Saturday, June 26, 2010


This old geezer would like to remind the Chief of Police of the "Peel" principles of modern police function;

"To seek and preserve public ready offering of individual service and friendship to ALL members of the public without regard to wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour....."

"YOUTUBE" as used by this old geezer to promote co-operation of public in efforts to stop crime, may not fit into the view held by top copper, but history has shown that "YOUTUBE" does get the message out to the public.

In these mean times, when the public purse is empty of coin, can the Chief of Police of Marysville be so willing to pass up an opportunity to spread the message of "National Night Out" or "Neighbourhood Watch". To allow a 'public employee' be filmed and share knowledge?

I would also remind Chief of Police of another principle;

"To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of community welfare and existence."

"YOUTUBE" may well not be 'establishment' vehicle of the fourth estate but the power of "YOUTUBE" to reach many in the community is very real, why else would so many clever politicians use to get message out to the public?

Recently, the Chief of Police for Marysville presented his report on the police department to city council. It hardly registered a sound, unless one counts the back patting that went on. Mind, council members and the great man did give credit to the coppers who toil away daily.

Which brings up the last principle of Sir Robert Peel to remind Chief Fullerton of;

"To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them."

A 'contract of employment' is only as good as the ability to pay it. Coin in the public purse is much less than once was. Cuts in service are order of the day. With the current hard times facing the City of Marysville, one has to ponder if the luxury of a city run police department, headed by a highly paid chief, is one that can be afforded.

You have to wonder how 21st Century the Marysville Police Department leadership is in thinking.

Mind, I be just another 'OAP', what do I know...

1 comment:

  1. As he says this Old Geezer is exactly that an old Geezer that has nothing better to do than stir up crap. He is not happy unless doing so. Beware, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing! Do not think that he is your friend, he will turn on you, on a dime. He likes to bloat about himself, and make everyone else look like they are foolish, when in turn it is himself in the end looks foolish.
