Thursday, June 23, 2011


I refuse to let medical problems take a bite out of.  Hilo may well be lacking in all of the doctors needed, but a short trip to Oahu solves that.

I am on Oahu, getting meself sorted out.  Truth be told, it has gone swell.  Rather think that my return to sleepy Hilo will be one that is full of energy on me part.  Bugger the lame leg...

Rather think the old geezer will be among the living for some time to come.  There are no cures but most of the problems have been brought under control.  I know that there be some who want details.  Sadly, there will be no blow-by-blow.  Really, no one wants to hear tales of woe.

I have not posted much, and more than like will not until I return to Hilo.  I only do this as so many have written wondering if the old geezer had died.  I am not dead...

I rather think that folks will have to read some of the posts missed to tide them over...

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Having tried 'FACEBOOK' in the past, the old geezer thought he would give it a go again.  Odd how we tend to forget why something was left before, only to have to re-visit the mistakes made in past over and over again. 

When me blog was young, and the old geezer was desperate for readers, 'FaceBook' seemed like the perfect tool to capture the attenton of folks and get more hits for blog.  Truth be told, it worked.  And were one to be completely honest, the hits to me blog did go up again when 'Facebook' was re-joined.  The problem is how much time it takes to wade through all of the 'updates' that land on your 'wall'.  It hardly seems worth it.

The number of hits from folks has stayed constant.  The initial jump of hits from 'Facebook' is long gone and more seem to find the old geezer in a different way.  "Google" is still the biggest method used to connect to me blog, followed by folks telling other folks about the blog.

There was a clever chap who passed through the hostel some weeks past and he told the old geezer of ways to get folks aware of me blog.  Information passed onto was most excellent and am right pleased at number of folks now visiting me blog from places not heard fromin the past.  Russia, Poland, Spain, Netherlands and more locales in South America.  Who would think that one would be read in Chile?  Must be a language school or trapped miners.  The other day, there were 33 folks from Chile on the blog reading, and some stayed for hours.  Fancy that...

What drove me over the edge was a recent post on 'Facebook'.  Clever chap asked the question; 'why is Robert like a vampire'.  Clicking on the post took the old geezer to a page that made one answer mre questions to find out the answer to the question poised initially. One never did get the answer, as more and more questions about folks on 'friends' list kept coming up.   What a complete load of rubbish.

I rather think that me mates will still know how to connect with the old geezer.  'Facebook' will just have to continue to make buckets of cash without the help of this old geezer.

Friday, June 17, 2011


John Arthur and Robert - 1987
Today would have been the 65th birthday of John, my life's companion, who has been dead these past 24 years.  What a celebration it might have been.

I have long since stopped dragging a coffin round and have not placed John so high in memory that he is a saint.  My memories of John, and our life together are as fresh and real as they were so many years ago.  I can still hear the laugh and were I to see the back of on a crowded road would know John anywhere.  I still carry a snap of John in me wallet.

In no small way was John responsible for this old geezer turning out so well.  He's example was a lead worth following, and I still try to honour his memory by living a good life.

I rather think John would be pleased that the old geezer did not give up.  That life is still being lived.  Why not?  To one who had so much blessings given to, much is expected in return.

I had the great good fortune to be with John as he died.  Had there been this blog back then, I rather think this filmed bit would have been used.  Some, not many, knew how deep the bond was between John and the old geezer.  Others were able to tell of how John thought of me, in so many ways one never knew. John was and still is my hero.

I take comfort in knowing that when my time comes to lie down in the tall grass, I will have the company of one so loved to shared my endless time with.

Happy Birthday...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Tree Roach or Water Bug
My dears, one would think that world travellers would know that one sees many different sorts of bugs when travelling.  If one is to believe the tales told by guests, they have been chased by more than a water bug whilst in Peru or Borneo or Kenya or in the swamps of Florida.  Some of the guests even come from locales that host most weird forms of insect life that they deal with daily.

Hawaii is a tropical place.  There are many strange things here.  Plant life AND insect.  Nature in the raw.

This old geezer has seen tree roaches or water bugs oft during time in Hawaii.  It is no big deal.  No more so than the sand fleas or flying termites encountered from time to time.

There is no doubt that no one loves roaches.  Mind, we are talking about the vile German cockroach that one finds in dirty places, the sort that lurks in cupboards and round rubbish.  Being that Hilo is in Hawaii and it is the home of many strange creatures, it stands to reason one would run across a few rather large tree roaches.  They are a chore to control.

My understanding is that those big ones live outside, not inside. They simply walk into the house at some point. They are not the ones which breed in the house and multiply, so you shouldn't have more and is probably that they are just heading in through an open door or window.  Screens help but the buggers are ever so clever.  At best they are passing through and might have got lost...

Right odd that there is also a large population of geckos in Hilo and they seem to be greeting with good humour.  Mind, they have a funny British accent and they are adorable.  Not seen anyone run off in a freight at the sight of them.  Wonder if we taught the tree roaches to speak Hawaiian if that would work.  What is not to like about a bug greeting one with ALOHA...

Travel is an adventure, it is not without a few surprises.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Call this old geezer 'old fashioned' but it has always been my belief that one brushes one's teeth in the bathroom.  There is a basin to catch drips and one can discharge the foam into the basin with ease and comfort.  Mind, one must remind self constantly that folks on holiday do tend to leave good manners at home.

Imagine seeing a chap brushing with fury, his pearly whites whilst standing directly over the morning tea and coffee service.  Quite absorbed he was in the task and paid no mind to folks queueing up behind to catch a cuppa.

Politely, he was directed to take his dental hygene into the loo.  Right upset he was.  Gave the old geezer a piece of his mind, ending with MOI being told he was ever so rude.  Fancy that...

It may well be that this old geezer is not cut out for the 'bargain' hospitality business.  Seems he keeps making folks take him ever so badly. Truth be told, I rather think 'rude' was on the other foot.

I do so try to make Tea and Tidy go smoothly...

Monday, June 13, 2011


Broadway, that magical, wonderful place that makes cares fly away, if but for two hours.


Who would have thought Mormons would 'work' on Broadway?


Broadway hosted the 65th Tony Awards last night and Neil Patrick Harris brought the house down with his opening number.

This old geezer laughed so hard as recently his use of Broadway Tunes on blog was criticized as being ever so GAY.  Fancy that...

What a lot of tosh.

Mind, the big news is that "Book of Mormon" walked away with 9 Tonys last night.  Most ever.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


The thing about hearing loss is that no one can see it. Most people are so impatient; they just assume that the person with hearing loss is being rude, or slow-witted.

Truth be told, the hearing device received on Wednesday past is not as massive as the one pictured above, but it feels like to this old geezer.  Although small, the device feels massive in me ear and feel as if all can now see how horrid hearing is.

When presented the device, it came in a bag with 'Life is on' printed on, as if  life would begin for the old geezer.  Has given me pause it has.

To be true, it has been most interesting to find out just how much one was missing due to severe hearing loss.  The old geezer can now hear things not heard for many a day.  Mind, one wonders if what was missed was so important.

Folks want to know how the new device is working, if the old geezer is OK.  How very kind folks are.

The cause of my hearing loss is still on-going.  Treatment during the last ten days have got things under control but the condition is still going to require more treatment.  Like the doctor said who fitted the device; 'This device is not going to restore perfect hearing, just improve what there is'.

Rumour has it, that the first 30 days with the device will be the most trying.  In time, one will have learned to adjust settings and learned to live with the new noises coming at.  I am still trying to get the programme in the device to tune out some of the sounds now filling me ear.  Still trying to learn how to use the telephone with comfort.  I have learned how to hear music and telly with some degree of comfort.

The loss of hearing was over time, many of the sounds not heard were so gradual, they were not missed at first.  In one day,  cacophonous  sounds have filled me ear and it has been too much to deal with.  One almost wished that hearing remained lost.  Almost...

It is lovely to hear more of what is said.  To be able to enjoy music without destroying the peace and quiet of all round.  Mind, life had become very visual for the old geezer and the loss of sound was made up for by what one picked up on faces watched or reactions caught.  One could 'feel' someone
coming upon from behind.

It took some doing to get this old geezer fitted for a device.  Resigned I was to not hearing.  Recent events have caused loss of hearing to speed up and without the device in, one clearly realizes just how profound the loss of hearing is becoming.  I am not completely sold on the new device.  See it more as a chore than a blessing.  There have been times in recent days, all one wanted to do is place the bloody thing in a box and forget about.

I am wearing the device a few hours a day.  I find that when there is no one round and one is not listening to music or watching a film, it works best to take the device out, turn off and enjoy the absence of many of the new found sounds.

Sorry, dear reader, the old geezer is a bit off game.  Just another challenge to face up to...


Kamehameha Day on June 11 is a public holiday of the state of Hawaii. It honors Kamehameha, The Great, the monarch who established the unified Hawaii.

The most important ritual performed this day, dates back to 1901 after the Territory of Hawaiʻi was established. It is the evening draping ceremony in which the Kamehameha Statue in front of Aliʻiolani Hale and ʻIolani Palace on King Street in downtown Honolulu is draped in long strands of lei. The same is done at the Kamehameha Statue on the former monarch's home island, the Big Island of Hawaiʻi. Outside of the state, a similar draping ceremony is held at the United States Capitol where the Kamehameha Statue there is also draped in lei in the company of federal officials.

Being an old geezer, I rather miss the celebration of events on the actual day.  Giving folks an extra day off by making the Friday before a holiday, makes the day less special.  TODAY is Kamehameha Day...

Friday, June 10, 2011


I have always thought that 'Aloha Friday' was ever so much nicer than 'TGIF', more of a cheerful salute to the weekend to come than a prayer of regret for the week that was.

Truth be told, after a week of taking care of self, this old geezer is looking forward to a lovely weekend.  One that is filled with much sunshine and the Aloha of friends.  Mind, there might be a G&T or two in there as well.

Found this filmed bit on YouTube and thought it was clever way to promote Hawaii and our ALOHA spirit.

Be you in London, Paris, Stockholm, NYC, Lima or even Moscow, you could be here in Hawaii and singing right along with the rest of us at your favourite local...

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Have a laugh on the old geezer...


The above snap is NOT the new hearing device received today.

The device is rather small, fits behind the ear and is hardly noticeable to most folks.  Right snug it fits and allows the ear to pick up sounds long forgot.

Were the device to be any more brilliant, E.T. could contact the old geezer...

One had  forgot how loud a truck sounded on the road, or how very annoying a blaring vehicle radio can be.  Then there is the sound of running water, the rustle of paper and the creaking floor boards.  This old geezer had got used to not hearing many of everyday sounds and to be true, it now seems it was a blessing of sorts.

Truth be told, the hearing device makes hearing normal conversation so easy.  Mind, it is but the one ear but it seems to have added much quality to overall hearing.

I tested the device with music and it is brilliant, as is the telly.  It seems that telephone has to be sorted out.  A call received could not be heard, but then the telephone might have been in wrong place on head.  Am told that mobiles will still be a chore.

It is a good thing that running water can be heard, as one must remember to remove the device before showering.  Water is the enemy of the device.

There is no doubt that the device will be used.  Rather think it will be turned off parts of the day and most definitely will not be worn to bed.   For the most part the device delivers more than one would have thought possible.  On the other hand, hearing everything is not all it is made out to be.  Truth be told, am honest enough to fess up to liking the 'quiet' and more than like will be selective in the use of the device.
Do you know, that is the root of the whole trouble - has been one of the roots at any rate - is people hearing things and then imagining some more and magnifying it and multiplying it.  Spare this old geezer from that folly.

Now I will have to pretend to listen to folks I would rather not hear...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


'Voyagers discover that the world can never be larger than the person that is in the world; but it is impossible to foresee this, it is impossible to be warned.'

Forrest Gump may well have quoted his mum with; 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get'.  What did he know, being a spoon and all.  I rather think tourist are much like the tinned meat featured above.  Some are well seasoned, others are too salty and there be a few who were placed in the tin long past due date.

Tourist come in all sizes and shapes.  Luggage packed does not always contain a true sense of fashion.  There be some who leave good sense at home and make every effort to be a bit of a bother while they are on holiday.  One wonders why the journey was ever taken.  When last looked, travel comes with some expense.  Right odd how some travellers make a mission out of trying to get as much 'FREE' as possible.

Hawaii is not a third world country.  Some clever clogs who deplane here seem to think that the locals are all a bit slow.  Not in on the trick and easily got over on.  They have  right good laugh at our expense.

Thousands of tourists have crossed me path these past 7 months.  Most have been a most interesting experience.  There be some who have seen their departure met with undiluted pleasure.  One hopes that next place hosting them gets to enjoys their rather weird sense of self, as much as we enjoyed seeing them depart.

'Accidental Tourist' indeed.  There will always be some who travel who miss the whole point of the journey.  There is no discovery, just another wasted trip to place yet another dot on the maps of places that have not lived up to expectations.  Bit hard to enjoy when one lugs round mental baggage that weighs one down.

Rather like the above placard, no matter how grand the old geezer uses English, it must come off all wrong to some.  One hears what one wants to...

Like the proverbial 'fly on the wall', this old geezer must remind self that 'observation' does not empower one.  One can only 'observe'...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Months past, this old geezer made a loan to a person known with the expectation that the sum would be returned.  The person who borrowed cash took a powder and the sum loaned was written off.

It would seem that some do not wander far from the mark, and the person thought to have travelled far turned up to be living just up the road from.  The comment was made that loan was not repaid as one thought of the obligation as 'out of sight, out of mind'.  Fancy that.

Last week, the borrower came to hostel.  Left note that he wanted to return cash.  Gobsmacked I was.

The problem with re-visiting a bad loan is that it does not always play out well.  Days past and the chappie who promised to stop by, did not.  One should always keep expectations low.

The amount loaned has been written off.  The old geezer felt that way months ago and should have kept true to that feeling.  Not bloody likely to sit by the door and wait for.

After reviewing the situation, the chappie must have come to senses and felt there was no need to break a bad habit.  That is the way of it.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Now we know there is nothing under a kilt...


What better use of the above classic anthem of disillusionment than the following post.

Without being too weepy, the old geezer feels the need to share some things with me readers.

Of late me diary is looking more and more like an advert for the NHS.  Entry after entry of visits scheduled to doctor's office.  Films to be taken of failing bones and new films of problems in ears.

Bad enough that the lame leg is on the mend, last thing needed was a major problem with ears.

An eruption in ear caused yet another visit to doctor.  Seems that the loss of hearing is moving rather rapid.  I have been told that I have Cholesteatoma. 

Cholesteatoma is a destructive and expanding growth in the middle ear and. It is what has destroyed my hearing and may well bring about total hearing loss.

Fortunately, this old geezer has most excellent doctor, and that doctor is going to try to salvage what is left.  This will be done with an operation.  It will not give back what is lost, just keep what little is left going.

However tiring all of the doctor's visit have been and however vexing the health problems, one must hold onto what is most important.  I am not dead, not likely to die any time soon.  I have discovered the importance of support of friends in time of need.

Visits to chemists have been done, loads of chauffeuring to doctor's office, bucking up of spirit, drops applied to ears and so many other acts of kindness.  One must be blessed to have so many be so kind to.

This old geezer has had a few knocks of late, to be sure.  Truth be told, have we not all at some point?  The real gift of illness is that is allows one to appreciate all of the good one is given.  With luck, the good is more that the bad.

Is that all there is?  For the time being, yes...

Sunday, June 5, 2011


ChiChi - 2007 - 2011

'Chi-Chi', the Hilo Bay Hostel Lovebird, has sung his last song.  With great sadness it was discovered early this morn that Chi-Chi had died some time during the night.

To the thousands of folks who have stayed at the hostel, Chi-Chi would have been the unofficial greeter that most met while waiting for toast to brown or porridge to heat.  Chi-Chi's place of honour was on a perch just off the kitchen area of the hostel.

Quite the showman was our Chi-Chi.  He had a loud song and a clever little dance that sort of drew attention from one and all.  Many is the time guests could be spied crowded round his perch listening to his cheerful noise and light pecks upon the finger of folks who dared to draw near.

Chi-Chi was a wee bit bizarre.  Mind, he was a bird living in a cage in Hawaii and might have felt the need to vent a bit.

I will always remember the cheeky little dance Chi-Chi would do with a plastic barbell in the bottom of the cage.  One never quite knew how to take the dance, or what message Chi-Chi was sending.  So clever were his moves that many moments would slip by as one was glued to the spot, wondering what strange ritual it might be.  The more one stared, the more Chi-Chi gyrated with the plastic barbell.

For my part, the kitchen will seem a colder place without the warm greeting of Chi-Chi to greet each morn.


The winning song.


Jai McDowell, proving that good things do come out of Scotland..


I do so love a parade...


June 11 will see the actual Trooping of the Colour, before Her Majesty, The Queen.  It honours her 59 years on the throne.

This filmed bit is part of the practice done to ensure that the event is 'letter' perfect.  If you look closely, you will see Prince William ride by on his horse...

Friday, June 3, 2011

'I enjoy convalescence. It is the part that makes illness worth while'

'A man's illness is his private territory and , no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you are an outsider.  You are healthy.'

Having said that, this old geezer is going to share a bit of the events that have caused health to go pear shaped of late.  A wee bit...

Seems there have been too many visits to doctor and too many pills to take of late for my taste.  Ear and leg problems have this old geezer 'out of sorts' and one is so tired of it.

"It is in moments of illness that we are compelled to recognize that we live not alone but are chained to a creature of a different kingdom, whole worlds apart, whom has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible to make ourselves understood: our body."

I am so ready to get back to normal.  However lovely me suite is, it is not a place I wish to spend all of my time in.  There is a world out there I very much enjoy being an active part of.

I am on the mend, it just is not going as well as one might wish.  Truth be told, the old geezer has pushed it rather hard and has to come to live with life changing on.  Be thankful for what one has left.

I am still in the process of learning about the cause of my hearing problems.  It is a rather interesting condition, but then the old geezer would get a unique condition...

I will end this post with a much favoured quote from Oscar Wilde;

'Either the wallpaper goes, or I go'...

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Celebrating 59 years on the throne.  This was practice run.  LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.



DATELINE - Hilo, Hawaii, Date: Friday, March 14, 2003, 3:55pm HST, Pacific Business News

Hilo gets a hostel

Hilo Bay Hostel, offering a bed at $18 per person, officially opens for business Friday with a grand opening scheduled in the evening.
The hostel is located at the corner of Waianuenue and Keawe streets and can take in 50 people. Prices at the hostel start at $18 for a bed in a dorm to $38 for a private room for one and $48 for a private room for a two.
Hilo Bay began taking in guests the last couple of weeks and has seen occupancy range from 3 to 12 people a night.
"I thought Hilo could use a hotel, especially for young travelers or people coming for a weekend from Kona and the neighbor islands," said manager Scott Owens.
Already, the hostel is fully booked for a couple of days around the Merrie Monarch, starting April 23. The hostel has 32 double-beds and plans to increase that to 50 beds soon, Owens said.
His brother's company, Shelby Rose Ltd., owns the property, which was acquired three years ago and extensively renovated.
Owens, who joined the project last year, invested over $60,000 and worked on restoring the plantation-style interiors, remnants of the building's original existence as the Burns Hotel, which opened in 1911. Hilo Bay employs three part-time people.

Considering 8 years have past since this story was told, prices at the Hilo Bay Hostel are still very low.  The loving restoration of the Burns Hotel is on-going, there is always room for improvement.

Dorm beds are now 27.00, with private rooms at 67.00, still with tax included.

Thousands of people from all over the world have ascended the grand staircase of the hostel, with many thousands to come.

In a ever-changing world, the Hilo Bay Hostel has remained a constant, still ready to accommodate 'budget' minded travellers.


Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry said: 'To quote, or nearly quote, WH Davies; "what is this life if, full of care, we have no time to sit and stare?"
Read more:

Being Too Honest...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011





“There are two seasons in Scotland: June and winter.”

“How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrid, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June. . . . If it was only the other way! If it was I who were to be always young, and the picture that were to grow old! For this--for this--I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give!”