purchase footwear that cost more than a house. Right, so I tend to colour the cost a bit, but is quite true that ladies do spent massive amounts on shoes.
Have met many coppers who tell that they tend to purchase shoes that cost a packet. Looks have nothing to do with, just the comfort of have feet pampered during long shifts.
You do see where I am going with this?
Getting back to the lovely lady in the shop.
No matter how hard I tried to convince the lovely lady that there was no massive pile of cash under bed, she was of the mind that it was not so. I pride self on trying to get bargains and was at complete loss with this lady. The bloody shoes had done me in.
I did not purchase anything. Not for lack of trying. A case of need not matching up with want. I have no doubt that I shall return to the shop in the future. It may well come to pass that I will find a shirt that begs to be added to me wardrobe. That remains to be seen. I do know that I will not wear me smart shoes on the next visit and might get lucky and the lovely lady will not remember from past visit.
If nothing else, I learned that me shoes added to me cachet. How grand is that?
Other clues are less obvious. Practical and functional shoes belong to agreeable people, ankle boots are worn by aggressive personalities and calm personalities wear uncomfortable looking shoes.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
A Jabba Flabba occurs when arms have 'several rolls of unsightly fat that extend from the wrist to the upper arm'.
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Last time the old geezer looked, his arms were coming along nicely. No huge flabs of fat hanging.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
President Obama addressed members of the White House Press Corps today.
Holding a snap of the old geezer, President Obama told gathered reporters that he thought he was in real trouble come November, as the old geezer was not buying his programme to push same-sex marriage. "I guess Mr. Romney comes across as more honest." The president went on to say that the old geezer had told him it was all about 'the economy', not who marries whomever.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
After months in 'Never-Never Land'(Cathedral City), pretending to be 'Peter Pan', our very own Andy has returned to his Reno home.
Andy was spotted sunning self in back garden, looking the very picture of one full of cheap wine and Zoloft. This reporter had the good fortune to spend some time with and queried Andy on what has been happening in life and what the future held in store for.
"Whilst I adore my wonderful new life in Cathedral City, I needed to return to Reno to vote on Tuesday, organize my grand garage sale and get my teeth worked on." "As you know, I am planning to visit Ireland soon and want to look my best".
Truth be told, Andy's teeth looked massive and gave one the impression that there was little 'real' left in the face region. The eye lift, as well as the BOTOX injections made Andy's face glow in the sun. Or was the glow coming from the massive goblet of wine that was endlessly filled?
So in love with his new caravan is Andy, that he is giving grave consideration to selling his home in Reno and living full time in 'Never-Never Land'. Mind, the market is not great for older homes with outdated features.
Rumour has it that Andy will uncover the pool today. A smart pool party is planned and Andy has invited all of his nearest and dearest friends. It should be a very 'gay' event, the sort of event where one sees lots of speedoes on bods that are best viewed with clothes on.
When this reporter waved good-bye to Andy, he noticed the massive pile of supermarket tabloids been gone through and will long remember the shrill cackle that filled the back garden. Andy was indeed having a grand time...
Friday, June 8, 2012
"Is Robert moving back to Hawaii or entering a nursing home? Not that I care....I just hope if he's planning on doing himself in, that he doesn't make a mess at the house. Honestly, if I couldn't taste food, had health problems, couldn't hear, had no friends and hadn't had any sex in a dozen years, I wouldn't have much of a reason to go on. Don't tell him I said that. His life is my worst nightmare."
Just had to share this email with you. Knew when had the stroke that former 'friend' could not wait for my departure from his home.
Mind, the old geezer is very much alive and coping rather nicely with new situation in life.
In other emails, the old geezer being 'FAT' and liking his ciggies are two more reasons not to like the old geezer. Fancy that...
All this from an ageing homosexual who is despersate to stop the clock from showing his own slide into 'old age'. Guess if one has buckets of cash to spend on 'face work' and endless supply of cheap wine, others do not matter.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
May well have rained fogs in London yesterday, but it did not stop people from honouring The Queen.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The condition, known as unilateral dermatoheliosis, or photoageing, is caused by the sun's UVA rays and results in thickening and wrinkling of the skin.
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