Wednesday, June 8, 2011


'Voyagers discover that the world can never be larger than the person that is in the world; but it is impossible to foresee this, it is impossible to be warned.'

Forrest Gump may well have quoted his mum with; 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get'.  What did he know, being a spoon and all.  I rather think tourist are much like the tinned meat featured above.  Some are well seasoned, others are too salty and there be a few who were placed in the tin long past due date.

Tourist come in all sizes and shapes.  Luggage packed does not always contain a true sense of fashion.  There be some who leave good sense at home and make every effort to be a bit of a bother while they are on holiday.  One wonders why the journey was ever taken.  When last looked, travel comes with some expense.  Right odd how some travellers make a mission out of trying to get as much 'FREE' as possible.

Hawaii is not a third world country.  Some clever clogs who deplane here seem to think that the locals are all a bit slow.  Not in on the trick and easily got over on.  They have  right good laugh at our expense.

Thousands of tourists have crossed me path these past 7 months.  Most have been a most interesting experience.  There be some who have seen their departure met with undiluted pleasure.  One hopes that next place hosting them gets to enjoys their rather weird sense of self, as much as we enjoyed seeing them depart.

'Accidental Tourist' indeed.  There will always be some who travel who miss the whole point of the journey.  There is no discovery, just another wasted trip to place yet another dot on the maps of places that have not lived up to expectations.  Bit hard to enjoy when one lugs round mental baggage that weighs one down.

Rather like the above placard, no matter how grand the old geezer uses English, it must come off all wrong to some.  One hears what one wants to...

Like the proverbial 'fly on the wall', this old geezer must remind self that 'observation' does not empower one.  One can only 'observe'...

1 comment:

  1. OMG - I feel the same way. Some days I wish there were no tourist, but then I remember I would not have a job if there were no tourists.

    Very funny
