Saturday, July 30, 2011


My dears, there are times that emails and posted comments dictate the course me post will take for the day.  Last two days faithful readers from UK have been following the trials and tribulations of the old geezer in large numbers and feel obligated to chat about that.

The blog gets hits from all over America and Europe and some places that still gobsmacked the old geezer.  Given that the old geezer is right proud of his English roots, it warms me heart to have so many from across the pond do a peek in so oft.  This morn, checking me stats revealed that there were 33 from UK reading at that moment.   London to be sure, but there were hits from Manchester and Brighton as well.  Over the moon the old geezer is when so many take the time to peek in.  Mind, given time time difference, it must be a bit of a wind down for many.  Truth be told, there are times when the old geezer feels that the offering of the day is a wee bit like a stale biscuit.  I do tend to worry...

There are loads of questions asked of the old geezer and I shall try to answer many of them now.

In a few days, the old geezer will re-pack his Gladstone bag and head out for the small town near the Oregon border.  2000 souls live there joined by one, ME.  The offer to collect meself from a dear friend in his mountain retreat is an offer much appreciated.  Nothing grand, just a warm place out of the cold night air and full of ALOHA, coming from the concern and affection of the offer maker.  Sorry, some do not like the old geezer to bang on about in public, rather think you will know who the lovely chap be.

Do I miss the hostel and Hilo?  Too right you be if you guessed I did.   Circumstances conspired to make "Tea and Tidy" difficult, the stair were too much and getting use to the hearing device was annoying.  I miss me chats with Justin and Hilo Hattie.  When the old geezer was laid up they were ever so kind to.  I miss all of the lovely folks who came to visit the hostel and the different stories of the world heard on a daily basis.  I miss Albert and even miss Norman.  I miss Terry at the cafe and am knackered at hard feeling that seem to have come with another thought to be understand to me 'old geezer condition'.  Sadly, there be some who think the old geezer a wee bit too dramatic at times and present conditions of illness smack of the old geezer being an idle layabout.  That is the way of it.

I have made much of me feeling that I had no value, but the comments and emails tell me otherwise.  I am ever so touched by all of the love flowing my way.  Truly.

They tell the old geezer that the small town travelling to is lovely this time of year.  Month of August and September will be nice, there is no doubt.

Offers have come in for the old geezer to cross the pond and settle in UK.  One has to take all of the offers with much thought.  Crossing the pond at me age might well lead to me never returning to America and am not quite sure that is best at the moment.  I am considering and still need to work out how cash would hold up in a very dear place to live.  Mind, as one told, there is always a summer caravan in Brighton going unused.  Fish and chips on wheels...

Rather think that my not mentioning the name of the town going to is a bit trying for some.  No great secret, just do not have me travel brochures ready to lay on you.  Rather think I will do quite a chat up on when it is time.

The plan is for James and the family to load up the van and drive me to the new town.  They want to do a road trip and see the old geezer arrive safely.  There is always another day for the train.

I will keep all posted as to me progress.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see that you do 'stiff upper lip' so well, but then you are British.
