Sunday, July 31, 2011
However lame of leg and deaf of ear the old geezer be, Life has a way of getting through to, loud and clear. With the new device in me ear, a wee bit too loud at times...
For the past two weeks, the old geezer has spent time with a lovely family much loved. It is quite grand that even with many daily duties and trials, James and Chandra went out of way to keep the old geezer well attended. No small trick that. James is managing an apartment complex in a much troubled part of Sacramento and Chandra toils away in a long term medical facility for the terminally ill and long term care patients. That is quite a lot on plate. Then throw in 4 small children and the day is completely consumed. Roll in an tiring old geezer and it is a wonder we still chat with one another. Truth be told we get on like a house on fire.
Sadly, every visit has and ending and the visit to me lovely mates is drawing to a close.
Dunsmuir, Ca. calls. With a population of just over 1600 souls, is quite the small hamlet. The old geezer last visited Dunsmuir some 15 years ago and am told not much has changed. The town still looks like a throw back to the 1920's and 1930's, with remarkable painted signage to boot. From the viewpoint of a very devout papist, it is a wonder that there is a local Catholic church just up the road from where me new diggs will be located. Fancy that.
2011 has been filled with many magic moments and it is not over yet. One hardly knows what moment is or was best, the future may still throw a big one out. Thanks in no small measure to the extraordinary kindness of mates who care for the old geezer, 2011 is going to be looked backed on with undiluted pleasure for many a year to come. It is easy for the old geezer to feel 'all alone' but that is complete rubbish. Rather think it has been a long time since I have been blessed to have so many caring for. It takes some getting used to.
I rather think I do try to carry on, even if me medical problems get chatted up too much at times. When viewed with all of the problems others have, me wee ones pale in comparison.
I have been vexed by the ill feeling held toward by one in Hilo. My departure seems to have given rise to a bad taste in the mouth of the person known. It may well be that my 'adult baggage' is too sordid to deal with. Too right, it is. I can not apologize for the parts of that make the sum total of me. Will not even try. I know from past dealings that one assumes, on the part of the chappie troubled, that it would now be convenient to lump the old geezer into the bin with all of the ungrateful who have crossed path.
Truth be told, the old geezer has his faults. I tend to not like certain types of behaviour, make no concessions for, and tend to be rather rigid on that. We are talking wicked behaviour and am not going to change views. I have to let it go and move on. At the moment, am feeling the vexation flow out...
The adventure continues. The old geezer spent the other day on High Street getting prepared for the changed weather to be faced. Rumour has it that the temp can go from high to low during the course of the day. Coming from Hawaii, there were no jumpers in me Gladstone bag and that needed to be corrected.
With jumpers, long pants and a rather smart jacket, Dunsmuir will be faced with warmth...
At the end of the day, dear reader, the continued adventures of the old geezer will still fill the pages of me blog. Not even close to telling all of the stories of folks met in Hawaii or the new ones yet to reveal self. There will be many I rather think. It may not all be put down quickly but times is one thing the old geezer has buckets of.
The only person who controls the content of me blog is MOI. To some, it all about ME. Oi, the be quite right, the blog is most personal diary shared with folks all over the world. For better or worse...
I leave you this day with a much favoured axiom;
"I have been happy every hour of the day, my life is full, for I know I am loved."
Saturday, July 30, 2011
My dears, there are times that emails and posted comments dictate the course me post will take for the day. Last two days faithful readers from UK have been following the trials and tribulations of the old geezer in large numbers and feel obligated to chat about that.
The blog gets hits from all over America and Europe and some places that still gobsmacked the old geezer. Given that the old geezer is right proud of his English roots, it warms me heart to have so many from across the pond do a peek in so oft. This morn, checking me stats revealed that there were 33 from UK reading at that moment. London to be sure, but there were hits from Manchester and Brighton as well. Over the moon the old geezer is when so many take the time to peek in. Mind, given time time difference, it must be a bit of a wind down for many. Truth be told, there are times when the old geezer feels that the offering of the day is a wee bit like a stale biscuit. I do tend to worry...
There are loads of questions asked of the old geezer and I shall try to answer many of them now.
In a few days, the old geezer will re-pack his Gladstone bag and head out for the small town near the Oregon border. 2000 souls live there joined by one, ME. The offer to collect meself from a dear friend in his mountain retreat is an offer much appreciated. Nothing grand, just a warm place out of the cold night air and full of ALOHA, coming from the concern and affection of the offer maker. Sorry, some do not like the old geezer to bang on about in public, rather think you will know who the lovely chap be.
Do I miss the hostel and Hilo? Too right you be if you guessed I did. Circumstances conspired to make "Tea and Tidy" difficult, the stair were too much and getting use to the hearing device was annoying. I miss me chats with Justin and Hilo Hattie. When the old geezer was laid up they were ever so kind to. I miss all of the lovely folks who came to visit the hostel and the different stories of the world heard on a daily basis. I miss Albert and even miss Norman. I miss Terry at the cafe and am knackered at hard feeling that seem to have come with another thought to be understand to me 'old geezer condition'. Sadly, there be some who think the old geezer a wee bit too dramatic at times and present conditions of illness smack of the old geezer being an idle layabout. That is the way of it.
I have made much of me feeling that I had no value, but the comments and emails tell me otherwise. I am ever so touched by all of the love flowing my way. Truly.
They tell the old geezer that the small town travelling to is lovely this time of year. Month of August and September will be nice, there is no doubt.
Offers have come in for the old geezer to cross the pond and settle in UK. One has to take all of the offers with much thought. Crossing the pond at me age might well lead to me never returning to America and am not quite sure that is best at the moment. I am considering and still need to work out how cash would hold up in a very dear place to live. Mind, as one told, there is always a summer caravan in Brighton going unused. Fish and chips on wheels...
Rather think that my not mentioning the name of the town going to is a bit trying for some. No great secret, just do not have me travel brochures ready to lay on you. Rather think I will do quite a chat up on when it is time.
The plan is for James and the family to load up the van and drive me to the new town. They want to do a road trip and see the old geezer arrive safely. There is always another day for the train.
I will keep all posted as to me progress.
Friday, July 29, 2011
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James |
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Chandra |
The old geezer showed up to visit me mates in such a state. James and Chandra collected the old geezer and made very welcome. For not having seen in ages, the bonds of friendship on their part were strong to the old geezer. How lovely and very fortunate.
Mind, there be others but will stick with the story on this page for present.
Rumour has reached me ear that some in Hilo are not happy with the old geezer having left so quickly. So upset a chap be that all signs of the old geezer are quickly removed. Clothing has been 'donated' to a place not much cared for, mail is sent back and in general, the feeling seems to be that the old geezer has harmed the chap in some way by departure. No clues does the old geezer have as to the behaviour of the chap. I must just walk away and on...
There was a time when it was most important to post each and every day. I am not doing that and more than like will have periods when the posts will not be many. That is the way of it, dear reader, I must do what I must do to get me mind clear.
I am soon to depart for a place by the Oregon border, a very small town, although there is a Catholic church. I will be safe, thanks in no small part to the efforts of another dear friend to. I will no doubt be the better man come the end of summer.
No clue what the future holds for MOI. I do know that I look forward to the future with undiluted pleasure.
I adore all of me 'friends' to me blog, each and every one who peeks in and from time to time emails the old geezer. I get much from.
I have used the below filmed bit before and use it know as a way of salute to James, Chandra, Hilo Hattie, Steve, Anita, Andy and Justin. AND to let the upset chap who wants to pretend I do not belong of this world a heart felt tribute.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
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Robert - A puzzlement |
I would suggest that you settle in with a nice cuppa and read. Mind, the tale to tell will be wordy so one might have to read it all in several sittings. That be OK, as the old geezer can always use the 'hits' to me blog...
Truth be told, LIFE for the old geezer has not felt worth the effort of late. Medical worries added much stress and the well meaning email from a reader about the orphanage the old geezer grew up in did not lighten the stress, added to, to be sure. That is the way of it...
Readers know the old geezer to have PTSD, and the attack had did much to change me life of late. The email sent opened memories of trauma felt in past and it felt like it was happening all over again in the here and now. Flashbacks did me in and it did not help that the old geezer was coping with lame leg and loss of hearing at the same time. Right, a regular trip round the 'pity pole'...
The 'Big Kahuna', "Hilo Hattie" and others much loved did all they could to help in hours of need but ti was not enough. It was time for real hands on professional help. I packed a small bag aid disappeared to the mainland. Not to party but to get things all sorted out.
The old geezer went to hospital. In London, hospital would be call the 'Priory', where Susan Boyle went when she had her famous melt-down. "The Funny Farm"...
Two weeks of help and the old geezer was sorted out. Or was he?
Sort of, but it was time to put the pieces together and make some sense of what is to come in life. Was living in Hilo the answer? Was the hostel chat up of world travellers the answer? Did the promise of the future lie on the mainland? What was the old geezer to do?
My dears, the old geezer listens to the folks met in life. Of late, the stories heard the loudest have been from the superior folks passed through the doors of the hostel, The Big Kahuna, Ron, Hilo Hattie, James and to be true, others who do not like to be mentioned publicly. I forget little and remember long...
Robert - Work in Progress |
For some time, MOI was not sure. Doubt. Is that the way of it from time to time in life?
There was a time when the old geezer thought he could save the world. Or at least change it. Truth be told, globally never, but on the small patch occupied certainly. I can live with that.
Some thought was given to living in a small town in California. Way up North. For a spell that looked like the answer but have come to realize that it was for all of the wrong reasons. I would have put someone much cared for out too much and that is not right. Last thing wanted is to cause worry. Worry to the point of calling out the coppers ti find the old geezer and being listed as a 'missing person'.
The past always hold the answers to the future.
James and Chandra, in Sacramento, being visited as I sit and bang away on me machine, have provided the old geezer with a view of a future less troubled. Not without some rocks to kick out of path but certainly less worry.
The old geezer is out on queer street at the moment. Cash has been depleted and funds will not arrive until next month. Me bad. No one to blame but ME. Were it not for the kindness of James and Chandra, the old geezer would be sleeping uncovered. The lovely couple have been put upon by the old geezer and it is a shocker to find out how much they love the old geezer, as do the children.
The old geezer did warn you at the beginning that the post today would be wordy. Did I fail to warn of the intimate details to come with? I do so apologize.
Cheeky buggers that many of the readers of me blog be have oft told that the pages of this very public diary touch most when the old geezer reveals much personal side of me life. Granted, I do tend to use colourful language and play tricks with, but that is done to keep you interested AND to be odd and different. Truth be told, the old geezer can write quite plain and correct. Fancy that, but what is the trick in that?
The old geezer has lost much of late along with the pounds carried. Must do updated snap, I am so very much thinner...
My life will have as much value as I allow. I do passionately believe that. I have a strong feeling that James and I will do battle for the good of folks in a community once lived. James being much more the leader that the old geezer. I think that is where the future lies.
I never meant to cause the Big Kahuna worry. Never was there a more gentle man. One should never put folks loved to grief and this old geezer owes him too much already. The life at the hostel as 'tea and tidy' was lovely. Not being able to walk robbed me of that. No pay packet but buckets of ALOHA. For The Big Kahuna(folks are not travelling as much), Albert(job lost), Norman. The list could go on and on, you get the picture, the old geezer is not the only person to have grief.
I may be down at moment but know now that I am not 'out'.
Friday, July 22, 2011
"You never know someone until you live with them", old adage that applies here.
Each and every new soul coming into the Somerset Apartments is a neighbour.
Or so, James, my mate who runs a troubled complex believes.
A neighbour one is going to have to deal with and sort out if the promise of 'good' is not realized. Risk? Is there any kind of life without risk?
Were it a perfect world, brilliant folks near, would be beating down the door to live here. They are not. Were it a perfect world, all who wanted flats here would make buckets of cash and go to work every day. All do not. Perfection would be to not see folks so down on luck. for whatever reason. Economy has forced many to down-size living, making the flats at the Somerset Apartments the only place to go. Folks on benefits, with limited incomes, have few options. The Complex is not a perfect world, just a complex seeking to be more brilliant and attract tenants who will add to the brilliance to come.
Having vetted all, James is of opinion that new tenants will add to the mix nicely here. Mind, James is not GOD and there is always the possibility that lies have been told to. There may be problems. One has to have faith.
What James knows is this. All of the folks moving have been told what is expected of. Rules have been explained to in great detail. Flats have been made as good as possible, knowing that more might have been done, but realizing that price limits the benefits one can add to a unit. Nothing is broke, and every effort has been made to right all wrongs in units. No lies have been told and no false promises made.
What passed as acceptable in past, no longer flies here. Tenants are given every opportunity to enjoy flats in comfort, knowing that repairs will be made if needed. Make do with horrid is no longer an option. Folks who want more out of life than drugs and cheating the system are the goal. The landlord does care and management listens.
James will always remember being told by management of past; "You must allow poor folks grace, give special treatment to, they have nothing and are owed that." Rubbish. Am not scraping the bottom of the barrel anymore, am determined to siphon off the Crème de la Crème of poor but honourable folks looking to live in a safe, clean environment. Bravo James...
Or so, James, my mate who runs a troubled complex believes.
A neighbour one is going to have to deal with and sort out if the promise of 'good' is not realized. Risk? Is there any kind of life without risk?
Were it a perfect world, brilliant folks near, would be beating down the door to live here. They are not. Were it a perfect world, all who wanted flats here would make buckets of cash and go to work every day. All do not. Perfection would be to not see folks so down on luck. for whatever reason. Economy has forced many to down-size living, making the flats at the Somerset Apartments the only place to go. Folks on benefits, with limited incomes, have few options. The Complex is not a perfect world, just a complex seeking to be more brilliant and attract tenants who will add to the brilliance to come.
Having vetted all, James is of opinion that new tenants will add to the mix nicely here. Mind, James is not GOD and there is always the possibility that lies have been told to. There may be problems. One has to have faith.
What James knows is this. All of the folks moving have been told what is expected of. Rules have been explained to in great detail. Flats have been made as good as possible, knowing that more might have been done, but realizing that price limits the benefits one can add to a unit. Nothing is broke, and every effort has been made to right all wrongs in units. No lies have been told and no false promises made.
What passed as acceptable in past, no longer flies here. Tenants are given every opportunity to enjoy flats in comfort, knowing that repairs will be made if needed. Make do with horrid is no longer an option. Folks who want more out of life than drugs and cheating the system are the goal. The landlord does care and management listens.
James will always remember being told by management of past; "You must allow poor folks grace, give special treatment to, they have nothing and are owed that." Rubbish. Am not scraping the bottom of the barrel anymore, am determined to siphon off the Crème de la Crème of poor but honourable folks looking to live in a safe, clean environment. Bravo James...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Trompe l'oeil
Plain wood made 'expensive' |
Giving 'age' to plain pine |
Mischa's 'tools of craft' |
'NEW' old wooden wall |
Antique look to doors |
r |
21st Century looking 18th Century |
Truth be told, you have to love a gentleman who calls you a 'dirty' old geezer...
Last look at stats for me blog show that 31 per cent of you are in Europe or UK. If you have a manor in need of repairs, call Mischa, he needs a new surfboard...
fool the eye,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Caresse sur l'ocean
Call this old geezer sentimental old fool but this song touches me soul and gives me renewed hope.
Bad Hair Day????
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Robert Visits 'Wailing Wall' |
I will be fighting with 'Dame Edith' to hold on to such a fine piece of head gear...
Right, so the old geezer has done a bit of 'wailing' of late, but the tears have dried and almost back to 'normal'. Dear reader, I might share the tale at later date but the wounds are still too fresh. Truth
be told, you be 'au fait' with the old geezer's desire to share a wee bit too much at times.
Even the Big Kahuna got in on the search to find the old geezer, ringing up the hotel and asking if 'Edith Piaf' was in residence. He knowing my desire to travel like a 'hidden' celebrity.....
There you have it, a small tease of many interesting tales to unfold on these pages in near future...
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