Thursday, July 19, 2012


Every day, the old geezer takes his walk.  With English walking stick for support, it is onto to Kalakaua Ave for a refreshing stroll down the beach.  Rather easy to do this as on the beach side of the avenue, there is almost no breaks in the pavement and one can be safe from traffic.

The journey is broken by a stop at the Moana Hotel,  Posh hotel right on the beach and ever so inviting.  MOI likes to sit on the veranda facing the banyan tree, the very one featured in "Hawaii Calls".  As you can see, the chairs are comfy and the breeze from the ocean s refreshing.  It is also a lovely spot to read the daily copy of USA Today, to be found on a table by the dining room.

Right cheeky of the old geezer.  The newspaper is FREE to guest, but if you stretch the truth a wee bit, MOI is a 'guest', or has been in by-gone days.

Most of the folks on the veranda appear to be from Japan, but there are older travellers from mainland and elsewhere.  That is why MOI is able to blend in.  Looks like a 'tourist'...

The Moana is a lovely hotel and can well remember having 'high tea' on the veranda in days past....

Bad enough that MOI takes up space on the back veranda, but there is also a rather inviting veranda that facing the road in from of the Moana Hotel.  As you can see from the snap, there are lovely rockers to sit in and makes the 'people watching' ever so lovely.  Best place to watch newly wed folks enter their limousines for ride to begin married life.  Also a grand spot to watch the parade of folks in bathing costumes walk past on way to the surf.

Rather thing that folks are clueless that the old geezer is getting a 'bit of posh' on the cuff..

1 comment:

  1. This is "James" That looks like fun, hope to be able to join you in those chairs one day.

    Chandra and the kids are doing great, and have ben asking what your up to, we will see each other soon in the future, much LOVE.

