Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Here it is, the year end rant of the old geezer. What would this blog be if not for the words of wisdom given...
Right, so this old geezer will try to sum up the many lessons learned in the past year. As if it will set the world on fire. Mind, it might make for interesting reading.
Whatever 2013 was, it was another year with many blessings and another good reason to have been round to see. There was a time the old geezer gave thought to depleting the population by one, but came to realize that it would rob me of the chance to see what was round the next corner.
After a lifetime of questioning who I was and where I came from and where I was going, it all seem to come together this past year. I made a few steps in the wrong direction but always headed back to where I was running from. I used to think that that distance could protect me self from the past. Funny thing id that you can never run fast enough to get out of your own skin. The past is part of who I am and after much therapy, I have long last come to live with the past. The past can not hurt me anymore.
Much of what I learned this past year is due to my listening to the stories of the people met. My life is no different than many met who struggle with illness, disappointment and miss opportunities. Many of the folks met have had to lead double lives. Hiding a part of selves they were afraid to reveal. For the first time in many a years, I really listened to the stories. It changed me.
However hard life has been, there is no difference in my life and so many others. Truth be told, 2013 was not a bad year.
I have people in my life who like me and care about me. That is a really big deal. Me being unwilling to let folks get close. After 26 years, I am willing to let folks get very close. I rather think John would be proud of that.
I have LIVED. Have the dirt clinging to and the bruises to prove. That is the whole point. Life may not have been what I hoped for but it was pretty much of my own making. 2013 was a time for me to take stock and begin to enjoy the years to come. Accept the 'family' I have built and let the 'family' that never was go. Accept that I am OK and going to continue to improve with age.
There you have it. I am happy that 2013 is ending on positive note for me. I am really looking toward the new year with high hopes. Eager to listen to more of the stories from the folks I care about.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Feeling full of Christmas cheer, the old geezer rescued this poor dog from the pound. I think I shall call him 'Alan', as he reminds me of someone as he reminds of one so full of wisdom...
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas morning. The morning we have all been waiting for. The morning that reveals how much we are loved and appreciated.
This old geezer woke up bright and early and was feeling most pleased with self. Christmas Eve had been a delightful evening of listening to Christmas music. Yes, the old geezer had been blessed with new and improved hearing devices. A visit to doctor on Christmas Eve morn had got them fine tuned so that all of the merry sounds of the season would be heard. Mind, one of the devices needs to be fitted with a better seal but 'sound', even less than perfect, is a joy.
A quick trip to the local market got a few treats for the evening and also allowed MOI to visit with some folks and wish them the best of the season.
Christmas Eve was spent alone. I sat at my machine and read notes sent from absent friends and sipped 'low fat' eggnog. As the well remembered carols played in the background, I saw in my mind's eye all of the folks I am fond of and did not feel alone at all. I even remembered some of the folks I do not think kindly on. With many happy thoughts I took to my bed and counted my blessings.
I sprang from my bed this morning, showered and dressed smartly. Ready I am to sail out into the bright Christmas day hoping to visit friends and generally feel rather full of Christmas.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Over the past several days I have watched multiple versions of the movie "A Christmas Carol". There has been the 1935, the 1953 and the 1990's telling of what has to be the definitive Christmas story, penned by Charles Dickens in 1843.
You may well say that the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future have made quite a few visits.
I know that there are many who wish that the whole business of the holidays would just go away. They would like nothing better than to wake up and find that they have missed it completely. There are many known to who feel that the the buying of presents, for people not well liked, the putting up a tree and other decorations starts way too early and the endless din of Christmas music heard the whole day long is more that anyone should have to bear. BAH HUMBUG.
To be true, the old geezer cannot look back at some Christmas seasons with undiluted pleasure.
My early memories of Christmas date back to the orphanage. While there was a tree and bright lights and a few outings to mark the season, the whole experience was not entirely well received. The nuns in charge had a knack for pulling donations out of the pockets of the well to do. Putting small unwanted children on display was a sure way to tap into the guilt of folks. The money poured in and presents received for 'the poor children' were locked away to be used as bribes in the future. To say that Christmas was mean would be to put it mildly.
Then I met John and the true meaning of Christmas revealed itself to me. How well I remember the first Christmas. There was an enormous tree in the living room. I had bought many strings of lights to put on and tree and was feeling in a most festive mood. John pointed out to me that the lights bought were the sort that one placed on bushes and the such OUTSIDE of the house. I knew that. I wanted to make sure that when the tree had been lighted the light coming from the tree would blind you. What a sight it was and to this day remains one of the special memories of Christmas.
There were many Christmas seasons spent with fond memory. Christmas celebrated in many different parts of the world. Christmas in Stockholm was special as were the ones had in Paris, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London. London, now there was Christmas remembered. The whole English manner in celebrating the holiday appealed to me.
Hawaii is completely different to manner in which Christmas has been celebrated in the past. It is hot and the sun shines all day and there is nothing remotely common with the memories of Christmas past connect to it. There is however the spirit of ALOHA, a spirit that seems to get stronger during the Christmas season and just wraps you in warm blanket of love. It is also the place John loved most and it is where John rests.
Christmas, for me, is a collection of past memories that fill me with hope and remind me of the love received and the many kindnesses received. Christmas is a time I remember all of the people met during my walk through life. People who have become a part of who I am.
Many years ago I received a little article cut from a newspaper. It was inside a card received and has become a tradition of mine at this time of year. I would like to keep that tradition going...
I have a list of folks I know all written in a book.
Every year at Christmas I go and take a look.
That is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they are written in but of my heart
Each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime
And in the meeting they have become the "rhythm of the rhyme"
While it sounds fantastic for me to add this claim
I really believe I am composed of each remembered name
While you may not be aware of any special link
Just meeting you has shaped my life more than you can think
Once you have met somebody the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word or friendly face
So never think of my Christmas card is just a mere routine
of names upon a list, forgotten in between
For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you
It is because you are on the list of folks I am indebted to
You are a part of the total of many folks I have met
You happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget
Whether I have known you for many years or few
In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do
Every Christmas I realize anew
The biggest gift that life can give is meeting folks like you.
This time of year I remember so many. Carol, the lovely lady who sent me the clipping. Randy and Jack. Anita, my 'aging hippie' friend who never gave up on her community. Paul who was my friend and is sorely missed this Christmas. Roy who allowed the old geezer to get some pretty good deals and will always be remembered as the person who helped me have the best Halloween ever. Laura who shared so much of herself and has a heart as big as Texas. Paul who has been a better friend that I deserve and reminds me that caring and sharing are just a natural part of his make-up. The Big Kahuna who helped this old geezer through a rough patch and allowed me to celebrate his Christmas Eve with his family. Ron who tries to act so mean most of the year and overcomes his mean nature to put on a Christmas Eve gathering for many folks who would not otherwise has a Christmas. Ron who spends much of what he has little to give presents to all who come to his gathering. Alan who pretends to hate Christmas and has more of the true meaning of Christmas in him that any I know. Angie who married my brother and tries to create a family for him. James who overlooks the faults of his friend and tries to makes sure that the spirit of Christmas is there for him, even if he does not appreciate. Rocky who tries to keep the spirit. The flood of faces and names is endless. I have been blessed by so many and loved.
Truth be told there are folks not named but still very much a part of my memories this day. If not today, they have been mentioned in the past and will be very much on my mind as I celebrate Christmas this year.
A special thanks to the dear old friend who sent me the snap of me when I was 24. It touched me so much that I made sure to place a snap of me as I am today. Odd how I still do not smile...
Like Scrooge, I will try to keep Christmas in my heart the whole of the year.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
I am over the moon over this snap received today. As hard as it is to believe, this is what the old geezer looked like in 1975...
The Harrods Decadence Christmas hamper will cost you £20,000, but it does include truffled caviar, a salmon fillet, plenty of cheese and a box of crackers costing £599 each. Please feel free to send for the holidays.......
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Rather thought that after being absent from these pages for so very long, it would be ever so clever to give all of me special readers a right good giggle.
As you can see from the date on the photo this snap dates back to the days when there was quite a bit more to this old geezer. Always thought that I had not stopped eating, the shirt hanging in the background was to be final size...
Have a good giggle, there is more to come, as Christmas is soon to be here.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
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Robert and Russell AKARoxanneAKARocky |
"Rocky" thinks of self as transgender, a woman trapped in a man's body. While the dress on this day was toned down, usually "Rocky" shows up at the bus stop bench dressed in a colourful MUMU or an strapless black evening gown. Can you imagine the figure cut by "Rocky"? The whole package plus pushing a trolley loaded with extra gowns and sleeping gear.
"Rocky" is born and raised in Hawaii. At 34, Rocky has never known a time when he was not homosexual and he says that his manner of dress caused much trouble with his family.
Truth be told, when the old geezer first met "Rocky" he did not meet the new person with undiluted pleasure. I do not do 'drag queen' well. It offends me. Right, so that is mean to say but it is the truth.
Over time, sitting with James on the bench, more and more of "Rocky's" story came out and little by little, my attitude softened toward.
Along with being 'transgender', "Rocky" suffers from a mental illness AND does drugs AND is a compulsive over-eater. With no address, Rocky finds a clear spot in the car park at St. Augustine's and tries to sleep there.
"Rocky" is trying to mend his ways. Of late, "Rocky" has entered a drug programme and he told me today that it has been 5 weeks since he smoked "ICE". "Rocky" says that he is trying to get his eating under control but I rather doubt that. "Rocky" loves his groceries and continues to eat more that needed.
Life is mean for "Rocky" but you would never know it to listen to "Rocky". will long remember the ringing sound of the laughter that flows out of him. Even when he is having a hard day, he finds something to get a huge belly laugh about.
The shocker is that I find myself liking and caring about "Rocky". Right, he is not full quid and he lives in a fantasy world. Truth be told, have never seen "Rocky" be mean to anyone and many is the time seen him share what little he has with other homeless people. I know that "Rocky's" dream of being the first transgender president of the United States is never going to happen but if it pleases "Rocky" to dream such Hugh dreams, what is the harm.
In a perfect world there would be a special place for folks like "Rocky". Sadly, it is not a perfect world and no one seems to care that life is mean for folks who do not fit in.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Zone 2555 and Calaveras face more death
Just after the 4th of July, a few days past, there was a visit to the road and community that make up Zone 2555 by the 'Angel of Death', a personage that had been held at bay for almost 2 years.
MOI has been informed that a young gang member was shot to death on the road, 18 he was, and rumour has it that his death was due to gang related drug activity. The gang member was found face
down in the dirt of the road. It is said that this horrid death came about due to activity at a much trouble property on road, a property well known to coppers, city officials, neighbourhood 'faith based' leaders and the folks round it.
The last gang - drug death was in 2007, on Father's Day, when a young thug was shot dead in his vehicle on the road.
Congrats are in order...........Mayor Swearengin can sew on a cross to frock, to remind herself of her lack of leadership and inability to hear the cries of help from a much troubled community in Downtown Area. Downtown Tsar Sharton can paint a cross on his shield, to remind self of his complete lack of reality in dealing with what truly ails Downtown, he carries blame for gangs and drugs keeping folks from going into the Downtown main. Rev. Phil Skei has a stain on his soul, for shouting 'Praise Jesus', all the while dodging bullets and ignoring gangs and drugs on road he lives.
The whole group is lead by Council President Cynthia Sterling, who has many deaths against her and during her watch as council member. Ms. Sterling has allowed Civic Pride to die in Zone 2555, never forcing City of Fresno to act to save a community desperate.
Hate lives in Zone 2555 and on road once lived on. Hate directed against anyone brave enough to be different, to fight for change, and to encourage folks to be the best possible. Hate directed against gangs, drugs, whores, benefits cheats and slumlords was too hard for Swearengin, Sharton, Skei or Sterling to grasp and cause the community to rise up with hope, that elected officials really cared.
Given the trend on Calaveras and in Zone 2555, Father Christmas need not worry about visiting this Christmas..............along with Civic Pride missing, is the Moral Responsibility............
Right odd.......Mayor Swearengin, Tsar Scharton, Ms. Sterling and the good Rev. Skei all say they want, and can make happen, a safer community in Downtown area.........how can that be?.....if they can not prevent death on one road in one much troubled and put upon community in Fresno.......
Four years have past since this was posted. The sad reality is that this much troubled road is still visited by much pain and suffering. The dear reader who sent this reminder did so as she wanted to remind of what had been done good while on that road. I am very proud of that...
MOI has been informed that a young gang member was shot to death on the road, 18 he was, and rumour has it that his death was due to gang related drug activity. The gang member was found face
down in the dirt of the road. It is said that this horrid death came about due to activity at a much trouble property on road, a property well known to coppers, city officials, neighbourhood 'faith based' leaders and the folks round it.
The last gang - drug death was in 2007, on Father's Day, when a young thug was shot dead in his vehicle on the road.
Congrats are in order...........Mayor Swearengin can sew on a cross to frock, to remind herself of her lack of leadership and inability to hear the cries of help from a much troubled community in Downtown Area. Downtown Tsar Sharton can paint a cross on his shield, to remind self of his complete lack of reality in dealing with what truly ails Downtown, he carries blame for gangs and drugs keeping folks from going into the Downtown main. Rev. Phil Skei has a stain on his soul, for shouting 'Praise Jesus', all the while dodging bullets and ignoring gangs and drugs on road he lives.
The whole group is lead by Council President Cynthia Sterling, who has many deaths against her and during her watch as council member. Ms. Sterling has allowed Civic Pride to die in Zone 2555, never forcing City of Fresno to act to save a community desperate.
Hate lives in Zone 2555 and on road once lived on. Hate directed against anyone brave enough to be different, to fight for change, and to encourage folks to be the best possible. Hate directed against gangs, drugs, whores, benefits cheats and slumlords was too hard for Swearengin, Sharton, Skei or Sterling to grasp and cause the community to rise up with hope, that elected officials really cared.
Given the trend on Calaveras and in Zone 2555, Father Christmas need not worry about visiting this Christmas..............along with Civic Pride missing, is the Moral Responsibility............
Right odd.......Mayor Swearengin, Tsar Scharton, Ms. Sterling and the good Rev. Skei all say they want, and can make happen, a safer community in Downtown area.........how can that be?.....if they can not prevent death on one road in one much troubled and put upon community in Fresno.......
Four years have past since this was posted. The sad reality is that this much troubled road is still visited by much pain and suffering. The dear reader who sent this reminder did so as she wanted to remind of what had been done good while on that road. I am very proud of that...
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Early Monday morn, Jay, an out-reach worker for vets from IHS, came by the bus stop bench that James sleeps on. His mission was to pick up James and take him to IHS and place him directly in contact with folks who are capable of finding solutions to problems faced by homeless vets. The old geezer tagged along...
From the start, Jay tried to establish a rapore with James and that meant using a less formal form of address.
James got to meet several people who are in the business of trying to get vets off the street and into a more secure setting. There was plenty of information giving out and there were options placed in front of James.
James listened to all and even gave out very personal insights as to why he might be in the situation he is in.
I listened very hard to what James had to say and came away from the trip to IHS with a better understanding of James and a better understanding of myself and my motives for wanting to better James' situation. Truth be told, the whole experience made me face some basic truths about James and myself.
Like James, the old geezer carries 'baggage', some of which is very old and not likely to be thrown off. The 'baggage' has to come define who I am.
James has a special relationship with another person, one that helps define him and gives him purpose to life. Regardless of how strange the relationship might be, or how mean that relationship causes his life to be, that relationship is non-negotiable. James is not prepared to break off ties. The person is very important to James.
James' relationship with his friend made me think about the special relationship had with John so many years ago. John, like James, was told over and over again that my being in the picture was not acceptable to his friends or family. I was damaged goods. My past was not one that suited a person like John. John should cut me loose and be the better for it. Like James, John felt that our relationship was non-negotiable. I was a part of his life and that was just the way it was going to be.
There was nothing horrid about me, just the general 'unsuitability' of me. I was not wealthy and was too loud in my purpose. The causes promoted were not fashionable and truth is not always received well.
I had to confess to James that I was guilty of not listening to him in the past. I refused to accept that James had the right to live his life in the manner he wanted and not as I viewed his living his life. James is no fool, is well aware that his situation is mean and that it will remain so unless some things change. James never asked me to push as hard as I did to get him off the street. James never tried to work the system.
James knows himself rather well. More to the point, James sees himself in the bright light of day and does not feel that he has to apologize for anything, least of of who he is. James has taught me how to deal with life better. Truth be told, every day James gives me the courage to face life fully and to not complain.
IHS and the folks who toil there are well meaning. They have a plan, 'their plan', a plan that may not work for all but it is the only plan they have in play. Jay and IHS have all of the answers for folks who fit the profile they are most 'au fait' with. It works well, for some. I understand well that James may well feel that what was offered, and there was much offered, is not 'right' for him.
Some years back, when this old geezer felt himself at the end of the road, totally without hope and little desire to carry on, he too made the trip to IHS and tried to get a helping hand through dark days. It will remain forever remembered as one of the worst periods in life. That the period only lasted for a few weeks, is due only to my coming to senses and realizing that it was 'I' who gave up on 'me', not the friends had. Once the shame of being down and out was dealt with and talked openly about, there was a place for me to go to and my life would go on. I thank God that IHS is not an option for me, nor would it ever be.
James is going through a hard patch due to health problems. There is hope that his health will not get worse and that he will be able to do what he has always done, LIVE, on his terms and under his own steam.
Jay, the out-reach vet worker at IHS, kept reminding the old geezer that regardless of the rank reached or past brilliance of the life James had, he was no more special than any other vet that came in the door looking for help. That may well be.
To me, James is bloody brilliant. He punched his ticket in all the right spots during his journey through life. I am in awe of all that he has given and achieved during his 40 odd years of service to America, be it in the military or as a park ranger. James is very important. I value my friendship with him and am in debt to him for helping me face life and the challenges faced with more courage than before. James makes me a better person.
It is no chore to spend time with James. I look forward to each morning. I will still worry about his health. I will still be bothered by his housing situation.
The answer to James and his situation was in front of my face all along. I understand now that loving James as a friend has to come without judgement of his friend or the manner in which he lives his life.
I can do that...
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Retired MSG James Finney gave 20 years honorable service to this country.
There is no doubt that there are issues at play that gave cause to retired MSG Finney finding himself living on the street and sleeping on a bus stop bench.
Retired MSG James Finney is neither an alcoholic or drug addict. Retired MSG James Finney has lived in Waikiki most of his time in Hawaii, and that period goes back some 25 years. Why is it that housing, with a little help and understanding, can not be found for retired MSG Finney in the community he feels a part of? Why is the only option to bunk down in a programme loaded with ex-servicemen who are unable to deal with life without drugs or alcohol. OR, to sleep in a homeless shelter totally unsuited to his needs.
Having come to know retired MSG James Finney, I know that he is not looking for a free ride, just a little help in getting into an affordable housing situation that he can cope with due to his medical proplems.
I have no doubt that IHS and USVETS do some good in helping the homeless. The homeless that who get all of the attention.
Retired MSG James Finney gave much to this country. We, each and everyone of us, owe him help and support, in his hour of need.
Call me stupid but if we can not help a valued retired MSG, who can we help.
Retired MSG James Finney reminds me that he is not 'homeless', just housless. This is due to his belief that 'home' is where the 'heart' is. Retired MSG James Finney has a great heart, witnessed by his 20 years of honorable service to this country.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
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Laura's Massive ALOHA |
The snap featured is of my lovely friend Laura, sister to another person known to. To say that there is a story to tell would be putting it mildly.
I first met Laura some years back when she was in hospital fighting a nasty infection. Laura is a massive woman and required a very large hospital bed. Although she had been in hospital for some time, Laura was quick with a laugh and seemed delighted to have met another new person. I remember we chatted for some time and then I left, not to come upon her for a number of years.
Waikiki is a small place and it was only a matter of time before I would run into Laura again. Laura is a wee bit crazy when driving herself round in her mobility chair and it was at one of her brother's famous 'yard sales' that we re-connected. Laura has lived in a small flat just blocks off the beach for years.
What started out as a kindly gester to visit one trapped in a mobility chair and living alone, turned into on-going visits that were a source of cheer to both Laura and me self. Truth be told, Laura can be quite entertaining. Laura is well read, surfs the Internet on her mobile daily and loves to watch reality shows on the telly. Add a rather colourful life lived and you have endless hours of chin wagging to do.
The snap of Laura on the beach is a bit dated. Laura is so much larger today. At 4'10", Laura weighs in at near 400 pounds today.
The old geezer has had his problems with weight. Bloody hell, at the largest, it was over 400 pounds for my frame as well. Fat, for the old geezer, came late in life, but it was still a huge burden to carry. When the lamp came on to take off the fat, it was over time and due in large part to a complete change in the way groceries are viewed.
Truth be told, Laura's weight repulsed and frightened me. So unsure of being able to keep the same thing from happening to me again. I said some rather unkind things to Laura about her weight.
The odd thing about friendship is that it either overcomes the negative and grows into something beautiful of withers up and dies as a weed. My ever growing friendship with Laura has allowed me to accept Laura just as Laura is. Most of my willingness to see Laura is a positive light is due in no small measure to the sort of person Laura is.
Plagued by multiple health problems, Laura has still continued to find beauty in her world and to add love to it.
Laura took in a rabbit that no one wanted. The old geezer thinks the rabbit looks evil, with one dead pink eye looking at one. Laura loves the rabbit and cares not a fig that the rabbit is odd looking. Laura took in a guenia pig that no one wanted. Then there is FEBE, her rather large and very weird dog. FEBE has a tail that wags so hard that when one is hit with it, it feels like whiplash.
Then there are the cats. 6 living in the flat and one male cat that wanders the neighbourhood feeding from one and all. Did I not mention in the past that I loathe cats?
Laura plans her day round the needs of her pets. Feeding, watering and cleaning up after is a very complicated process that takes hours of her day. It is Laura's labour of love that she performs without complaint each and every day. Laura loves her animals and in turn the love Laura unconditionally.
I adore Laura. Like the old geezer, Laura is not without baggage, can be rather hard to take at times. At the end of the day, Laura has a heart full of joy. She still wants desperately to believe that folks have value, even the ones that have shat on her in the past.
Laura lives on a small social security check. A good part of that small check goes to feed and care for her 'family'.
Laura is very clever. She knows that the weight is not healthy. Like I said, Laura loves her groceries. So comfy am I with my ability to deal with food, is no longer bothers me that Laura eats more than required. Some think of the old geezer as an enabler. I do go to market and get food for Laura. If I did not, someone else would.
Whatever faults Laura has, does not negate the fact that Laura is a very loving person and tons of fun to be with. Truth be told, Laura keeps the old geezer so amused and depression is not a constant companion of late.
Laura's brother is having another one of his 'yard sales' today. Rather think the old geezer will have to go and see of there are any items of clothing for Laura. You never know what you will find. Gobsmacked I have been in the past to come on items Laura was able to transform into a serviceable MU MU.
There you have it. Another look into the world of Robert and the different sorts of people one meets in the walk through life...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
After weeks in hospital with a painfully swollen leg, my friend James is once again back out on the street, in a wheelchair and a whole lot worse for wear.
Loaded up with pain killers, medicine to fight infection and his blood pressure medication, James is finding it more and more difficult to get around and to find a comfortable spot on the bus stop bench to try and rest. Truth be told, James is looking more fragile than ever.
The old geezer spent hours on Saturday trying to convince James that he needs to get into some sort of programme and end his life on the street. He is now more at risk than ever before. My fear is that James will die on that bench and no one will discover him until he has grown cold.
Whatever the mental condition of James, he is not an alcoholic or a drug abuser. James' biggest problem is that he believes that he needs to care for another homeless person and if he leves the street, this homeless person will do himself in. Fact of the matter is, this younger homeless person has tried to kill himself before, latest time was before Christmas last, almost did it, but lived and spent 40 days in hospital coming back from the grave.
James needs help now. James is 70 years old and quickly sliding deeper and deeper into a high risk situation that could cause him to die. The swollen leg is not improving.
This day, the old geezer stripped off the old bandage and applied lotion to the leg. Peeled off lots of dead skin and re-applied a bandage to the leg. Got James to take all of his medicine and made sure he had water and something to eat.
James promised that he would get to a store and purchase some socks for his feet, get some sort of footwear and other items he needs to cover some of his medical problems. Like adult diapers. James can not always get to a toilet and the diapers help him cope.
James is in need of some sort of respite, he can not continue to do without sleep and proper care. James knows that my good friend Marc Alexander, with IHS, is aware of his condition and willing to work with him to get him some sort of help. James is also aware that I have made Care-A-Van aware of his condition. James is leary of authority, afraid to be placed in a situation where is is unable to get about. However strong his dislike of authority, James is also aware that he can not continue as he is. That the situation of his caring for another homeless person is not healthy for him.
If I have learned anything in doing good deeds, it is that you can not help everyone. Some homeless are not reachable. You have to try with the ones you feel can still be reached. I believe James is still reachable, it will not be easy, but it can still be possible for James to become more safe than he is at present.
I am going to forward this post to Marc Alexander at IHS. I am going to forward this post to Care-A-Van. I will also forward this post to any number of other folks who do outreach to the homeless. I will be padantic with members of the local newspaper and the mayor and a state senator. This post will find its way to two sites that deal with the homeless condition.
I can not save the world. I can stop and take the time to help one person, hoping that one person will find relief from suffering. James is my friend. James is also my responsibility as a member of society, the same society I am a part of. His life matters.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
No matter how clever the signs may be, giving cash to homeless beggars is just plain stupid. Truth be told, the same applies to non-profits giving endless amounts of outreach to drug addicts, alcoholics and lazy people who take whatever is offered without any desire to better their situation.
There are any number of places that feed the homeless. Noble idea, but how many of these homeless are truly 'hungry? Does 'hunger' apply to individuals who get 318.00 in food stamps? EBT receivers who sell their food stamps to buy alcohol, drugs or tobacco products? How many starving people does one really see in the food lines?
Many of the homeless receive government benefits. Cash. Every month. Is one really homeless if one makes the choice to not pay rent and use the cash received for drugs, alcohol or tobacco?
There are any number of non-profits in Hawaii who receive public monies to service the homeless. The same pool of homeless are provided an endless stream of outreach effort by one non-profit organization after another. Yet the number of homeless in Waikiki, Chinatown and Hawaii continues to grow.
The 'bright young things' in non-profits now want the public to believe that you can give housing to homeless folks without requiring any effort on the part of the receiver of such housing to change the behaviours that might place them in homelessness in the first place.
Call me cruel but I find it very hard to feel any sympathy for drug addicts or alcoholics who do not want to stop drinking or abusing drugs. Better to do outreach to folks who really want to change their condition.
If it be true that most of the homeless are folks with mental problems, would we not be better served in providing better programmes to deal with mental illness?
Homelessness is not unique to Hawaii. The homeless are to be found everywhere. Truth be told there will always be homelessness. Having a clever slogan that promises to end homelessness in ten years is not going to change that and is an out and out lie.
Mind, there are lots of 'bright young things' toiling away at a non-profit that need to fill out a resume or just make a living, and the public monies to be had seem to never end. Guilt is a good way to keep the monies flowing.
I want to reassure you that we do provide outreach every other week in Waikiki to our clients and all homeless we see while doing outreach. We also do night outreach once every two weeks in Waikiki. During outreach, we provide social services and referrals to different service agencies. We also inform them of the shelters that are available and pass out hygiene and snacks. We let new clients know about our services in our drop-in center and at our other locations. Many of the homeless in Waikiki are familiar clients to us. Our services are for all homeless, regardless of mental state or addiction as we aim to service all homeless that we encounter.
All of our services are free and voluntary. We can provide and inform individuals of our services, however, if they take our services is up to them.
Please, let me know if you have any other questions.
Homeless Adult Coordinator
The Waikiki Health Center is responsible for operating an outreach programme to the homeless. That programme is Care-A-Van. I rather think that the reply received was from that part of their operation.
Waikiki Health Center is a wonderful resource for poor people to us to gain access to medical attention and on-going care with their health problems, physical or mental. I have no argument with that.
I wonder about the outreach programme to the homeless. Does it really solve problems or does it pander to the homeless?
The reply received is so very "PC". Does it really answer any questions?
It still bothers me that an outreach worker from Care-A-Van, visited a 'client' on the street and rang up an ambulance for the individual. The 'client' may well have been feeling poorly, but he had a wheelchair, probably a bus pass, and could have got to hospital on his own. I know of another homeless man who had a severely swollen leg, infected, and barely able to walk, and he was able to get self to hospital. It did not cost hundreds of dollars to do that.
Makes one think that the 'bright young things' that do outreach, are pandering to the homeless and not mindful of the cost of rides in ambulances for individuals who might not require. Mind, it is only 'public monies' and there is an endless stream of that...
The homeless in Waikiki are a clever lot. Do you not think they already know where there can go? They know and pick and choose what they want. Mail service, EBT, free clothes. The good stuff to be had with no strings attached.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Today I say one of your outreach workers administering to one of the homeless in Waikiki.
The homeless man in question is well known to you, as you have reached out to him in the past. Provided housing and even went so far as to deliver his medicines to his homeless address, a bus stop bench on the beach.
The homeless man in question is a raging alcoholic and seems to thrive on getting cash from the tourists who feel sorry for him. Might explain why he keep returning to his old living situation.
This was the first time I actually say one of your our reach workers in action. It made me wonder.
Why is this homeless man getting so much attention? Is he more worthy of help than any other homeless person in Waikiki?
When will someone from your organization do out rwach to some of the other needy homeless? Like a 70 year old man sleeping on a bench, or a older local man with swollen legs and bleeding sores?
When is enough, enough?
The homeless man in question is well known to you, as you have reached out to him in the past. Provided housing and even went so far as to deliver his medicines to his homeless address, a bus stop bench on the beach.
The homeless man in question is a raging alcoholic and seems to thrive on getting cash from the tourists who feel sorry for him. Might explain why he keep returning to his old living situation.
This was the first time I actually say one of your our reach workers in action. It made me wonder.
Why is this homeless man getting so much attention? Is he more worthy of help than any other homeless person in Waikiki?
When will someone from your organization do out rwach to some of the other needy homeless? Like a 70 year old man sleeping on a bench, or a older local man with swollen legs and bleeding sores?
When is enough, enough?
For many months last year I walked past a man who was camped out on a bench in Waikiki. Had the very best spot on Waikiki Beach, just across the road from ABC stores and right in the middle of the beach where all of the tourists walk past.
This homeless person was a real piece of work. He did not bathe, change clothes or even bother with using the toilet, he just went into his trousers. To say that the homeless man stank would be an understand. He was so disgustingly foul that he was a bio-hazard unto himself.
I spent many a morning chatting with this homeless, wanting desperately to understand why such a condition was to be found in Waikiki. I learned that the homeless man was a raging alcoholic and that he was not interested in going to a shelter. I learned that Waikiki Health Centre visited him on his bench and even brought his medicines to him. When I asked the homeless man why he thought he should sit on the bench and make it foul for all, he told me it was his god given right to do that. I learned that there was no shame to the man. The homeless man even went so far to tell me that I was ruining his day by calling attention to his condition.
I asked many questions of folks who deal with homelessness in Waikiki. I really wanted to know why nothing could be done for this man.
Time past and it came to pass that this homeless man was given a safe clean place to live. The homeless man was removed from his bench on Waikiki. From time to time I would see the man in Waikiki, still drinking heavily and slowly starting to show the signs of one yearning to return to the street.
Some time back the raging alcoholic showed up at a bus stop, right in from of a very busy ABC store on Kuhio. He replaced his living situation yet again.
This homeless man is very comfortable living on the street. He knows that his appearance makes folks feel sorry for. He has quite the gift of chat, and is very clever in letting folks know that for a few dollars he might be able to get to hospital or get a meal. He never tells the poor tourists that every dollar received is going to be spent on alcohol.
This morning I passed this homeless man on my walk. I wondered how long he would be in this location. I was in for a shock when I returned from my walk.
The homeless man was sitting in his wheel chair with a young chap providing his with assistance. Turns out the young chap is with Waikiki Health Centre. The homeless man is known to, and he was ringing up an ambulance to take the man to hospital.
Gobsmacked I was. Not oft one sees one of the out reach workers for the homeless. How strange that the homeless man was receiving even more help. He must be one of the lucky 100 that are getting all of the attention these days. WHY? What good will come out of all the out reach. This man has a serious alcohol problem and nothing is going to change that condition if the homeless man does not wish it. This homeless man knows that money is to be had by being on the street, why go into housing where there is no cash to feed his lust for alcohol.
Waikiki Health Centre is reaching out to the homeless. Might well be the wrong sort. OR, it might be that the 'bright young things' doing out reach are not capable of understanding the nature of the condition.
I just know it is wrong to throw good money after bad. VERY WRONG.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Just the other day, the local newspaper did a story about the homeless on Oahu. Like any clever newspaper, the Star Advertiser had staff photos to go with the story.
The image of a 32 year old man, from West Coast, holding a placard with the message that he was homeless and hungry, was used to illustrate the homeless condition on Oahu.
To my mind, if the local newspaper wanted to generate sympathy for the plight of the homeless, the photo of the 32 year old man was not the way to go. OR, was it the clever way that the local newspaper got the message across to the readers that the problem was not without a down side. "Look at how your tax dollars are being spent".
Rather think my 'photo' has more meaning...
A recent trip to K-Mart gave the old geezer the opportunity to check out who was hanging about IHS. The shelter run by IHS is just across the road from K-Mart.
As luck would have it, the old geezer spied someone known to, sitting on the car park wall. Justin is employed by IHS to do outreach to the homeless. His main area of interest is Chinatown. I admire Justin, he is one of the folks who really feels for the people who are in need of help.
Justin and the old geezer do not see eye to eye about the homeless or the role that IHS plays in dealing with the homeless problem. Truth be told, Justin feels that the old geezer is not fair in his views about IHS. Justin believes that IHS is responsible for Chinatown and Waikiki Health Centre, which operates Care-A-Van, is responsible for Waikiki. After all, Justin says that there are more homeless people in Chinatown than in Waikiki.
Last time looked, the homeless travel. Many of the homeless that are in Chinatown have been known to be in Waikiki, and the same holds true for homeless in Waikiki. One of the main draws of Chinatown is the feeding programmes available. The homeless can catch a meal at River of Life or IHS. Just like Waikiki Health Centre, IHS is a mail drop point for the homeless.
In chatting to Justin, it is learned that not all of the space for the homeless is filled. There is always a mat available. Justin says that IHS can not force the homeless to stay in the shelter. True.
The photo of the sign used in this post was found on the INTERNET. Google says it is from Hawaii. It could be from anywhere. It could be from Chinatown or it could be from Waikiki. The message says it all.
IHS came about due to the compassion an episcopal priest had for his fellow man. They used to call it "The Peanut Butter and Jelly" outreach. The good father wanted to draw attention to the horrid condition of the homeless and to offer some comfort. IHS is much bigger than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich these days. One wonders just how true IHS is to the original mission of the good father.
There is no doubt that IHS helps people. IHS is not 'one size fits all' solution. Mind, you might have better luch with IHS if you happen to find self homeless in Chinatown...
Friday, May 17, 2013
The quote used in the title comes from Darryl Vincent, chairman of Partners in Care-Oahu's Continuum of Care.
Mr. Vincent is a very clever chap. Has an answer for everything.
Mr. Vincent is dependant on his organization receiving a never ending flow of public monies to fund his efforts to solve homelessness in Hawaii, more specific, Oahu.
Whatever the local newspaper reports, good or bad, is another opportunity for Mr. Vincent to put a positive slant on efforts to help the homeless.
To my mind, if you piss on a wall long enough, you will get some part of said wall wet...
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James |
James could be a poster child for Hawaii's Chronic Homeless. James says he has been living rough for the past 6 years. From living in a van to sleeping on a bench at The Bus Stop.
Tuesday last, James made his way to hospital to get some treatment for his leg. James had waited until he could not walk and the pain was too much to bear. To his credit, James made his way painfully to Queen's Medical Center. The leg was so swollen and infected, it required cutting his trouser leg to get to.
Seeing this as a golden opportunity to get some sort of housing for James, I rang up Marc Alexander, IHS bigwig, to see if he might be able to do something to help James. Mr. Alexander did not hesitate to provide some help. It was set up for James to chat with a person who deals with folks in crisis.
Unfortunately, having told James that someone would ring him, he took to not answering the telephone in his room. Told me that he could not abandon a friend he helps on the street. Told me this after his being told by social worker at Queen's that his options upon release from hospital were limited.
James will have his infection treated, his leg will go down in size, and he will return to living uncovered on the streets of Waikiki. His choice.
It is not my place to question James' sanity. Mind, readers are ever so clever and you already have put together that James is 'not full quid'.
The local newspaper had another article about homeless in this morning's paper. Regardless of the numbers, the director of US VETS sees positive things in them. Thinks the increase may well be due to the counting of the homeless being more accurate. What a lot of tosh.
James is a member of that 'chronic homeless population' that has yet to get shelter. His 'friend' is another member of that population. Between the two, hospital costs increase due to the unhealthy nature of their life style. This time out it is just a week or so for James. Last Christmas, James' friend spent 45 days in hospital due to a failed suicide attempt.
The article in the local paper contained quotes from a 32 year old, who is homeless. "I hate Hawaii" and "I am here because it is a good place to be homeless". Wonder if we can set up a collection to help the poor bugger return to where ever he came from.
I am not pleased that James will not accept help. I will continue to chip away at that attitude. I am proud that I know someone like Marc Alexander. Am not known for being fond of IHS, but that did not stop the man from offering to help. I wish the local newspaper would do more than to keep rehashing old news. Look for information outside of usual sources.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Alan |
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes "AWWW!”
Truth be told, Alan, regardless of appearance, is anything but normal.
From the very first meeting, I knew - "There's a story there" - and I was right.
Is it not strange how friendship pops up in the most unusual places? Who would have thought that the likes of the old geezer would get up close and personal with a very 'hard to know' person such as Alan. Might have something to do with me winning personality OR the knack of asking too many questions...
In many ways, Alan is a contradiction. Alan says he does not care about appearances, yet buys a very sporty vehicle, bright red no less. Not content to live as a renter, Alan purchases a grand house. Mind, Alan still thinks that Walmart is the only place to purchase his wardrobe.
I like Alan, more to the point, I am quite sure Alan likes me. He does not understand the drama of my life, but seems interested in all of the weird things going on.
Alan is not one to upset folks. Goes out of his way to not hurt feelings.
Recently, Alan closed the deal on his new house. A large three bedroom house. The old geezer wasted no time in telling Alan what colour to paint the bedroom that would be 'home' to the old geezer. Banged on quite long, I did. Partly out of fun and partly to test the waters.
However much Alan might like the old geezer, the idea of having MOI share his home was not to his liking. Alan did not know how to tell the old geezer. I may be lots of things but 'daft' is not one of them. Truth be told, it was very clear to MOI that a new housing situation was not going to happen.
The last time looked, friendship should not be a chore. Nor should one make another feel uncomfortable with what expectations. Alan will more than like, be very close to the old geezer for years to come. It is quite possible that me being a rose, covered with thorns, is not what sort of flower Alan thought the old geezer would be in the garden of friendship, but is still better than being a nasty weed...
Now if I could only get Alan to splash out on furniture, instead of talking ally rubbish from someone...
Monday, May 13, 2013
Finally, in an editorial in local newspaper, is much truth about the homeless situation in Hawaii.
Dormitory 'rooms' and not apartments for the homeless. Collecting the homeless that 'cost' in social services received and hoping that change might actually happen. Providing a place that 'maybe' leads to getting off alcohol or drugs. Knowing full well that many homeless families are still not served.
Right, other cities have had success in getting the homeless that 'cost' the most off the streets. One wonders how much direct control the cities have in the running of said programmes, or how much is 'farmed out'.
In Hawaii, more specific, Honolulu, there is much duplication of effort. Why is that? Is there not a welfare office that knows who the needy are? Social Security office that can provide an income to needy? Community health centres who service the needs of the sick? Can not the government offices already servicing the needy homeless, pool information and get help to the needy homeless. Why this endless collection of information by different non-profits?
Does it really have to cost $30,000.00??? Per homeless housed?
At the end of the day, cash to deal with the homeless problem still 'costs'.
Friday, May 10, 2013

My post about the homeless brought loads of emails. Not all were kisses, some were bricks.
I am in on the trick, am well aware that my style offends some folks in non-profits and local government. Even the Fourth Estate...
Lots of folks wanted to know why I was so harsh with IHS and US Vets.
After years of providing help to the homeless, they are no more able to sole homelessness than anyone else. Truth be told, there is money to be made in collecting an endless stream of cash to provide services. Directors of the two programmes make a good living doing good. Regardless of mistakes, they have folks convinced that they are on the cutting edge of helping the homeless. They have data to back them up.
Folks who are 'au fait' with this blog know quite a bit about the old geezer. I am at my best when adding personal experience to the story being told. This story should be no different.
I have dealt with mental illness the whole of my life. PTSD and Bi-Polar. Two big issues to deal with. I have been lucky. When times were darkest, there were folks who loved me and got me to doctors. I have been in hospital, done years of treatment and come to accept the reality of taking medication to control my mental illness. I am honest with myself. Facing the stigma of mental illness was not easy to come by, but when it was faced, it made living with mental illness more easy to cope with.
Every day I sit and listen to homeless folks talk. Every day I meet folks who are mentally ill, some more ill than others. Many of the folks living uncovered are mentally ill. Many of the homeless do not have the courage to face their illness. Most do not have anyone left who cares.
Years past, Hawaii had loads of places that helped the mentally ill get help in coping with the struggle of life. Most of the programmes that helped the mentally ill have had monies taken from and the ability to service this very needy homeless group is under served. Trained professionals who knew how to reach troubled souls are not so readily available. Programmes that helped the mentally ill homeless get help getting off the street find funding hard to come by.
Honolulu is trying to find answers to the homeless problem. The mayor gets loads of advice from folks who say they are able to deal with the problem. Right, so long as funding comes their way. IHS is not in the mental health business. Serving the needs of the mentally ill is not something they do well. I hear the stories and I have personal experience as to their lack of understanding of how to deal with the mentally ill. US Vets is capable of helping folks, so long as they can pay their own way, or the government provides a grant to cover the cost. I doubt that either non-profit really knows how to reach out to the mentally ill homeless. Mind, they will get it a good try if there is a grant to be had.
It may well be that Honolulu needs to run its own homeless programme. Stop passing the buck to non-profits that clearly have not had much luck in lowering the number of mentally ill living uncovered.
When the state of Hawaii took funding from mental health programmes, it had to know on some level that the cost to society was going to rise.
There is no easy fix to getting homeless folks in housing. Offering housing to mentally ill and abusers of drugs and alcohol without conditions is not the answer. Mind, IHS and US Vet will roll out data that supports this approach. What a waste of money.
Once again, the local newspaper does another front page story on the homeless in Hawaii. Once again, the headline promises much but the story is lacking.
The Mayor of Honolulu detailed his 'new' plan to deal with the homeless situation.
The shocking news in this latest article is that it requires $30,000.00 per person to help 100 homeless get off the street. $30,000.00...
Seems right odd to this old geezer that clever folks in local government and working for the local newspaper keep going back to the same sources for information on how to deal with and solve the problem of homelessness in Hawaii.
The cost of providing housing for the homeless is based on another study to come from US Vets, one of the non-profits local that tries to help get folks off the street. US Vets and IHS, already receive public funds to deal with the problem of homelessness. Both organizations have been in the business of providing help for the homeless for years. Both do some good, they have some success, BUT, they have yet to solve the problem of homelessness in Honolulu. Can you imagine how much in public funds has already been spent with no solution to the problem found.
The good folks who toil in the fields of homelessness want us to believe that providing 'apartments' with no strings attached to, somehow is going to work better than what has in the past. What ever happen to 'a room somewhere out of the cold night air', being a good beginning. Do US Vets and IHS really want the good people of Hawaii to believe that providing 'apartments', fully furnished, to severely troubled folks is going to work. Do you really believe that a severely mentally ill person, or some one with a severe alcohol or drug problem is going to be morally responsible in dealing with the responsibilities of maintaining an apartment?
Truth be told, so long as local government keeps going back to non-profits for answers, we are going to have continued problems with the problem of homelessness. I can not believe that it requires so much money to provide help for so few folks.
I do not believe providing apartments with no conditions is going to solve the problem facing homeless folks.
Honolulu has to face the fact that past programmes dealing with mental illness and alcohol and drug abuse, that were cut when cash was tight has made the problem more severe. There were very good programmes in place that worked. Problems were solved. People were helped.
There is a very high price to pay by society for the lack of social services to homeless people with mental illness and abuse problems. Perhaps it is time to give back the monies to government programmes that worked in the past. Non-profits, like IHS and US Vets, already get public monies to service their target groups. They are no more successful in solving homelessness than anyone else. Anyone can work the data to serve their agenda. IHS and US Vets are monsters that need to be fed endless amounts of cash to stay in business. Whatever success is had is not without continued failure to address the real issue of homelessness and how society deals with it.
If the mayor wants to make a difference, let him and the city council look for answers from different quarters and stop going to back to a well that is run dry.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
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Robert and James Sharing coffee |
Some nine months ago, I walked up on James sleeping on a bus stop bench, in the wee hours of the morning. It is my habit to go for a walk and have a cuppa, most times long before the sun rises in the sky.
Getting the courage to approach, armed with a hot cup of coffee, I walked up to James and introduced myself. I was curious as to why an older man would be in such a situation.
Over time, like peeling back the layers of an onion, I have come to know James rather well. Truth be told, I consider James my friend, and I look forward to seeing him each morning.
James is 70 years old, has lived in Hawaii for 28 odd years, and until 6 years ago maintained an apartment. James is retired, gets a social security check, is not a drug addict or alcoholic. I have learned much of the 'why' as to his present situation, but still do not entirely understand it. What I have learned, is that being homeless is due to a variety of reasons and there are no easy answers to solving the situation.
James does not beg for cash, buys his own meals, washes his clothes, bathes and deals with the mean attitude of some folks directed at him due to his 'luggage' and weather beaten appearance. Right clever James is. He has a membership to a gym, allowing him to clean up, pays for a storage area to store the belongings he can not carry with and has a tarp to cover self when the rain comes. However clever James tries to be, some aspects of living uncovered can not be solved.
James does not really sleep at night. He 'rests', to get up when the park is open and try to sleep during the day. Like many homeless, James feels somewhat 'safe' to be sitting at a bus stop. If one can really be safe living on the street, dealing with the weird folks who wander the night looking to rob and abuse the weaker homeless.
James is well aware of IHS and the shelter offered. James does not feel comfortable being around the rough characters that seem to populate the shelter. James is not overly fond of folks who do drugs or are alcoholic. Being an older gentleman, who walks with the aid of a cane, the ideal of trying to get down on the floor and sleep on a mat is scary. James is also aware of programmes for former members of the armed services. James served honorably in the Army. The idea of living in a shared room with someone addicted to drugs or alcohol, in the middle of nowhere, at a cost of $700.00, is not an option he feels works for him.
There will be folks who feel that James is the creator of his own horrid situation. He has cash and should be able to get a place and not live on the street. Like I said in the beginning, there are no easy answers. James feels that he has as much right as the next person to be able to 'enjoy' some of the delights that Hawaii, or more specific Waikiki, has to offer. The bright lights and constant action draw his just as easily as the tourist or the local day trippers visiting in Waikiki.
Sitting with James every morning has been a real education. I have seen folks move away from the area due to his 'homeless' appearance. I have seen James mistreated in a restaurant. I have seen James forced to get up from a bench, on 'private' property, due to his 'homeless' appearance, while I am not asked to leave.
I have witnessed tourists and locals alike, come up to James in the early morning, giving small amounts of cash and food.
I do not know why there has to be anyone sleeping on a bench.
IHS, local non-profits, newspaper and local government bang on endlessly about the homeless problem on Oahu. Many promises are made, but few are kept. The old guard, IHS springs to mind, collect data, continue to operate redundant shelters, perhaps to collect endless streams of cash to continue programmes that have never solved the homeless problem or properly addressed the needs of folks like James.
James does not have much. That does not stop him from sharing what little he has with others less fortunate than himself. Like providing for daily needs of another homeless person who has nothing. Sharing his cash with others. Giving to his church that he attends twice a week.
James is my friend. I worry about him every time it rains all night. I worry about his lack of proper toilet facilities. I offer a little 'tea and sympathy' each and every day. I care. I just wish there was an easy answer to James' situation.
Truth be told, folks like James are ignored so oft, the very agencies offering help do not see him. It is so much easier to troll the usual places that draw the homeless, than really look at different sides to the homeless condition in Hawaii.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
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Ron sips his "Volcano" and Robert is gobsmacked |
As promised, the photographic proof of the fun time had last night is here.
That massive pineapple Ron is holding is loaded with juice laced with alcohol. Mind, when it was first placed on the table, it spewed out smoke, hidden in the bottom of the pineapple. Having had one on me birthday, I knew it was the perfect drink to get Ron in the mood to celebrate.
The hotel we went to was not properly named in the previous post. The hotel was the 'Pacific Beach Hotel'.
Please note the Panama. Somehow, Ron makes it all work.
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Ron, Shawn and Robert Celebrating "Ron's 72nd" |
There are times when the event is so large, it takes two celebrations to make it.
Ron's birthday was the 29th of April. Feeling that one dinner would not do, Shawn took Ron and MOI to Kobe's Steakhouse. That is the place where they cook the food in front of you, with the chef putting on a show as he slices and dices his way to preparing your order. The chef also makes a volcano out of onion rings, does some magic and the whole thing lights up and blows alot of smoke. Sadly, the chef who did his thing for us, was not in a good mood, and the volcano was very 'lame'...
As you can see from the photograph, Ron was decked out for his 'night out'. Bling to the max. Don't you just love the dark glasses with the diamonds???
A fun time was had by all and it will go down as a 'night to remember'...
The Kobe dinner was on the 26th, but the real celebration of Ron's 72nd Birthday took place last night at the Waikiki Beach Hotel. The very same place the old geezer celebrated his birthday in March.
In truth, the picking of the restaurant was easy. I had received a coupon for a free dinner, if another was purchased at full price. Being ever so clever with cash, two for one works, and the reservation was made and the outing planned.
Ron is not one to dine early. The reservation had to be for later in the day.
On the day of his birthday, Ron picked out his outfit with care. Truth be told, Ron is not someone you would miss in a crowd of people. Ron loves to dress up with all of his bling. That means 'large' rings and a rather flamboyant watch, that is said to cost a small fortune. The whole outfit has to 'work', from the shoes to the pants to shirt.
Knowing that Ron is most colourful, the old geezer splashed out on a present that was sure to stand out. Early in the month, a visit to a hat shop found the perfect addition to Ron's colourful personality. Can you believe they make a 'pink' "Panama" hat? Well, they do, and that was what was got for the birthday boy.
There was not a soul met on the night of birthday that did not comment on the very colourful hat. It was a hit, both with the public and Ron. Score one for the old geezer...
The dinner at the hotel was lovely. Friends of Ron had sent ahead a rather nice vase of flowers for the table, and there was a massive chocolate cake for afters.
Ron being Ron had the waiter cut up the cake and share it with the folks that were sitting next to him. One of the new found friends was a Marine, with his wife, who was scheduled to ship out in the morning for another hot spot to protect. The Marine loved the cake so much, he ate my large slice as well.
As is the case with a restaurant that caters to tourists and folks celebrating special occasions, there was a lovely lady taking keepsake photos. Ron had to have one, in fact he had to have two. Right dear they are, 15.00 per...
A very 'ALOHA' moment happened. One that the old geezer has not seen too oft. A man, not known to Ron at all, bought the photos for Ron, to mark his birthday. Now that is an "ALOHA" moment.
Upon returning home, it was discovered that another of Ron's friends had dropped off another birthday cake. A rather grand cake from one of the finest bakeries in town. Talk about having cake...
Ron promised to scan the photograph from last night's dinner but it was not available when this post was done. Thought the one of the earlier dinner would add a little flavour to this offering. Having said that, you need to see Ron wearing his very PINK Panama and you will when the old man scans it to me...
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