Sunday, October 24, 2010


It is raining frogs as I sit down to share me thoughts this day. It as if the heavens have conspired to let the whole world know how 'weepy' this time be.

What a difference a week makes. Sunday last, was a most brilliant day. Paul and I had a full day and I must tell you, he was in high spirits when we returned home from our outing.

That was then, this is now.

Life is moving forward. Lovely folks known to me have moved on with the chores of their daily lives, that is how it should be. However grand they be, it is most important that life return to normal, for me self as well. Businesses to run, children to care for and personal dramas to play out.

I wish I could report that it is getting easier for me. It is still very raw and I find myself bouncing all over the place in my emotions.

However 'open' it appears I am in my public life, I am at heart a most private person. There was never a massive number of folks knocking on me front door. Given that I rise early and retire early, I do not make it easy for folks to stop by. I will not even answer the telephone after 8 in the evening.

I am desperate to sort out all of the thoughts going through me loaf. Even when I take to me cot, the movies in me head still plays on. Mind, not all of the movie is bad, there is much that is good for me to remind self of. I have no doubt that in time, all will sort self out.

I would like to believe that all known to me will come to accept how I go on from here. At the end of the day, I have to do what is best for MOI. Am quite sure that however the future plays out, there will be some who will not understand my reasoning or my actions. That is not to say that anything horrid is planned.

My dears, there are moments when IT, the events of past week, wash over me and I feel as if I am going to be swept away. I was not prepared for what happened. Then again, who is? I keep busy, answer mail, chat with concerned folks and try to not lock self away from the lovely folks who care about this old geezer. I truly feel much loved.

Like the tune "Tomorrow" declares, The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow, and I am more than prepared to place me brolly in the stand and rush out to meet it.

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