Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Handful of 6 and 4 year olds
Not thirty minutes into road trip and it was loo time and thirst and hunger questions.  Mind, we did set out mid-afternoon and it was meal time for the children.  Gobsmacked I was that a few bites and sips seems to quiet them down.
Filling up - James in Command
James is most excellent driver and with the every lovely Chandra as co-pilot, the journey was over in 4 hours.  It was getting dark when we pulled in front of the house I was to 'house sit' for a spell.  The sleeping bags were unloaded and the front door unlocked to reveal my new diggs for the next couple of months.

The old geezer had been to Dunsmuir some 15 years back and not much seemed changed.  The folks were ever so friendly.  Lovely couple cross road have been married 62 years and they were holding the fort down until my arrival.  Quite nice they were.

Quick stop at local market showed us more lovely residents of Dunsmuir.  Much ALOHA in Dunsmuir.

Robert - knackered but happy
James, Chandra and the two children joined the old geezer on floor in living room to have an indoor camp out.  Haley and Jimmie made short work of soft drinks and liquid lollipops bought.  James and his wife joined me in tasting the local beef jerky and some chips, washed down with 'aged' diet Pepsi.

The night passed quickly, James and I never really slept, keeping watch out so the two wee ones did not go near the large windows.  Round half 3, I put on the kettle and we talked story until the sun came up.  It was a good chat and had much to do to my thanks for taking time in busy schedule to drive me and settle me in.  Mind, that is the sort of folks James and Chandra be.  Lovely.

Flooring reminds of unearthed Pompeii
Hard to believe what one finds in an old home.  Actually think this floor has something...

Best Mate James
James is quite the best mate to have.  Given a packed schedule, he still wanted to be a part of my adventure and see me safely arrive.  I would put a snap up of Chandra, his ever so lovely wife, but she does not like to have her snap posted all over the internet.  They make a good team and seem more happy today than when last visited.  Very strong union.  James was a bit knackered from the drive and not much sleep but he still got up early and had a cuppa with and we just shared stories.  You know you are connected to folks when you just pick up right where you left the chat when you departed.
Old Time Sink
You can well believe that more than pots and pans and dishes have faced a wash up in the old sink.  Check out the heavy duty faucets.
Old Kitchen

Room With A View
No doubt the old geezer will have to remember to not walk round in underpants.  Would not want to reveal me short-comings to whole world.
Comfy Sofa

When all is said and done, the old geezer is not without comfort.  The couch opens into a rather comfy bed and provides a lovely lie-down.  What with all of the walking about, it is rather grand place to sit and rest.  For some reason, well could be me lack of computer skills, this post had to become an on-going work in progress.

There is loads of time to collect thoughts.  And there are many.  Bugger the past, it on to the future which holds so much more promise.  You agree?

The wee DunsmuirHouse

"Now voyager sail thou forth to seek and find."  The old geezer could do no better for a quote to guide than WaltWhitman...

Contacting Ron in Hawaii cleared up his comments made.  Many thought he was mean but he was just reminding the old geezer that it was time to move away from banging on about lame leg and failing hearing.  He reads avidly and does not tune in to get the latest medical report, rather to have a good read.  Point taken.  By way of update, Ron has moved on in life and turned out his houseguest.  Seems the old behaviour of the chappie tried to help was still in place.  Sad, as Ron does so try to 'save' folks he cares about.

Keep stoppingby there is a truly brilliant post coming about a most interesting lady and her passion for the community.

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