Sunday, June 6, 2010


Grab & Dash
Returning from early morn coffee and French pastry at local shop, me flatmate and I were gobsmacked to find the front door to flat open.  Entering, we discovered that the bath window had been forced and the flat had been burglarized.

"Burglarize" - to break in and steal...

My dears, that is not how this old geezer feels, violated more like, knowing that an evil creature entered my most private place and went through things in search of something to steal.  Truth be told, the evil creature was more than like a druggie, making the violation more hard to take, given the stand this old geezer takes against the use of drugs.

Taking to me cot and thinking of the events of Saturday did me no good.  What can one do after all is lost?  The coppers came quickly and took a report, even told they would try and see if any evil creatures looked about.  Not that much could be done, as cash has no identity other than that of the person holding.

Let me be quite clear.  The lovely lady who took my call might not have known what a 'flat' was but she took down the information and a patrol vehicle came quickly.  The officer was very kind and went about doing his job.  He did not patronize, nor did he hold out false hope.  Real copper work is quite different than what one sees on the telly.  In the real world, crime is not solved in a one hour time slot.

After the fact, neighbours told of hearing sounds behind flats, which may or not have been the evil creatures at work, but it fits the time line.  Mind, no one saw anything.

Over time, this old geezer has had bricks thrown through windows, property ruined, hate hurled at and even been attacked on the road by evil creatures wearing masks.  I will tell you true, having an uninvited person in flat is far more horrid.  It will be a long time coming round to feeling safe.

Many tenants feel that this old geezer is too 'in your face' in questioning folks found creeping round the complex in the night.  Truth be told, matters not the hour, I take the safety of folks in this community very serious and will continue to.  More's the pity that the value of my efforts to protect is lost on many.

With pluck, I shall continue to provide a safe harbour for self and my neighbours.  Harm found this old geezer, and unlike many, I will not give up on the community I am a part of.  The departure of good souls from Linda is exactly what the evil creatures want.  It is time the evil creatures are shown that it is their days that are numbers...

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