Robert DeFrees Plays Santa |
I have a list of folks I know all written in a book.
Every year at Christmas I go and take a look.
That is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they are written in but of my heart
Each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime
And in the meeting they have become the "rhythm of the rhyme"
While it sounds fantastic for me to add this claim
I really believe I am composed of each remembered name
While you may not be aware of any special link
Just meeting you has shaped my life more than you can think
Once you have met somebody the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word or friendly face
So never think of my Christmas card is just a mere routine
of names upon a list, forgotten in between
For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you
It is because you are on the list of folks I am indebted to
You are a part of the total of many folks I have met
You happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget
Whether I have known you for many years or few
In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do
Every Christmas I realize anew
The biggest gift that life can give is meeting folks like you.
My dears, the above newspaper clipping was old when it was sent to MOI in a Christmas Card many years ago. It meant so much to MOI that it became a marker in my diary and it is seen almost daily. Some times it is just moved from page to page but at other times MOI reads it again and thinks of all of the lovely folks who have been a part of his life.
Many of you are 'au fait' with MOI sending E-Cards. Not a holiday or special event passes without a little something being sent to the folks who are special. A small number of folks write back and tell that they NEVER open the E-Cards, they are afraid that it will have a 'virus' but that does not stop MOI from sending them. Many know that it is just my way of letting all know they are thought of. MOI receives many as well and loves each and every one received.
Last year this clipping was posted and wanted to make sure that all were reminded how dear all are held in heart.
Life goes by at such a fast clip and it is important that one takes the time to let the folks loved know that the feelings are strong and will stay with MOI the whole of life.