Friday, February 12, 2010


My dears, events this past week have made this old geezer thankful for so much. Another flat got rented to another lovely family. What with all of the new children moving in, this summer promises to see many of the wee ones jumping through the sprinkler heads to be placed out. How lovely.

There are still a few tenants who do not get the message. Obtuse they be. Rules that are in place to make it lovely for all, seem to not apply to them. Now that most at the Linda Villa and Park are making a go of it, the few left are so blatant. Kicking and screaming they be, and it seems that no effort on the part of this chap is going to change that.

All who move into the world that the Linda Villa be are being told what is expected of them. There is every effort made to make sure that it is quite clear what the rules of acceptable behaviour are. That there are no exceptions.

There be a lady at the complex who continues to feel that she is a 'special case'. Seems to think that she has a 'special pass' due to past association with Murray Kay. Fancy that, the road to ruin at the Linda Villa and Park was paved by folks like her.

Gossip and rumour added to not wanting to comply with rules, makes for a touchy situation. What ever happen to folks having the good grace to bow out when they are no longer wanted? Why does one always have to hear the age old threat; "I am going to see a lawyer." When doing the right thing becoming a suable offense?

Just yesterday a scrounger came by looking for evil. He headed up stairs to knock on doors. Asked who he be visiting, he replied; 'I do not know their name, but they will remember me.' When told to get on bike and leave, the wasted individual stammered for words and came up with this precious quote; "you can not ask me to leave......that is tenant harassment"...

The obtuse lady who refuses to deminish her animal population is going to get a shocker. The cages are coming out again, and once the animals are in the cage they are not coming out. Like the good folks at Animal Control told the whole world; "The safest place for a cat is in the owner's home". The water bowls and food will be picked up that hurled into the rubbish bin.

My dears, how very sad that folks known to be lovely have taken to showing their arses to one and all at the complex. How sad that one who fancies self a bit like Mother Teresa is proving to have a right mean and nasty streak that makes it hard to remember how lovely she has been in the past.

I will continue to tell the folks on road and at the complex that good things are headed our way. We, that be ALL, need to prove to community that past sins are being washed away, not to be replaced by new ones.

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