Tuesday, May 14, 2013



The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes "AWWW!”

Truth be told, Alan, regardless of appearance, is anything but normal.

From the very first meeting, I knew - "There's a story there" - and I was right.

Is it not strange how friendship pops up in the most unusual places?  Who would have thought that the likes of the old geezer would get up close and personal with a very 'hard to know' person such as Alan.  Might have something to do with me winning personality OR the knack of asking too many questions...

In many ways, Alan is a contradiction.  Alan says he does not care about appearances, yet buys a very sporty vehicle, bright red no less.  Not content to live as a renter, Alan purchases a grand house.  Mind, Alan still thinks that Walmart is the only place to purchase his wardrobe.

I like Alan, more to the point, I am quite sure Alan likes me.  He does not understand the drama of my life, but seems interested in all of the weird things going on.

Alan is not one to upset folks.  Goes out of his way to not hurt feelings.

Recently, Alan closed the deal on his new house.  A large three bedroom house.  The old geezer wasted no time in telling Alan what colour to paint the bedroom that would be 'home' to the old geezer.  Banged on quite long, I did.  Partly out of fun and partly to test the waters.

However much Alan might like the old geezer, the idea of having MOI share his home was not to his liking.  Alan did not know how to tell the old geezer.  I may be lots of things but 'daft' is not one of them.  Truth be told, it was very clear to MOI that a new housing situation was not going to happen.

The last time looked, friendship should not be a chore.  Nor should one make another feel uncomfortable with what expectations.  Alan will more than like, be very close to the old geezer for years to come.  It is quite possible that me being a rose, covered with thorns, is not what sort of flower Alan thought the old geezer would be in the garden of friendship, but is still better than being a nasty weed...

Now if I could only get Alan to splash out on furniture, instead of talking ally rubbish from someone...

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