Saturday, August 20, 2011


Robert De Frees - Roughing It
Whatever else can be said of the old geezer, not being willing to rough it is not one of them.  The wee cottage put up at is not without it's drawbacks.  Least of which is lack of hot water.  Did you ever stop to think how grand it is to step into the shower in the morn and be greeted by endless flow of hot water?  Sort of makes for a lovely start to the coming day.

My shower is COLD, tempered only by my boiling water to splash on when the ice starts to form on head.  One learns rather quickly to not keep too long bathing.  One must tell true that it does get the motor running, straight for the kettle and a cuppa of hot tea.

Mind, the sofa makes out into a most comfy bed and a good night's sleep is had.  Removing the hearing device all but guarantees that the whistle of the arriving trains into Dunsmuir will not be heard, or anything else.

My solitude is not a burden, have always been able to entertain me self and there are books to read and NPR on the small radio.  This old geezer has had much to contemplate.  Like where he might land when The Big Kahuna returns and starts to tear up the cottage further.  Daily walks have of yet revealed no diggs that would suit and am beginning to wonder of my travels will take me east and Broadway...

The folks in Dunsmuir are grand, there is no complaint there.  You, who follow me adventures,are 'au fait' with me lame leg.  While greatly improved, it still can carry but so far before it lets me know that it can not bring me back if I continue.  Most of the spots found are out of town and with no vehicle, it it too great of a problem to overcome.  There was on place, a 4 floor walk-up and that simple is not possible.  One keeps looking, but the prospects are not too bright.  I have no desire to live in Mt. Shasta or Weed, as public transport is limited and winter will come sooner than later.

Many have sent emails to wondering why the flow of posts has slowed.  Partly due to library being open a limited number of days and hours.  Partly due to the old geezer not knowing what to impart without coming off as whining.  I do try to keep all happy and am ever so honoured that so many keep peeking and catching up on posts they might have missed in the past.

To sum up,I am completely clueless as to how this adventure will turn out OR where I may wind up next.

The Big Kahuna is of the opinion that the old geezer just likes to keep adding miles to his trainers and can not stay in one place too long.  Fancy that...

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