Thursday, January 2, 2014


You, who are 'au fait' with this blog will remember Paul.  Paul suffered a massive stroke some three years ago and was declared 'brain dead'.  Recent articles in the newspapers about a 13 year old girl in California, who is also 'brain dead', made me think much about Paul.

It is very hard to be told that a person you care deeply about is gone.  Made more hard when it seems as if they are still very much alive.

The good doctors in hospital sat me down and explained the condition that Paul was in.  Were it not for the machines, the Paul I knew was gone. Paul was never going to come back.  Paul had signed up for the organ donating programme and the doctors explained to me that there were folks in dire need of such organs.

Paul gave the gift of life to several people.  A miracle.

The family of the 13 year old girl are hoping for a miracle.  It may well be that they had received thier miracle, just not the miracle they were hoping for.

It is very hard to let go of someone we love.  I know.  I have had to do it twice.  Call it God's plan.  Do any of us really understand it?

The family of the little girl want her to be a part of thier lives for many more years to come.  It is a great comfort to me to know that Paul lives on in the lives he saved.  Paul will be remembered.  Still very much a part of life.  I wonder if the family of the little girl have the same options.

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