Monday, June 28, 2010


If you have a yen for adventure in Downtown Marysville, a visit to "Personally Yours" should be at the very top of list. "Apples" AKA "Ruth" has a panoply of wares available for purchase that be almost as colourful as she.

This old geezer adores folks who be different, how sad it would be if no one tried to be a splash of colour in these mean times. Ruth knows that her appearance can be off-putting to some, but she is passionate in belief that if folks get close enough to the tin she be, they will see more labels on tin that apply to the lovely person she be. Truth be told, MOI is not a big fan of tats and piercings, but it not be my body and who be I to judge another for wanting to apply more 'art' to body?

Like a merchant on 'high street' in small town in UK, Ruth is apt to hold court on pavement in front of her shop. All the better to meet and greet the folks who walk the pavement in search of the unique. Did I tell you, my dears, that "Personally Yours" be unique? A walk inside reveals bits and bobs that can best be described as 'chichi', with a heavy accent on the strong scent from incense thrown into the mix.

It takes more than one visit to shop to take in all of the wondrous things. It be a true riot to senses.

Ruth does not just flog her wares, she takes a keen interest in the life of the road that be "D" Street and takes active part in helping to plan events to be held on road. On top of that, she joins with a fellow merchant in promoting activities for wee ones. How clever is that? Very...

This old geezer loathes folks who have nothing better to do than cluck tongues and be a prophet of doom. To hear some talk, ruin is just round corner, there be merchants who are to lose homes and businesses. What a lot of tittle-tattle.

Ruth is very aware of the tune being played on road. Fortunately for Marysville, Ruth does not hear a 'death knell', rather a song of hope and opportunity for the days ahead.

Of late I tend to view the Marysville "BID" as "Hobson's Choice" and wonder when the board leaders will come to senses and see that Ruth has 'juju'. More's the pity if they do not.

Hope the filmed bit and these few words make one and all realize how golden this nugget of Marysville Gold be...

1 comment:

  1. I think she is wonderful and I'm pleased that you shined a little spotlight on her. She is always kind and very quick to smile. We need more like her around here.
