Monday, May 24, 2010


Dear Appeal Democrat Editor,

Folks local ask constantly why any decent person would want to reside in Linda.

Your newspaper wastes no time in reporting 'crime' in Linda (it makes for a clever story),
and many of the positive stories and images are left unreported.

How hubristic is that?

Urban blight that exists in Linda is not entirely the fault of landlords or home owners. What is oft
reported is how mean landlords are to tenants and the scales are weighted down in favour of
the tenant. How unfair.

Landlords and homeowners who try to provide affordable housing to the poor are many times left in a position that gives bad tenants the ability to stay until 'thousands' are owed before they get

I am angry. Just recently, Kay Properties had to offer 'cash for keys' to remove tenants from a unit they would not
leave. Rents were not paid. Not for valid reason, unless not wanting to pay rent is a valid reason. Trouble
caused by tenants gone bad spreads, and in short order lays waste all round, they poison all with the evil they
bring into the community.
Calling the coppers is not an avenue with much hope as it is considered a 'civil' matter. There is not much the coppers can do.

I am old fashioned enough to believe that if you have a problem, you ring up the coppers and contact elected local
officials. Lucky for this old geezer, there exists in Linda, coppers and elected officials who care passionately about Linda.

Sheriff Steve Durfor and Supervisor Andy Vasquez have been brilliant in trying to help sole the blight caused by tenants gone
bad. It is a daily battle to show the community that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. No matter how small, it is
addressed. The 'broken window' approach is being used with effect.

The power of the press is massive and the Appeal Democrat should do all possible to foster good public relations between residents, coppers and
local elected officials. Not because it is what I want, but because it is the right thing to do. Civic Pride & Moral Responsibility are traits that
the Appeal Democrat should go out of way to promote. A little flag waving should happen more oft than on Memorial Day or 4th of July.

Linda is a valued part of Yuba County and should receive more attention to it than it has in the past. What makes Linda so valued is its residents,
the folks who never departed when things turned to custard.

The role of the Appeal Democrat is to educate and illuminate the locals, along with selling adverts. You might be gobsmacked by number
of folks willing to purchase your newspaper if they felt the Appeal Democrat truly cared about and valued.

As these things go, this letter does not have a reportage of shots fired, blood flowing in street, dead drug dealers. It is a blatant plea
to you, the editor, to tell folks that Linda can be more brilliant if given half a chance.

Rob DeFrees
5956 Park Avenue #S
Marysville, Ca 95901
tele: 530-741-9178


Thank you for writing, Mr. Defrees.

Letters to the editor need to be 250 words or less.
I encourage you to edit and resubmit.
Len La Barth

My dears, I am a bit wordy, it will be a challenge to see if MOI can edit down and still keep the flavour...

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